Explore the History of
Stanford Medicine

John Wilson, 1998

Stanford University School of Medicine, 2000

David A. Ryland, 1984

Stanford University, 1912

William H. Northway, Jr., M.D.

Stanford University School of Medicine Office of Alumni Relations
We have thousands of images in a variety of formats.
Our image collections on the Stanford Digital Repository are covered by a Creative Commons license. We require a credit line, "Stanford Medical History Center." For online displays, the credit line must include a link to the Medical History Center website.
The Stanford Medical History Center has many thousands of images beyond those on the Stanford Digital Repository. The History Center is equipped with a digital imaging station so you can reproduce images from our collections. You are also welcome to use your own digital camera.
Other Historical Image Resources
- Wellcome Library
- National Library of Medicine
- Flickr Commons
- Flickr – National Museum of Health and Medicine
- Flickr – Johns Hopkins Medical Images
Permissions to use these images varies depending upon the institution managing the collections.
Personal Papers
The Stanford Medical History Center has the personal papers of selected individuals who have been affiliated with Stanford Medicine or its predecessor institutions.
Currently Open Papers
- Dickson, Ernest Charles
- Ellinwood, Charles Norman
- Eloesser, Leo D.
- Ely, Leonard Wheeler
- Faber, Harold Kniest
- Fox, Leon Parrish
- Goldstein, Dora B.
- Greenwell, James Oliver
- Hoisholt, Andrew William
- Holman, Emile Frederic
- Hunter, William Strobel
- Lane, Levi Cooper
- Lane, Pauline
- Lee, Russel Van Arsdale
- Loveless, Mary Hewitt
The Stanford Medical History Center has a treasure trove of over 7,600 rare books related to health care going back to the 13th century.
The rare and fragile state of these books requires that they not circulate. However, they are available to be viewed on-site. For most of our materials researchers are welcome to use History Center's digitization equipment to reproduce the content.
This collection includes:
- herbals
- illustrated anatomies
- guides for midwives
- historical medical dictionaries
- English, German, French, Latin, Arabic, Italian, and many other languages
To find books, use Lane Catalog, use the "Year" filter to limit your search to specific years of publication (e.g., anatomy books from 1500-1600).
The Stanford Medical History Center has selected inactive administrative records from:
- Stanford University School of Medicine
- Stanford Hospital and Clinics
- Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
- Allied Arts Guild
- Cooper Medical College (predecessor institution)
- Stanford School of Nursing
Some records may be restricted to researchers for legal or other reasons.
- Palo Alto Historical Association
- Menlo Park Historical Association
- Stanford Historical Society
- Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society
- San Mateo County History Museum - Archives
- University of California, San Francisco-Archives
- California State Library - Sutro Library
- The National Archives at San Francisco
- Silicon Valley Archives
- Museum of Vision
- Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System Museum of Medical History