Charles Norman Ellinwood
MSS 44
Personal Papers Collection
Ellinwood, Charles Norman, b. April 12, 1834, Cambridge, Vt.; d. Jan. 4, 1917, S.F. Appointed to fill unexpired term of Regent Hallidie, 1901-08. Education: M.D. 1858, Rush Med. Coll.; 1860-62, Paris School of Med.; LL.D. (hon.) 1903, Rutgers Coll. Career: surgeon, 1861, 74th Ill. Volunteer Infantry; later became medical dir. of 2nd Div., 4th Corps; practiced medicine, 1865-66, Chicago; began S.F. practice, 1866; prof. (physiology), 1866, Cooper Med. Coll.; surgeon, 1873-82, Marine Hosp., S.F.; pres., 1870-85, Bd. of U.S. Pension Examiners in Cal.; became pres., Lane Hosp., 1902; also served as pres., S.F. Med. Soc., State Bd. of Medical Examiners. (Goggle Search) At a meeting on May 23`d, 1870, Drs. Gibbons, Price, Lane, Cole and Gibbons, Jr. determined to revive the Medical Department of the University of the Pacific. Dr. Ayers was offered the chairmanship of the Department of Physiology, but refused the honor. The physiology chairmanship was then offered to Dr. McNutt. He at first accepted, but because of his inability to meet the schedule, resigned on June 14th.
At the June 28th meeting Dr. Charles Norman Ellinwood, 1832 -19-, who was present for the first time, was elected Chairman of Physiology. Dr. Ellinwood was also appointed, along with Dr. Cole and Dr. Smith, a committee to make arrangements for the establishment of a free dispensary.
His lectures for this course in Physiology were the gift of his grand-daughter, Anne Ellinwood. p>
Box 1
Box no. | Contents |
1.1 | Biographical |
1.2 | Physiology - First lecture July 5th 1870 |
1.3 | Food and Nutrition |
1.4 | More Food and Nutrition | 1.5 | Histology and Diseases of the Nervous System |
1.6 | Blood, Heart and Lung, Circulation |
1.7 | Respiration |
1.8 | Involuntary Movements |
1.9 | Valedictory address delivered at the graduating exercises of Cooper Medical College, Nov. 13, 1888 by Ellinwood, Charles N. |
Box 2
C. N. Ellinwood’s small brown books.
(Donated by Ann Ellinwood, February 2004, and transcribed by Betty Vadeboncoeur)
Small brown marbleized covered note books in Dr. Ellinwood’s Handwriting.
The dates are deceptive because they sometimes are Dr. Ellinwood’s recounting of past events.
Box no. | Contents |
2.1 | Book # 1 (on flyleaf) University Cal. Committee Meeting Ferry Building, Wednesday, May 2nd, 1906, front cover and part of back cover missing. Title: For Directors’ Meeting April 30th 1906. The great catastrophe, which we have just passed thro, oppressing the mind of everyone with intense anxiety and consternation is now followed by a wonderful quickening of thought, perception of possibilities and grasping of opportunities that the average man can hardly keep his head and act rationally. The exaggerated publications of the press serve to inflate the public and the individual mind prompting more speculative excitement which can only fail and bring disaster in the end. It is the popular belief that millions and yet many other millions of money are flowing in upon us and the general eagerness to grab our individual and personal hands full is apparent on every side. But the day of reckoning must come. The present intoxication must be followed by the sobering experiences of debt and depression to those who have been venturous beyond heir depth in this present whirlwind of excitement, which now prevails. For Cooper College and its Lane Hospital I recommend a policy of careful economy, conservatism and avoidance of debt so far as it is possible, to repair damages to our property and resume our regular work and established efficiency, which must be maintained. Our experience during the past four years has demonstrated to us that Cooper College, with the growing requirements in Medical Education cannot maintain itself many years in its independent existence as a private corporation. There is certainly nothing in the recent calamity to our city and state to change our record nor enhance the resources of the college from student fees nor diminish our expenses. While it is true as has been suggested we might enlarge the hospital by a mortgage upon the college, the returns to the Corporation would be too insignificant to justify the resulting jeopardy and would not reduce the cost of medical education, nor perpetuate the Medical School – the raison d’etre of the institution which never should be lost sight of, not even in these times of patriotic devotion to our aflicted city and our commendable zeal in rebuilding San Francisco beautiful. I recommend that we make every possible space in Lane Hospital available for patients. Gradually the accommodation for patients has been encroached upon for one department and another which under present necessities it would be wise to change. Personal convenience, personal interests and ambitions should be put aside and surely will be by all who are loyal in their devotion to Dr. Lane and to Cooper College. From this it is evident that I am not in accord with the opinion expressed at the last meeting that our efforts to improve our status by University affiliation should lag. Neither earthquakes nor fires argue against that necessity (affiliation) nor against its feasibility. Repairs to our buildings are urgent. The publishing of our Announcement for the coming year should not be longer delayed. The impression may reasonably prevail that we are so crippled as to prevent efficient work for the coming year, and we should be energetic in dispelling it so that prospective students may not be diverted to other schools. Faculty Meeting, Monday, May 7th, 1906. Appoint a Faculty meeting to vote on candidates for graduation and program. Have type written certificates of degree having been conferred, entitling holder to diploma. We must husband our resources. Pay employees whatever can on a/c and dispense with service of all unnecessary. Treasurer only authorized to pay by order of Board. Supplies for hospital how obtained and how accounted for. Clerk to make statements of a/ev showing funds available and receivables and bills payable, of what each consists. College Clerk to do the same. Announce the opening of the College Dispensary for the sick poor, only ambulatory cases, no charges? Lane Hospital will soon be ready to receive patients. 3 days. Cooper College will graduate its class of students at the usual date May 9th on Founders Day. And during the summer vacation such injuries from falling chimneys ________ as the college sustained from the earthquake will be repaired ready from the opening of the next regular session in August. As soon as practicable Cooper College will build the Lane Library building on Webster and Sacramento Streets. Tuesday May 1st 1906, Report to Board of Directors. This morning I called on Dr. Devine and his first asst. Mr. Bickwell in relation to the use of Lane Hospital. For the present they are unable to say much or assume any responsibility for the future. Their whole work is in affording temporary relief. After the Chicago fire later contributions enabled them to reimburse hospitals for relief work and loss of property incurred by fire. It may be so now but that is only a personal opinion. For our present patients in hospital they advise that we dispose of them humanely as we can, sending such as need it to other hospitals if they are to be vaccinated at Red Cross expense, as the more they are concentrated the less expense it is to them. They do not wish to assume any control or management of Lane Hospital. Mr. Phelan says the Citizens Committee of which he is chairman has no program involving the use or control of Lane Hospital. The Army which assumed the occupancy of the hospital for three days furnished some supplies and a guard, has now relinquished it so that now Cooper College is in possession and control at our own cost. My suggestion is that we now reduce the current expense of the hospital to a minimum, discharging all the patients as we can with humane discretion, stopping unnecessary salaries and supplies. The(n) we make repairs as soon as possible and go on with our work in our usual way. Probably two weeks will be required to restore our plant and to enable us to provide for patients properly. For temporary relief of the sufferers, the Red Cross is able and desirous of doing it, and there seems no reason we should try to supplement it. Portions of the next page is in blue ink and is numbered 20. That one third of professional fees be paid into the hospital for a Repair Fund, to rehabilitate the institution. Under present conditions, it is evident that the hospital cannot be self sustaining and it would be unjust and unwise to draw upon the impoverished corporation to maintain the hospital establishment for the profit of the medical staff alone. The hospital has been earning money for the Doctors during the past and nothing for itself to meet this emergency. Good business sense would apply a part of fees to put the hospital on its feet again. |
2.2 | Charles N. Ellinwood MD, LLD President C.M.C. 1902 – 1907 August 27th 1908 A Chapter in the History of Cooper Medical College In justice to the memory of Dr. Levi Cooper Lane the founder of Cooper Medical College and (to Pauline C Lane, his widow and devoted co-worker and in appreciation for his lifetime devotion to Medical Education and to the Medical Profession) in justice to myself and in the interest of the Alumni of Cooper Medical College, and the Medical Profession and also for the establishment of Truth and to refute error, I write this Chapter of history and publish it to the world in the hope that some wrongs of the past may be righted and the evils of malevolence may be to some extent at least mitigated. In the founding of Cooper Medical College as an independent school in sucception to the Medical College of the Pacific, which had survived two unsatisfactory University affiliations, Dr. Lane believed that an independent Corporation under authority of the State, without capital stock, or purposes of pecuniary profit would best serve the needs of Medical Education and progress. I say two unsatisfactory University affiliations, because it was found that the advantages to the Medical College derived from the University of the Pacific a Methodist organization of Santa Clara its first association nor from University College a Presbyterian University of San Francisco its second association were of no practical use, beyond the authority obtained to grant degrees, and the disadvantages of being hampered and delayed by getting orders of Boards of Directors of institutions. From his experiences and earliest study of the subject both at home and abroad, Dr. Lane believed that better results could be attained in educating fit men on the Pacific Coast for the humane duties of the physician to suffering humanity, in a college governed and managed by physicians free and independent of any board of control, dominated by laymen, politics or religious sentiment. Not that he eschewed politics or deprecated religious sentiment but he thought neither of them should have place in the direction of a Medical College. With these views strongly impressed upon him he organized a college in every way he could devise for efficiency in teaching the science and art of medicine for the relief of human suffering from disease and also for the self perpetuation of the institution. The careful study of his endowments to the college and the systematic building up of its constitution and bylaws to give every assurance of perpetuity evidence this, that he believed in maintaining the individuality and its independence of all other institutions. To this end the Lane Hospital in addition to the College Clinics was devised and provided, the Lane Lectures and the Lane Medical Lectures in order to complete the requirements for a medical Education within the walls of the College and to establish its independent Character in the minds of the Community. But disappointment came to him in the latter two years of his life in finding that the men he had chosen and trained to perpetuate the Character of the College which he had established, were not inspired with his exalted aspirations, nor imbued with such disinterested devotion to the welfare of the College as he deemed essential to its independent existance. This was the greatest disappointment, and grief to Dr. Lane in his whole lifetime is the historical utterance left by Mrs. Lane. His disappointment in the hope of maintaining in perpetuity the independance of Cooper College led to an entire change of policy and a modification of his terms of foundation endowment by which he removed all his former provisions to forbid and to preclude all affiliations with any other institution, and as a matter of fact he commenced discussions looking to negotiations with Dr. Jordan for some form of combination of Cooper Medical College with Stanford University. These discussions were continued and the writer of this historical chapter by invitation, participated in them until the death of Dr. Lane in February 1902. It was apparent to me that the enforced abandonment of the ideal features of independence for Cooper College and in consequence the personal attitude of Dr. Lane toward the college underwent a great change and this change was also remarked by Mrs. Lane. He became weary and annoyed with his unsuccessful attempts to correct wrongs in the College management when he found that the bylaws of his organization with the opposition of his Board of Directors and Faculty eliminated his influence from college affairs. This conviction on his part was frequently and freely expressed to me after he designated me to succeed him as president of the College. Appealing to him at times for his opinion and guidance in dealing with disagreements and dissentions in College affairs his usual reply was 'their ways of thinking and doing are not mine as you know and you must act on your own judgement. That has been my way of dealing with difficulties and dissentions, listening to all sides and then using my own judgement. and I know no better course for you. I .... that the hostilities to me in the college are such that they will put me out if I live long enough (added at top of page) and I prophesy the same fate for you'. Therefore the only philosophic course for you is to do your duty as you see it, regardless of consequences. Without relating further incidents it will be apparent that there were disharmonies in the College even under Dr. Lane’s administration and quite naturally the enmities then were transferred to me. This was shown in the many little ways adopted by Barkan, Rixford, and Stillman and also Gibbons in favoring, appointing and advancing men in the college who were disapproved by Dr. Lane. Young Beasley for instance who Dr. Lane had dismissed from the Hospital for bad conduct, and naturally I could not favor, and these directors elected to appointment as assistant with a salary and board in the hospital, a continued annoyance to me, and a formentor of rebellion and insult to me. on opposite page: Memo Suppression or ablotion? of Founders Day. The my insistance against scant courtesy and absolute indifference. Dr. Ophuls Lane popular lecture extols the methods of Dr. Lane's traducers, the Board of Health in the plague controversy. June 17th 1911: In writing the Chapter on the history of Cooper Medical College after the death of Dr. Lane I, as his successor as President of the College earnestly desire to make this record without prejudice on my part, merely stating the facts as I saw them, and giving my view of the causes which led to the unfortunate (disruption of the College affairs in the combination with Stanford University) humiliation of myself and my elimination from the College I can now see the errors I made in using Dr. Lanes methods in the College management: in trying to make his ways my ways, and using my individual judgment and relying on it wholly when a more politic course, of cooperation would have been successful where I failed. I find my explanation of this in the fact that Dr. Lane had made me his particular counselor in all the College affairs which most interested him during the latter years of his life and especially the last year when as I now recall the constant and almost daily association with me of his seeking, with the purpose impressing me, apparently with his views of the individual members of the Faculty and the College management. In view of the published controversy between the directors of Cooper Medical College and myself, the malicious calumnies they published against me, which I denounced at the time as malicious calumnies, and I yet find no other proper name for it, and which resulted in severing my official relations as President and personal connection with the college. By authority of the Directors of the College the several newspapers advertised me as withholding college funds, without stating just what funds they were, or how I was withholding them, but for that unwarranted assertion, the directors by their vote vacated my position as president of the College. At the meeting of the Directors when they took this action, the only complaint they made or any member of the board made to me ___ Letter to my sons. Charles N. Ellinwood Jr., Dr. Lathrop Ellinwood, and Viranus Ellinwood (and my daughter). Inasmuch as a great part of my life work has been devoted to Medical Education in professional teaching and in managerial activities in the building up and maintenance of Cooper Medical College and its Lane Hospital, I am writing this chapter in the history of my relations to Cooper Medical College and my associates in its management. In view of the published controversy between the Directors of Cooper Medical College and myself, the malicious calumnies they published against me, which I denounced at the time as a malicious lie, and I yet find no other proper name for it, and which resulted in severing my official relation as President and all personal connection with the College. By Authority of the Directors of the College the several Newspapers advertised me as withholding College Funds, without stating just what funds they were or how I was withholding them, but for that unwarranted assertion, the directors by their votes vacated my position as President of the College. At the meeting of the Directors when they took this action, the only complaint they made or any member of the Board made, was that I had accepted a bequest made to me ... I am now undertaking this duty. July 1911- 3 years after my official relation has ceased that you may have a candid and truthful history of my efforts, (laudable) purposes, mistakes, obstacles and discouragements in my career as the successor of Dr. L. C. Lane as President of the College from 1902 to 1907. I am writing this chapter of the history in justice to the memory of Dr. Lane and of myself and as a duty I feel to my Colleagues in the Medical Profession and also as a reply to the sensational newspaper criticisms and malicious insinuations emanating from my enemies in Cooper Medical College. It may not be of much importance to you, my sons, nor my friends in the College Alumni and medical profession, but yet the time may come when truth and honesty will overcome falsities and prejudice and in the furtherance of that end, I am now writing down, after these long years of careful deliberation a statement of the facts, as I see them. My Early Association with Dr. L C Lane: In 1858 I graduated from Rush Medical College in Chicago after having served in many subordinate and unimportant positions in the College and as student assistant in the (office) service of Professor David Brainard its surgeon and President who was a warm friend, admirer and advisor to Dr. E. S .Cooper, and by whose kindly offices was largely responible for Dr. Coopers' coming from Illinois to San Francisco. Dr. Lane the nephew of Dr. Cooper was well known to and highly esteemed by Dr. Brainard who, on my coming to California made us acquainted, which acquaintance resulted in my appointment as Professor of Physiology in the Medical College of the Pacific and intimate association and enduring friendship between Dr. Lane and myself, which has never been disturbed. Early beginning of Medical Education on the Pacific Coast: Dr. Paul Brainard was the founder and resourceful builder and Chief of Rush Medical College and Dr. Elias S. Cooper, when a young enthusiast in Surgery with an intimate knowledge of Dr. Brainards efforts and success in Medical Education in the West came first to Oregon and later to San Francisco inspired by a like ambition to found a school of medicine on the Pacific Coast. He commanded the confidence, esteem, and cooperation of the Profession in San Francisco and during his brief but brilliant career he organized and successfully organized and conducted the Medical College of the Pacific, the first regular School of Medicine on the Pacific. Before his early death, his nephew Dr. L C Lane had joined him in taking up an important work in the new College, and by his great ability, love for his profession and zeal in teaching for the relief of human suffering, he was well qualified to successfully go on with, and complete the great work which his uncle had begun. It was with the reorganization of the Medical College of the Pacific that I came into the Faculty, at the solicitation of Dr. Lane, prompted no doubt by the commendation of me he had received from Dr. Brainard who been useful to both Dr. Cooper and himself in their Medical Education, taking the Chair of Physiology, and devoted much of my time also to the free Dispensary and Clinic service at the College building in Stockton Street. This service grew into an important clinical opportunity for the students, and the instructors in the College and inspired us with enthusiasm in practice and teaching the few students then in the college. Such was my introduction to Dr. Lane and the College work which grew more and more into my life and work which continued to command my devotion during my whole career and brought me into constant and intimate association with Dr. Lane through the several changes in the College organization from the beginning in the Medical College of the Pacific to the time of his death as the President of Cooper Medical College. My appointment as Surgeon in charge of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service in 1872 gave me added clinical facilities for teaching our College students. At Dr. Lane's request I accepted the Chair of Clinical Surgery with College service in the City and County Hospital. Throughout all our years of my association with Dr. Lane in our college work my services and devotion to my duties so commended me and my career to his approval and consideration that in the last years of his life he advised with me most confidentially in the College management, and with painstaking care impressed me with his reasoning on College problems and finally he designated me to succeed him as President and he so informed Mrs. Lane and also myself. As I now recall the personal controversies which followed: the jealousies and disappointments and acrimonious resentments apparent to me in some members of the Board of Directors of the College consequent upon my selection as President I feel in duty bound to make record here of what seems to me the important obstacle to my harmonious cooperation with the Directors and Faculty. It was known to me (at least) during the two years and more (before) prior to Dr. Lane's death that he was unhappily disappointed and pained at the conduct of some of the members of the Board of Trustees and faculty of the College, and his regrets that he had been instrumental in their preferment, realizing that one after another had proved disloyal to the best interests of the College, in seeking their own selfish purposes. He made many (serious) earnest efforts to correct and reform these errors in his subordinates as he frequently advised me of, and asked my aid and cooperation as he felt that the perpetuity of the School could not be maintained with such disturbing and conflicting elements growing within it. He became convinced that his influence was no longer potent to enforce loyalty and devotion which he expressed in his emphatic statement to me that if he "lived long enough they would put him out of the College" and he further spoke his mind in saying and "the same fate is in store for you", which he said to me but a few days prior to his death. It was that spirit which was dominant in several of the prominent members of the Faculty to use the College for their sinister purposes, rather than serving it as a beneficent Educational Institute as he had founded it, which decided him to turn? it over to Stanford University and it was the same spirit which yet dominated the same unworthy men whom Dr. Lane had so largely made and trusted, who conspired with each other and with other members of the teaching staff to so obstruct and nullify my administration and create enmities and disharmony in the College for their selfish purposes in getting me out of their way. The same spirit and in the same men, in other words which disappointed the founder of the College which led him to decide and to declare that he would not make further endowments to the College, and would seek affiliation with Stanford to better safeguard those he had already made. To this same spirit dominating the same unworthy men and their resulting conspiracy, I now attribute, after these five years of careful study of the events and underlying conditions as the best cause which determined my failure to continue in the Office as President and Director of the College. It is quite true and in all justice in criticizing myself I acknowledge my mistakes of being impolitic, and hastily outspoken and condemnatory of what seemed to me wrongdoing, and in this way I created antagonisms, which undoubtedly aided the powers of my enemies in hastening my undoing. The explanation of my fault I see largely in the continued unfolding of the schemes of the conspirators and my own weakness to render? them impotent of their expected results, conscious always that I was doing right, and just what Dr. Lane would have me do. Relying on myself consciousness of being right, and so perfectly certain of it, I made the mistake of being utterly indifferent of what my associates thought of it, or might do about it or even did I ever think that my purposes and College management could be questioned by any honest man. Had I been wise and less conscious of my own right doing I would naturally have have sought advice and the approval of some of my associates in the the faculty but I did not. When I could have successfully have done so, I had no expectations that the Conspirators would go so far in their rule or ruin schemes - I had no conception that those men with whom I had been associated so many years and some of them owing me debts of gratitude, in their diabolical plot. I was stunned by their malicious abuse of me and misrepresentations which they published of me in the daily papers. Publications charging me with withholding College funds, which was the lie they perpetrated and published and the only charge on which I was assailed, the only reason assigned for their votes, in declaring my position as President of the College vacant. I denied the charge as absurd. I protested against their right or authority to take such action, but their spokesman, the lawyer on the Board informed me most vehemently, that I could give over to them the bequest Mrs. Lane had made to me or they would put me out, right or wrong, that they had the votes to do it, and would do it. The acceptance on my part, of the legacy left me by Mrs. Lane, they called withholding of College funds, and without right or reason, without proving it, or attempting to prove it, by their votes put me out of office. It appeared to me a malicious revenge on myself and my family because I had thwarted their disloyal schemes and sinister plans for their own villainous purposes, a cruel revenge because I would not submit to their dishonest demands, demands based on a presumption of knowledge, which I knew to be entirely presumptuous?? and I told them so, but they would not hear the truth. Mad with disappointment, and chagrinned by the provisions of Mrs. Lane's will, they seemed to find vengeance only in vilifying me and even threatened destruction of the College itself by faculty resignation in a body. Anything to nullify the will and defeat the purpose of Mrs. Lane was the spirit which seemed to animate the Directors. For that purpose they could concoct and assert the false statements, or the leaders of the conspiracy could and the subservient ones were made to acquiesce by reason of their positions being in jeopardy. Withholding College Funds: The first intimation I had of this charge was in big headlines in the "Call" newspaper, instigated no doubt by some of the College Directors and published by a clearly? novice student reporter, most likely. Mr. Lloyd told me after these publications of some of the Directors (Barkan and Rixford), having called on him to know if it could be established in any way that the legacy Mrs. Lane left to me could be made College property, and after their persistant efforts with him and also other attorneys they found it impossible to do so, and yet with malice aforethought they asserted and published the lie. Of course this legacy is the only thing they could mean by College funds: I argue from the fact that up to our last meeting of the Directors when each one for hinself expressed entire satisfaction with my management and acts as president except in the matter of the legacy and if I would turn that over to them they would gladly continue me at the head of the College, as its President. From this circumstance I conclude that the legacy must be the funds which they intended to charge me with as withholding, notwithstanding their prolonged efforts which proved to them that the College had no possible claims on Mrs. Lane's legacy to me. It was apparent to Mr. Lloyd as well as myself that the conspirators concocted several plans with the purpose of getting me to acknowledge a presumptive claim of the College, "mousetraps" Lloyd called them, ingeniously designed to get me at some unguarded moment to say something that might possible construe in that way, e.g. my gift to the Library. They wanted me to so modify my gift as to make it from Mrs. Lane, but I did not drop into that pitfall, also at other times "mouse traps" of a similar kind were set for the same purpose without avail. The tricks were so apparent and to me so contemptible that I refused to meet them in faculty meetings or have any intercourse with them whatsoever, and they promptly notified me that they had appointed Mr. Goodfellow their attorney and any business I had with the college would be transacted through him. Dr. Henry Gibbons, Jr.: September 29th 1911. The death of Dr. Henry Gibbons, Jr attracts my attention to his character and career and I now record my conclusions relating to him. 1st, His personal equation was so strong, he could not be honest with himself nor others, even if he tried to, and I think it is many years since he tried to. He would prevaricate in his records, college records and accounts so that in certifying to his facts recorded, his certifications and accounts from year to year did not agree, frequent contradictions, apparently prompted by his prejudices, resentments? which he had no sense of right and justice to enable him to overcome his wrongdoing. In character he was a weakling, guided by his ideas of policy and always to be plausible and apparently honest. Dr. Lane often said Dr. Gibbons is honest and means to do right and you must follow him up with methods in keeping a/c's (think this might be an abbreviation for accounts) that others can understand and then we can know it, and so I was appointed year after year on the auditing Committee of the Dean's a/c's and we never could understand them, no one could, but in the general confidence in Dr. Gibbons his statements passed as correct, until I came to be President then we had expert accountants three times at his books, all of whom failed to get his balances, which he explained by his overwork and no time to give to his books and our expert accountants and he apparently did not care so long as he was generally credited. He resented my importunities to improve his methods so we and others might understand his accounts. The Board always concurred with me in employing expert accountants for his books but took no further notice of deficiencies shown in their reports. He was very solicitous that I should acknowledge Mrs. Lane's bequest to me as for the College and importuned me with schemes to that end until he finally appeared to believe I had so promised or determined to hear it so nolus volus, but he had not the truth in him and tried to put his construction and interpretations on things which I did say, or things he tried to make me say by his suggestions to prove his statement but he was wrong. I never gave him warrant for his assertions, his foolish assertions about that bequest from Mrs. Lane, which he called college funds and advertised I was withholding. This absurd deduction and statement was the cause of antagonizing the College Trustees and faculty against me and enabled the conspirators in the Board of Trustees and Faculty, aided by the revengeful E. R. Taylor in his chagrin and disappointment to vote me out of all College activities. But as this action was foretold me by Dr. Lane, who said it was his destiny if he lived long enough, and that it would also come to me, his successor, he presaged from the character of the men in the Faculty who had sorely disappointed him. I felt powerless to fight for my own vindication without jeopardizing the first purpose of Dr. Lane, and concurred in by myself, viz. the combination of the school with Stanford University which I had practically provided for & agreed to notwithstanding the vehement opposition of Dr. Taylor seconded by Dr. Gibbons. Memorandum in Negotiation for Settlement with Mr. Timothy Hopkins: Exchange of deeds and dismissal of partition suit was urged and pressed upon me with the assurance from Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Eells there was nothing further to settle but my ok of receipts and disbursements for the year but I preferred to wait until all contention was settled and all transactions cleared before the exchange of deeds, and so I delayed waiting to get some vouchers in my a/csuntil finally to oblige Mr. Hopkins as he wanted to go East and settle this business before going, and from his assurance that everything was settled I consented to exchange deeds. Then after a fortnight I completed my a/c s made up by Towne showing a balance due the University of $913 for which I made my check and delivered a/c s + check to Hopkins. Then after waiting a month, Mr. Hopkins yet in the city, Mr. Wilson writes to Towne stating objections to the a/c of $119.68 and also suggesting other things of duty from me, which I had never heard of before, absurdities which Mr. Hopkins and I conferred together upon at length, and finally Hopkins proposed that the only difference amounting to 119 was too small for us to spend more time over and if I would pay that in the completed and final settlement of all disputes and contensions, we would so conclude the whole business involving everything. To this proposition I acceeded stating at the time that I did not owe the $119, but to settle all claims and all contentions for all time, that there might be no trouble hereafter "no after clap" I would pay $119, and he thanked me and suggest I should have a receipt or release prepared for him with my check. I had such release prepared by Towne, which after some days of waiting was found unsatisfactory to Mr. Wilson and Hopkins left it with Wilson to arrange with Mr. Towne. When Hopkins told me of this I asked if he was going back on our agreement in settlement and he said no, that it was only a matter of form of the release. This last interview was Friday March 22. At its conclusion Mr. Hopkins asked for my check for the $119. which I declined to give until he signed the release when he could collect it with the check for $913, which he yet had. January 2nd 1916. Reviewing in mind the important events and achievements in my life history, my part in the combination of Cooper Medical College with Stanford University will command attention and justify my course in consummating that combination which was commenced by negotiations between Dr. Lane and Dr. Jordan, and at the death of Dr. Lane he left me the representative of the College and himself to continue negotiations. I entered upon my duties with zeal, thoroughly in accord with Dr. Lane's policy as the best for perpetuity of the College and its influence in Medical Education, which sentiments and purposes had commanded my life work since 1878. After the death of Dr. Lane in 1902, as his successor as President of the College, I soon found opposition and obstacles, petty jealousies of myself and vengeful sentiments and activities toward Dr. Lane in the Board of Directors and in the Faculty which obliged my contention and severe trial during my succeeding years of service of the College and Director of Lane Hospital. In the conscientious pursuit of my duties, in accomplishing the work of vouchsafing Cooper College free of debt, with all its properties and trust funds intact, to the perpetual care of the University I incurred some virulent hostilities and absurd vilifications published in the newspapers to my annoyance by some of the officers of the College, which publications serve to show the character of the men and their methods to nullify the purposes of the Founder of Cooper Medical College, and it is their defeat and my triumph in making effective the purposes of Dr. Lane that I record this important part in my career as showing my earnest integrity on behalf of the beneficent purposes of the Founder of Cooper Medical College and the rebuke of the traitors who conspired against me and also Dr. Lane to whom they were indebted for their opportune success, by preferment of them in College and hospital work. It was Dr. Lane's disappointment in these men and reversal of his former good opinion of them that changed his plans for the future of the College and the incompletion of some of his earlier purposes. In frequent conversations with him during the later months prior to his death this subject was frankly discussed. January 9th 1916. Reviewing my life work now at the age of 82 years I regard my service from 1878 to 1907 in Cooper Medical College as professor and President, together with my labors in organizing , the most notable and beneficial of my career. As I look back upon the long years of labor, anxiety and inspiration prompted by desires to benefit mankind, assuage human suffering, and enlarge my usefulness for the betterment of man, I regard that service as the most noteworthy in my (career) history. With Dr. Levi Cooper Lane, Founder & Benefactor, I shared his earnest and beneficent purposes in the progress of Medical Education and human welfare. We two were in close sympathy and agreement in the college policies and aspirations throughout all the years of our intimate association. January 1916 (#1). Reviewing my lifework now at the age of 82 years I regard my service of 30 years as Professor and as President the latter years together with hospital work in teaching medical students and relieving human suffering in clinics, hospital and private practice, organizing and conducting the U. S. Marine Hospital in San Francisco and also in N.Y. on Bedloe's Island together with my public and popular lectures in the Lane Course, and finally in safeguarding Cooper Medical College from pecuniary incumbrance into the combination with Stanford University for its perpetuity and for its benefaction of the world as Dr. Lane hoped it would be. January 1916 (#2). Reviewing my life work now at the age of 82 I regard my Medical Career as worthwhile remembering and making note of. After unusual facilities at that time for study in Rush Medical College in Chicago, including a term as hospital intern I graduated in 1858, after some months of study in the Clinics, Dispensaries and Hospitals of New York, received my degree in 1858. 1858-9: I commenced practice in Chicago and in gratitude to my Alma Mater established and conducted successfully for a time at my own expense the first free Dispensary for the benefit of Clinical Students of the College, imitating in a small way the large medical dispensaries of New York. 1859-62: Pursued medical studies in Paris in hospitals and School of Medicine under its special assistants. 1862-5: Commissioned as Volunteer Surgeon in the U. S. Army during the Civil War with service in the field and Post hospitals. Brigade Surgeon at the Battle of Perrysville, Ky, 'Liberty Gap', 'Stone River' and 'Murfreesboro' Tenn, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville. Surg. in Charge of Division Field or Post Hospital at Chattanooga and 'Lookout Mountain'. 1868: Appointed professor of Physiology in the Medical College of the Pacific and later Clinical Surgery and 1902 -1908, President of Cooper Medical College. Surgeon U. S. Marine Hospital1870-79 and in 1879 organized and conducted the first U. S. Marine Hospital in New York on Bedloes Island. Materials in parentheses indicate passages that have been crossed out. ....... indicates cannot decipher word ? indicates uncertainty as to word chosen |
2.3 | C. N. Ellinwood - Diary 1907-08 May 9th 1907. Founder’s Day is not observed by present officers. May 16, 1907: Called at Lane Hospital to see Captain McDonald and his wife informed me that the Captain was very feeble, unable Dr. Hirschfelder said to see anyone. She told me of his care and how they thought of coming to me or asking me to call before going to the hospital. But the difficulties of getting anywhere and other excused prevented. When the Captain felt able she knew he would be glad to see me, but was too feeble today. I left my affectionate regards and said I would be glad to call whenever the Captain desired me to do so. Nicholy told me the McDonalds were not satisfied with the attention they received, felt they were neglected. June 11, 1907: Attended funeral of Captain McDonald this day at the Masonic Temple. No others from Cooper College were there to my regret. Captain McDonald was an early friend of the College and gave to Dr. Lane liberal endowments for the Hospital to be applied as Dr. Lane desired. Had I been yet President at the time of his death I certainly should have taken some public action in appreciation of his large gifts and devotion to the Institution. Only a short time before his death he express the hope that Cooper College might be a School of Surgery in the University of California and was pleased with my suggestion that there might be a combination of the two medical schools in accordance with the plan I proposed. June 11, 1907: Attended meeting of Board of Regents, Univ. of California. Budget of Dental College with deficit referred back to Dental School with Ellinwood’s communication, It is urgent that the College of Dentistry should be self sustaining, and not maintained even in part by the University. Regretted that it was not in Cooper as the Directors there would not have it, nor me as their President. Thru their envy and lies I could do nothing and the Regents of University adopted my plan, and organized the Depart.for teaching at the U.S. Army Hospital, with officers in faculty – a great acquisition to the School will result, and when you come this way I hope you will approve, and be pleased with the outgrowth from your teaching in the Lane Medical Lectures. June 22, 1907: Wrote to Sir Patrick Manson as he would be glad to know of Tropical Medicine being established in a medical curriculum in this city, his ideal place for it. Sept. 7, 1907: Biographical sketch of my labors in medical education, and my association with Cooper Medical College. No date: My gift to the Levi Cooper Lane Library incident. Purchase of New York Academy of Medicine/New York Hospital duplicates paid for eventually by Directors and Ellinwood’s partial payment returned to him. 1906-07. Nov. 7, 1907: Received notice from directors that they had appointed Mr. Goodfellow attorney of the College to whom I should make all business communications and through him their affairs would be conducted. Nov. 10, 1907: Received a telephone from Mr. Goodfellow, the first word of response to my two letters. Saying he had been out of town and was now trying to get some information from Rixford or Barkan in reference to the subject of my letter. Dec. 13, 1908: (This entry is not in chronological order.) Reminded Mr. Towne that it was a week ago Mr. M. Wilson, attorney of Stanford University by telephone answered that within a week the papers in Conveyance of Cooper Medical College to the University would be complete, and all in perfect order, a consummation we have been long waiting for to have my partition suit put on the calendar. Which suit was filed long ago and then held up by the statement of Atty. Goodfellow that the agreement had been made by which Cooper College was taken over by Stanford University. See notes latter part of this diary. November 22, 1907: A long dissertation on Dr. Ellinwood’s theory as to why Dr. Lane failed to endow the Lane Medical Lectures and why he, Ellinwood, is not contributing to them. I am meditating on a plan to make effective the desire of Dr. Lane to advance Medical Education in establishing the course of Lane Medical Lectures, which he maintained several (1896 – 1902) years in Cooper College and I continued for four years after Dr. Lane’s death but by reason of hostility and conspiracy against me by the Directors of Cooper College, culminating in vilifying lies and malicious publications I refused to cooperate with said Directors and so I refused to pay for a Lane Lecture in 1907 with this explanation. In view of the fact that the attendance of these lectures has diminished and interest in the teaching staff ceased to the extent of the attendance of a maximum of 5 only at the lectures I proposed to try for one year to substitute a more varied course of instruction with the view of making it more useful to the College, to suspend the course only tentatively and not to abolish it and so the course was suspended. Dr. Lane for some unknown reason omitted to provide any endowment for the said Lane Medical Lectures and Cooper College has never contributed to the payment of the Lane Lecturer. Dr. Lane made public announcement that he had would provide for the endowment of the Course and during the first years of its operation he was pleased with the results in diffusing knowledge and notably in stimulating zeal in study and teaching among the teachers and students of the college as well as among the medical profession. But later his expectations in this regard were not realized. The interest in the faculty waned as shown by their neglect to attend and also by their indifference to the attendance of the students in the College and the diminished interest shown by the medical profession including the alumni of the College. Knowing how keenly Dr. Lane felt this disappointment I am inclined to think that he intentionally omitted to provide the means for permanent endowment of the course. From the public announcements which he made there is no doubt about his intentions at that time and for the several first years of experience of the Course, which impressed him as conducive to Medical Education. Yet disappointment followed, and this together with his conviction that the Faculty, or most of them were indifferent to the welfare of the School, negligent of their duties, and overzealous in their personal profits derived from their appointments in the College, added to his disappointment and his regret that such men were to be left the destiny of the College and openly declared that he would never give another dollar to Cooper College and it may well be that this promised endowment of the Lane Medical Lectures may have been intentionally omitted. This explanation seems most probable to me because of Dr. Lane’s emphatic and frequent denunciations made to me during the last two years of his life of the sordid ingratitude of many members of the faculty who had been given place in the College, their association with him which had helped them to success in the profession and there with bad heart, and worse grace, shrinking and recreant to their duty to the Institution and to him. This was his feeling, as he frequently expressed to me, and convinced that his plan of independence of the School should be changed and an affiliation with Stanford University secured, and that it was futile and unwise that he should longer contribute to the support and wasteful management of unfit directors. This opinion of Dr. Lane was fully concurred in by Mrs. Lane. This view and knowledge of Dr. Lane’s later opinions of the men he had appointed in Cooper College Faculty, together with the known characteristics of both Dr. and Mrs. Lane doing what they desired and determined what they would do, offer a complete explanation of Dr. Lane’s omip??? to complete his endowment of the Lane Medical Lectures. In view of the foregoing facts and further the action of the Directors and Faculty toward me, who was designated by Dr. Lane to succeed him as President of the College treating me with malicious contumely, and Dr. Lanes memory with disrespect, and disregard in carrying forward Dr. Lanes purposes in Cooper College I am seeking a plan to advance Medical Education as Dr. Lane hoped to do but failed in the Lane Medical Lectures. The conduct of the Directors of Cooper Medical College has convinced me of their perfidy and unfitness to control the Institution. Their unreliability in holding and using its property so that I have no confidence in them and deem it unwise to entrust any funds or gifts which I am desirous of making for the advancement of Medical Education and in honor of Dr Lane. To justify my estimate of the character of the Directors of Cooper Medical College I instance their Contemptible Conspiracy against me that they might without further restraint divest the resources of Cooper College as dedicated by Dr. Lane, to their own individual sordid cases. Except Dr. Taylor who I believe joined the Conspiracy as a means he thought would wreck the Institution and so gratify his retaliation and revenge on his former friend s and benefactors, Dr and Mrs. Lane in not giving him any notice or mention in the last will of Mrs. Lane. Their favor which he had courted for years, finally culminated in Dr, Lane’s quiet omission of him and Mrs. Lanes open and frank expressions of detestation of the man and his character. Dr. Taylor’s disappointment and disgust was manifest and I believe there existed in him a morbid spirit of revenge which became so accentuated he welcomed an opportunity to thwart and nullify their purposes and hopes by deviating the College from all association with Dr. and Mrs, Lane. In the culmination of their conspiracy Ed Taylor was the chief spokesman for the Board of Directors when he called on me to resign my office as President or over to the Board the personal bequest I had received from Mrs. Lane as that was against me; that my duties as No date an to establish an annual course of Medical Lectures to be devoted for the first three years to Applied Anatomy and Tropical Diseases and thereafter to such subjects as the administrators of this fund may direct. The income only of this fund to be expended annually. This endowment to be called The Ellinwood Endowment of the Levi Cooper Lane Medical Lectures… December 12, 1907: Gave Lloyd these papers for commencing Suit for Division of property interests in Palos Verde Tract 1. Will of Pauline C. Lane. 2. Decree of Distribution in Estate of Pauline C. Lane. 3. Certificates of Title of Title and Insur. Co. Inside back cover flyleaf (nd) Biographical Sketch Written for the Society of Medical History of Chicago C. N. Ellinwood MD, LLD Was the author of numerous papers and public lectures of professional and humanitarian interest viz: Scurvy, Hospitals, Clinical Experiences in Patella Fracture, Vasectomy, Eugenics. Water Supply of San Francisco. Advocating an auxiliary sea water system, and a pamphlet on the U.S. Marine Hospital Service which brought out much harsh criticism and personal abuse from the officers in the service who imagined their salaries were in jeopardy, but happily it resulted in the abolishment of the illegal Marine Hospital (sm capital tax on Seamen?) and the establishment of the Public Health Service in combination with the Marine Hospital Bureau as devised by that able humanitarian organizer and tactful Chicago physician Dr. Jno M. Woodworth to whom the reorganization, efficiency, and perpetuation of the Marine Hosp. Service is due, not withstanding the fact that the legislative enactments did not conclude until after his unfortunate death (ends abruptly). |
2.4 | 1913 This little brown book has dates ranging from January 12 1913 to June 20th 1914 all writings relating to the removal of Dr. Ellinwood from his office as President or Cooper Medical Colleges in January 1907. The first one is headed: Cooper Medical College and Dr. C.N. Ellinwood Controversy, January 12th 1913. To those interested to know the facts of that Controversy Dr. Ellinwood makes the following statement. Dr. Levi C. Lane, Founder of Cooper College died in February 1902 leaving his Estate to his wife Pauline C. Lane and the next following August she died, leaving her Estate including that part of it which had been devised to her by her husband’s last will in bequests viz. one third for the erection and maintenance of the “Levi Cooper Lane Library of Medicine and Surgery” and the remaining two thirds to Dr. C. N. Ellinwood. Prior to making her last will, Mrs. Lane consulted with Attorney Rheuben H. Lloyd, a friend and adviser of her husband, and appointed him executor of her estate with Attorney Thos. J Bergen also her husbands friend as co executor. After the distribution of the Estate of Mrs. Lane according to the provisions of her will some of the Faculty and Directors of Cooper College set up the theory and supposition that Dr. Lane intended a different disposition of his Estate from that which Mrs. Lane had made. Dr. Ellinwood at that time President of Cooper Medical College was advised by his Counselor and devoted friend of Cooper College and its Founder, Dr. Lane, that some dissenters in the Directorate and Faculty were trying by dishonest methods of tricks and conspiracy to compel Dr. Ellinwood to dispose of his share of Mrs. Lane’s Estate in accordance with their wishes and dictation. Mr. Lloyd in answer to their appeal to him advised them they were wholly wrong in setting up such a pretense, derogatory to Dr. Ellinwood and his lifetime labor and devotion for Cooper College and that they had no justification legally or morally to warrant the course they were taking. At the same time Mr. Lloyd advised Dr. Ellinwood of his legal and moral rights, giving him absolute right to the property devised and also frequent advice and warning of the pitfalls and mousetraps prepared by the unscrupulous enemies, who finally, on completion of their conspiracy and fruition of their revenge with the greatest ignominy they could devise declared by a vote of the Directors the removal of Dr. Ellinwood as president and made all the scandalous publication of it possible in the newspapers. This summary action taken by the Board was in defiance of its bylaws and the protest made by Professor Ellinwood was answered by Vice President E. R. Taylor, “law or no law we can do it and we will” and the enemy had his revenge. Dr. Ellinwood then reminded the Directors that he was consoled by the remark of Dr. Lane, only a few days before his death that “if he lived long enough he would be put out of the College”, and the thought that he, Dr .Ellinwood had in his earnest efforts to do his utmost for Cooper College as Dr Lane had done in the past with the same spirit of self sacrifice and philanthropy had met the same reward. He had maintained the Lane Course of Medical Lectures at his personal cost of over $8000.00 for four years and had purchased twenty five thousand volumes from the New York Academy of Medicine and presented the books to the Lane Medical Library. And had prepared and studied three different architectural designs for the Lane Library with the view of its building (being built)as soon as the landed properties in the college bequest of Mrs. Lane could be sold by the Cooper College Corporation. The last paragraph reads "Dr. Gibbons is dead, with all his sins upon his head. Dr Taylor grows more imbecile and egotistical leaving nothing to hope from him. |
2.5 | Chapter 1 |
2.6 | ? Records 1912 |
2.7 | CMC Stanford University |
2.8 | Tropical Mecicine Library January 17th 1906: Made appointment for meeting of a Committee of Board Directors. Ellinwood, Taylor, Rixford for Friday 8:30 PM at my house. Questions to be discussed. January 19th 06. What shall be the uses of the Library in Medical Education? What service to the College? What to the public? What to Medical Associations? Then what accommodations shall be provided for in construction? Friday evening met as appointed above and discussed the form the library should assume and functions, but chiefly as it appears to get from me a statement of what I would do with the Lane bequest to me. Rixford thought $200000. sufficient for a college library, but not sufficient for a memorial library and maintenance. I estimated the Lane bequest to the College for the Levi Cooper Lane Library at $200,000 if the properties are carefully sold. And advised that the Board of Directors determine and agree upon what they propose to do in executing their trust and authorize me the executive of the College to do it. It should have one head and Dr. Lane chose me, believing my ways and methods were nearer his. Feb. 6th Meeting of Directors. Dr. Rixford reported on our former Committee meeting. What he thought- and what Dr. Taylor thought and erroneously what I said, ' that I wanted the Directors to turn over the Lane bequest to me", which I contradicted. The above paragraph expresses my view thus expressed. Dr. Gibbons went on to say and Dr. Taylor what he thought of the intentions of Dr. and Mrs. Lane. Gibbons saying that I told him after the death of Mrs. Lane that I intended to use her bequest to me just as Dr. Lane would wish me to. and that he thinks constitutes a trust. or acknowledges a trust. I replied it was not a trust and that I had never so proclaimed it nor admitted it. Feb 24, 1906: Dr. Rixford read a proposed report from the Committee, deferred from last meeting. or discussion of it deferred. I told him I thought the matter had better be left now while the Stanford negotiations were pending. He thought something ought to be done. I raised the point of no funds until the property is sold, and perhaps it would be wise to let Stanford University assume this trust with the other. I told him I had made the offer of $5000. to the New York Academy of Medicine for the NY Hospital Library 30,000 volumes, and if accepted I would present this to the College for its Lane Library. He assured me that as librarian he could care for the books, placing upon the shelves such of them as now needed and storing the remainder. I made the offer through the Librarian of the Academy this day, John I. Brownne 19 .... .. St, N.Y. to the Trustees. Yesterday wrote Dr. Francis H. ¬Markoe 15 E. 49th in reply to his letter and letting him I was making the offer as he had suggested. At a meeting of the Board of Directors February 26th 06 Barkan urged the action of the Library Comtee getting plans, architect, selling property here. I argued for the settlement of the University combination first that we may know the destiny of the College. A motion prevailed requesting the Library Comtee to report at next meeting on architectural plans, also to sell the Broadway Block for not less than $280,000. The Comtee to meet five days before next regular meeting to consider it. April 11th 1906: Mailed letter to Dr. A Jacobi making additional offer of 1000, making $6000. for the NY. library of the Academy of Medicine Copy of letter to College. (There are no further entries in this sequence. BV February 7th 1913: Lane Course of Medical Lectures Dr. Lane established the Course of Medical Lectures and announced his intention to provide for its permanent maintenance. He was imbued with high ideals of Medical Education and benifecence of which he had been the enthusiastic exponent through all the years of Dr. E's association with him, and the Lane Course of Medical Lectures was one of his many benefactions to Cooper College. He maintained the Course at his personal expense with satisfaction for the first few years but not always with gratifying results. After the death of Dr. Lane it was found that he had omitted to make any further provision for the Lane Lectures as well as all other provision for the College which had been expected, and judging from his disapproval of the changed spirit dominating the College Faculty and Directors from his ideals to sordid sentiments based on personal opportunities? to use the College for gain to themselves and convinced of that and powerless to correct it, dispairingly he concluded to do no more. Mrs. Lane sharing the sentiments of her husband omitted to make any provision for the maintenance of the Lane Lecture Course. Dr. Ellinwood believing the Course could be made more serviceable to the College and to medical progress maintained the Course at his own expense during the following four years of $8000.00 and finally when he proposed to the Board consideration of certain changes to popularize the Course and was met by an abrupt refusal to give him any consideration only to demand that he should continue the Course at his personal expense at the dogmatic demand of the Directors he refused continue his contributions and the course suspended. (uncertain as to where this passage fits. BV) It was no surprise nor disappointment to Mrs. Lane however knowing as she did of Dr. Lanes determination that he would not give another dollar to Cooper College: that he had given to the College all he intended to. and consequently she omitted to make any further provision, except for the Lane Library. (the following passage apparently refers to the action of the Board of Directors in ending Dr. Ellinwood's controversy with the New York Academy of Medicine over packing and transportation fees for the books by paying the entire amount requested and returning Dr. Ellinwood's $5000 to him). No word of explanation or notice was given Dr. Ellinwood of this rescinding act so (leaving either of the two parties interested to their own inferences) practically proving that (the conspirators) unless Dr. Ellinwood would make his gift to the Library in the terms dictated to him by the conspiring Directors the books once received and acknowledged with thanks would not be acknowledged from him. The Lane Course of Medical Lectures which was established by Dr. Lane in 1896 (this is the end of the entries in the front portion of the book) |
Biography C N E The following passages were entered upside down at end of "Library" book. Biographic Notes of C N Ellinwood. Letter to General Winfield Scott Washington DC Chicago, September 29th 1852 Asking admission, as cadet to Military Academy at West Point. saying my father was an officer in the US Army and fought in the Battle of Bunker Hill. I am now Eighteen, & born in Vermont and an orphan Retained Copy in my "old letters" file Petition for Appointment in the City Hospital of Chicago as Resident or Apis? Physician with commendation of Ex Mayor Woodworth, prominent physicians and citizens Dr. Brainard & Prof. Blaney Porsiot & Roof. Rush Medical College not dated. probably 1857/8 Record on file. |
2.9 | Information from Jacob’s diary |