Today's Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm

Borrow, Renew, Return


You must have an Active ID card from Stanford University, Stanford Health Care, or Stanford Children’s Health to borrow materials at Lane Library.

No Registration Required

You do not need to register to borrow materials from Lane Library if you are:

  • Faculty
  • Medical student
  • Postdoc
  • Fellow
  • Staff
  • Undergraduate Student

Registration Required

You must register to use Lane Library if you are:

  • SOM residents
  • Stanford Healthcare staff
  • Stanford Children’s Health staff
  • School of Medicine Alumni
  • Spouses/domestic partners and children (14+) of Stanford University faculty, staff, or students

Register to Borrow

Please email email us if you have questions or are unsure which group you belong.

Loan Periods

Please check My Library Account to verify due dates for all materials. All materials are subject to recall.
Item Type
Library User
Loan Period
Books (main collection)
Faculty, staff, university fellows, SOM residents and fellows, Stanford Hospital staff, Children’s Hospital staff
Academic year
Books (main collection)
Medical students, graduate students, postdocs
Academic quarter
Books (main collection)
Undergraduate students
28 days
BioScience Career Center books
28 days
Course reserves
2-hour or 28-day loan period depending on the item. If a 2-hour reserve book is checked out within an hour of closing, the book may be checked out overnight and will be due the following morning within the first hour that the library reopens.
Same-day loan
Exam review books
14 days
7 days
Medical History Center’s special collections
Available for in-library use by appointment
In-library use only


You can return books any time to the book drop located outside the library’s main entrance. Books borrowed from other campus libraries may also be returned to Lane Library.

  • All course reserve materials must be returned to the Information Desk.
  • Borrowed equipment must be returned to the Information Desk.
  • Late returns of equipment and course reserve materials will incur fines.

Recalling Materials Checked Out by Another User

  • If the library contacts you to recall materials you have checked out, please return them within 5 days. 
  • Recalled items are considered overdue after 5 days, at which time a fine of $3 per day is assessed up to a maximum of $21. If materials are not returned, overview fines and replacement costs are applied
  • Course reserve materials are subject to immediate recall, with no waiting period.

Recalled materials cannot be renewed.


Lane Library does not charge fines for overdue items from its regular, circulating collection.

However, materials not returned within seven days of the specific due date will be charged a replacement fee up to $250 per item. In addition, a block is placed on the user’s library account. Replacement fees will be removed when items are returned to the library, and the user’s account will be unblocked.

Overdue Fines for Equipment and Course Reserves Items

Hourly fines are charged for overdue equipment and course reserve materials.

  • Same-day equipment loans: $1/hour to a maximum of $30
  • 2-hour course reserves loans: $1/hour to a maximum of $30
  • 28-day course reserves loans: $1/hour to a maximum of $30

Recalled items are fined $3 per day to a maximum of $21.

Damaged Materials

Please handle library materials carefully. If an item is damaged, you are required to pay for its repair or replacement. Do not attempt repairs yourself. Please give damaged materials to the Information Desk.

Examples of damage include, but are not limited to:

  • writing (pen or pencil) or highlighting
  • food or water damage
  • folding pages
  • stressing the binding
  • tearing or removing pages
  • Fees may be paid at the Information Desk by cash, check, or credit card. Fees may also be paid online through My Library Account.


    You may renew items borrowed from Lane up to two times by phone, online, email, or in-person at the Information Desk.

    If you are unable to renew online through My Library Account, please call (650) 723-6831 or email us

    When renewing for the third time, you must renew the item in person.


    You may recall books in use by another user after the first two weeks of their initial check-out period. Please contact the Information Desk at (650) 723-6831 or email us.

    Course reserve materials are checked out on a first come/first served basis. If a reserve item is checked out, please visit the Information Desk and ask to be placed in the hold queue for that item.

    • When the reserve item is available, you will be notified by phone or email.
    • Once notified, the reserve item will be held for 15 minutes.
    • After that time, the hold will be canceled, and the item will be made available to the next patron.

    Email Notifications for Borrowed Items

    • You will receive courtesy email reminders when materials are due.
    • Overdue reminders are emailed 2 days after the due date passes.
    • Replacement fees for overdue items are billed 7 days after the due date, and you will receive an email notification of the fee.
    • A reminder email for outstanding library fees is emailed 30 days after initial billing.
    • Please check your spam folder for emails from

    You are responsible for all fees even if email notices are not received. If we receive no response from you about overdue materials and outstanding fees, a copy will be sent to your department. A hold may be placed on student registration for any outstanding materials or fees.