Register of the Andrew William Hoisholt Papers




Lane Medical Archives

Stanford University Medical Center



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Table of contents for Hoisholt (Andrew W.) Papers



  Descriptive Summary


  Series Description


  Container List 



Descriptive Summary


Title:  Andrew William Hoisholt

Accession Number:  MSS 7

Linear feet occupied:  2.5

Extent:  6 boxes organized in 3 series

Provenance:  Mrs. Thomas Walsh of Oakland, CA



Series Description



Series I             Correspondence


Series II           Speeches and Writings


Series III          Miscellany




Container List


Hoisholt (Andrew W.) 1858-1920

Andrew William Hoisholt papers, 1883-1921


Note:   numbers after the decimal point refer to folder numbers, for example:

1.2 refers to box 1, folder 2.

Box no.           Contents
1.1                   Correspondence, 1883-85
1.2                   Correspondence, 1886-91
1.3                   Correspondence, 1892-1912
1.4                   Correspondence, 1913-18
1.5                   Correspondence, 1919
1.6                   Correspondence, 1920
1.7                   Correspondence, 1914-20 ('chron copies')
1.8                   Correspondence, August Wimmer
1.9                   Correspondence, Reports to Hospital Board of Managers

Box no.           Contents

2.1                   Psykiatrisk-neurologiske undersogelses metoder /
                        af August Wimmer.
                        102 p., G.E.C. Gads Forlag, Kopenhagen, 1917

2.2                   Psychiatric-neurologic examination methods / Dr. August Wimmer,
                        translated by A.W. Hoisholt. 152 leaves, carbon of typescript
                        with editorial marks and index.

2.3                   Physiology of the central organs of the nervous system.
                        162 leaves, manuscript.

2.4                   The sympathetic nervous system.
                        177 leaves, manuscript.

2.5                   Physiology of tissue-metamorphosis in the animal.
                        55 leaves, reproduction of typescript.

2.6                   Reprints

                        A Case of large solitary tubercles of the heart / A.W. Hoisholt
                        "Read at the 29th annual meeting of the Medical Society of the
                        State of California, and reprinted from the 'Transactions' of the Society."

                        Is the nervous impulse delayed in the motor nerve terminations? /
                        A.W. Hoisholt. Journal of Physiology, Vol.6, no. 1

                        Mischgeschwulst der Niere (Chondromyosarcom)./von A.W. Hoisholt.
                        Virchow's Archive fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie
                        und fur klinische Medicine, 104 Band, 1886.

                        A Case of induced insanity / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Occidental Medical Times, 1985 Nov.

                        An Address, delivered at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the
                        California District Medical Society ... 1896 Oct. 13

                        Some statistical observations on the etiology and symptomatology
                        of dementia paralytica / A.W. Hoisholt.
                        Occidental Medical Times, 1987 Jul.

                        Two cases of spontaneous rupture of the heart with demonstrations of
                        specimens / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Occidental Medical Times, 1899 Oct. 15

                        Simulation of insanity / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Transactions of the Medical Society of California, 1901

                        Hypochondriasis and hypochondriacal ideas, a case of self-mutilation
                        A.W. Hoisholt
                        Occidental Medical Times

                        The mental states associated with chorea, with a report of two cases
                        of dementia choreica / A.W. Hoisholt
                        American Journal of Medical Sciences

                        Alcohol, the effect of its use and abuse / A.W. Hoisholt
                        California State Journal of Medicine, 1907 Apr.-May.

                        The Evolution of the disease-entity called manio-depressive
                        insanity, and its main features / A.W. Hoisholt
                        California State Journal of Medicine, 1907 Nov.-Dec.

                        Suicide and alcohol / A.W. Hoisholt
                        California State Journal of Medicine, 1909 Feb.

                        Current ideas on aphasia / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Archives of Internal Medicine, 1909 Jun.

                        The Commitment of the insane in the State of California /
                        A.W. Hoisholt "Read before the Sacramento Society for Medical Improvement,
                        1910 Dec. 20"

                        Korsakoff's psychosis and the amnesic symptom-complex, with a
                        report of three cases / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Journal of the American Medical Association, 57:1974-79,
                        1911 Dec. 16

                        ibid, "read in the Section on Nervous and Mental Diseases of the
                        American Medical Association ... 1911 Jun."

                        The Dream-state of delerium tremens and the inadequacy of the
                        California statutes in not covering certain conditions of
                        irresponsibility for crime exemplified in an unusual case./
                        A.W. Hoisholt,
                        preprint, California State Journal of Medicine, [1912]

                        ibid., "Read beofre the San Francisco County Medical Society,
                        1912 May 14

                        Dr. Hoisholt on 'Water Cure'
                        Napa Daily Register, 1913 Nov. 4

                        General paresis and its relation to syphilis, with a report of
                        the pathologist of Napa State Hospital / A.W. Hoisholt
                        California State Journal of Medicine, 1915 May

                        The Commitment of the insane / A.W. Hoisholt
                        Read at the Race Betterment Meeting, Pan-Pacific Exposition,
                        1915 Aug.

                        Simulation of insanity and a consideration of the insanity plea
                        from a medical standpoint / A.W. Hoisholt
                        "Delivered before the District Attorney's Association of
                        California, 1916 May 25."

                        Infection-psychoses and the symptom-picture of mental confusion /
                        A.W. Hoisholt and W.T. Harrison
                        California State Journal of Medicine, 1916 Oct.

                        Impulsive acts in the particular form of swallowing foreign objects,
                        as met with among the insane / A.W. Hoisholt.
                        Proceedings of the American Psychological Association,
                        1917 May 29-Jun. 1

                        California State Journal of Medicine, Vol.17, no.6, Jun. 1919
                        [no articles by Hoisholt]


Box no.           Contents
2.7                   [physiology]
                        "The meaning of physiology and its relation to biology and
                        medical science and its applicability and importance in the
                        practice of medicine"

                        "Embryology teaches that the primitive nerve fibres belonging to
                        the anterior nerve roots emanate from certain groups of primitive
                        nerve cells leading to the development of the spinal cord and
                        brain ..."

                        "The nervous system is made up of tissue in which the element of
                        a nerve cell with its connecting nerve-fibre is fundamental."

2.8                   [mental disorders]
                        The obsessional or imperative syndrome

                        Method of examination into the mental state

                        The manio-depressive insanity

                        General paralysis of the insane

                        Epilepsy [manuscript and typescript]

                        Acute hallucinatory confusion, exhaustion or infection-psychosis

2.9                   Method of examination into the mental state,
                        mimeograph of typescript

Box no.           Contents
3.1                   Manuscript:
                        Is the nervous impulse delayed in the motor nerve-terminations?

3.2                   Impulsive acts, in the particular form of swallowing foreign
                        objects as met with among the insane
                        Includes black & white photoprints

3.3                   Manuscript and typescript:
                        Psychotherapy: physiologically considered, practically considered,
                        in its practical application

3.4                   manuscript, Some observations on the subject of the etiology and

                        symptomatology of dementia paralytica.

                        typescript, "Mental confusion ..."

                        manuscript, Primordial menstrual psychosis

                        typescript, "Diabetes mellitus ..."

                        manuscript, Viewpoints concerning disease of the mind

                        manuscript, Versnchsreihe A, Experimente mit dem Feder-myographion
                        am M. Sartorins des Frosches.

                        carbon of typescript, Aftercare of the convalescent insane

                        typescript, Before and after-care of the insane

                        typescript, Discussion on paper of Dr. Riggs.

                        mimeograph of typescript, Some points concerning the symptomatology
                        and treatment of the insane

                        manuscript, The effects of alcohol on the human-system

                        typescript, The insanity plea in criminal cases

                        carbon of typescript, Hints to nurses in general practice concerning
                        the superficial understanding of the nature of mental disease and
                        its treatment.

                        carbon of typescript, Concerning blood changes and Dementia Praecox,
                        with an attempt mat some sort of specific Therapi, af Halvar Lundal

                        typescript, Examination of individuals accused of crime

                        typescript, "When one, as physician at a State Hospital, meets
                        visitors ... discouraged at the state of ignorance of the public
                        with regard to insanity ...

3.5                   Lectures on psychiatry (typescript)

3.6                   Lectures on psychiatry (manuscript)

3.7                   typescript and manuscript of speeches,
                        1) History and nature of insanity, Lane lecture, 1914 Mar. 27;
                        2) The nervousness of our times, read before the Stockton Critic
                        Club, 1902 Apr. 6

3.8                   Miscellany: Transportation of patients to State Hospital

3.9                   Miscellany: case histories

3.10                 Miscellany: Heidelberg

3.11                 Miscellany: Medical Society of the State of California

Box no.           Contents
4.1                   Clippings about A.W. Hoisholt
4.2                   Miscellany: Conference programs
4.3                   Miscellany: articles and reprints
4.4                   Miscellany
4.5                   Miscellany
4.6                   Miscellany: newspapers
4.8                   Miscellany: Scrap album

Box no.           Contents
5.1                   Diary 1881
5.2                   Diary 1882
5.3                   Diary [Germany]
5.4                   Diary 1885
5.5                   Diary 1886
5.6                   Dagbog
5.7                   Mailing list
5.8                   [Day book]
5.10                 [travel diary]
5.12                 Specielle pathologische Anatomie Spring 1883
5.13                 [Physiology practicum]
5.14                 [chemistry]
5.15                 Lahmnungen Nov. 1883
5.16                 Pathologie & therapie, Prof. Erb, Winter 1883/84
5.17                 Nerven-krankheiten, Vol.3 Prof. Erb, Jan. 1884
5.18                 Prof. Erb, Feb. 1884
5.19                 Krankheiten der Harnorgane, Stantkrankheiten, Sy
5.20                 Entheilung der Geschwulste and Syphilis & Hautkr
5.21                 Klinik der Inneren Medizin, Prof. Erb Ap 1883-Jy
5.22                 Animale Physiologie, Prof. v. Voit
5.23                 Physik Diag. der internen Krankheiten and Kinder
5.24                 Klinik fur Magen & Darm-krankheiten, Oct. 1885
5.25                 Klinik der Inneren Med. v. Prof. Dr. Wagner, 188
5.26                 Contractionen der Uterus
5.27                 [reading notes]
5.28                 [clinical notes ?]

Box no.           Contents
6.1                   Muskel-curve [experiments on frogs]
6.2                   Smoke drum graphs, muskel curven
6.3                   Smoke drum graphs, muskel curven
6.4                   Smoke drum graphs, muskel curven
6.5                   Smoke drum graphs, muskel curven
6.7                   photoprints of San Francisco and Heidelberg
6.8                   photoprints of Heidelberg
6.9                   calendars and drawings


Last updated:

August 31, 2000