Register of the Emmet Lane Rixford Papers




Lane Medical Archives

Stanford University Medical Center



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Lane Medical Archives

Stanford University Medical Center

Stanford, California 94305

Phone: (650) 725-8045


Table of contents for Rixford (Emmet L.) Papers



  Descriptive Summary


  Series Description


  Container List




Descriptive Summary


Title:  Emmet Lane Rixford

Accession Number:  MSS 8

Linear feet occupied:  2.08

Extent:  5 boxes organized in 3 series



Series Description

Series 1.           Correspondence

Series 2.           Speeches and Writings

Series 3.           Miscellany



Container List


Rixford (Emmet L.) 1865-1938

Emmet Lane Rixford papers, 1895-1938


Note:   numbers after the decimal point refer to folder numbers, for example:

1.2 refers to box 1, folder 2.


Box        Contents
1.1          Correspondence 1912-33 arr. Chronologically
1.2          Correspondence, Thomas Addis
1.3          Adolph Barkan, biographical sketch
1.4          Shadworth Oldham Beasley, biographical sketch
1.5          John Fairbairn Binnie, biographical sketch
1.6          Bunnell memorial plaque dedication
1.7          Elias Samuel Cooper, biographic sketch
1.8          Henry Gibbons, Jr., biographic sketch
1.9          Joseph O. Hirschfelder, biographic sketch
1.10        Andrew W. Hoisholt, biographic sketch
1.11        Thomas W. Huntington, biographic sketch
1.12        Levi Cooper Lane, biographic sketch
1.13        Sir William Macewan
1.14        Harry Mitchell Sherman, biographic sketch
1.15        miscellaneous biographical sketches

Box        Contents
2.3          ... something of the old-time surgeon
2.4          Flexion of the pelvis in the Trendelenburg
2.5          Illus. of Failure of primary rotation
2.6          The temporo-mandibular articulation
2.7          Early history of medical education in Calif
2.8          Carcinoma of the rectum [lecture 1930]
2.9          Dislocations of the shoulder
2.10        Osteochondromatosis
2.11        Bacteriophage in surgery of the colon and
2.12        Chinese medicine [speech 1931]
2.13        Early history of coccidioidal granuloma in
2.14        Coccidioidal granuloma
2.15        53 case histories of coccidioides granulom
2.16        Correspondence on Coccidioidal granuloma
2.17        Levi Cooper Lane
2.21        Traumatic rupture of the right auricle with
2.22        Indiscriminate use of cathartics in abdomi
2.23        The liver in surgery [n.d.]
2.24        Mechanics of production of fractures
2.25        Postoperative treatment in abdominal surge
2.26        On the relation of diagnosis and treatment
2.28        What the public should know about cancer
2.29        Discussions of papers by other authors

Box        Contents
3.1          Gynecology, lectures by Dr. Cushing, Summer of 18
3.2          Notes on lectures delivered at Cooper ... Levi C.
3.3          Notes on lectures delivered at Cooper ... Levi C.
3.4          Notes on lectures delivered at Cooper ... Levi C.

Box        Contents
4.2          Lane Medical Library 1906-07
4.3          Lane Medical Library 1910-12
4.4          Lane Medical Library 1913-23
4.9          First Aid Conference
4.10        Coffey-Humber treatment
4.11        Registry of cases of bone sarcoma
4.12        A Sketch of the history of the medical profession
4.14        Misc.
4.15        Committee on the history of the California Medic
4.15        E.L. Rixford, biographical material

Box        Contents
5.1          Ellinwood Data
5.2          Planning -- SU Med Dept  c.1906-08
5.3          Correspondence re Lane Library  c.1914
5.4          Misc Correspondence  c.1907-09

6.1-2       Photo album: German Austrian Tour of the American Clinical Society, 1912
               Photo album: European tour

7.1-2       Negative books (2) and 3 reprints



Emmet Rixford, 1865-1938


Citations taken from Index Medicus and the Stanford Authors catalog
of the Lane Medical Library


Emmett Rixford, 1865-1938. [L. Eloesser]
            Annals of Surgery
            v.110, p.786-789 (Oct. 1939)

Emmett Rixford. [Emile Holman]
            Stanford Medical Alumni Bulletin, v.2, no.1 (May 1938)
            "Rixford memorial number"

Lateral curvatures of the spine.
            Occidental Medical Times, Sacramento
            v.7, p.659 (Dec. 1893)

A Case of protozoic skin disease.
            Occidental Medical times, Sacramento
            v.8, no.704-707 (Dec. 1894)

Early symptoms and diagnosis of tubercular joint disease.
            Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago
            v.23, p.1 (1894)

Lesions resembling cutaneous gummata caused by metallic mercury and accompanied
by pus formation.
            Occidental Medical Times, Sacramento
            v.9, p.533-536 (1895)

A Case of complete obliteration of the inferior vena cava.
            Occidental Medical Times, Sacramento
            v.9, p.415-418 (1895)

Surgical diseases of the stomach: anatomical and physiological considerations.
            In:  Piersol: Cyclopedia of medicine.
            Philadelphia : F.A Davis Co.

Two cases of protozoan (coccidioidal) infection of the skin and other organs.
            In:  Johns Hopkins Hospital. Studies in Dermatology, v.1, no.1 (1896)
            Also as separate from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. v.1 (1896)

Extensive spontaneous gangrene of the skin in a hysterical patient.
            Transactions of the Medical Society of California, San Francisco
            1897: 139-146.

Tubercular cases treated with oxy-tuberculin.
            Pacific Record of Medicine and Surgery
            v.7, p.311-314 (1897-98)

Strangulated hernia: a report of ten cases.
            Transactions of the Medical Society of California, San Francisco
            v.28, p.211-222 (1898)

Fracture of the bones of the leg.
            Pacific Record of Medicine and Surgery
            v.8, p.1-7 (1898-99)

Choice of operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.14, p.59-65 (1900)

Uremic coma from obstruction of one ureter due to a floating kidney; nephrorrhaphy, recovery.

            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.14, p.379-383 (1900).

Remarks on the surgical treatment of renal calculus.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.15, p.158-163 (1901)

Discussion of: Mayo, W.J.: The Surgical aspects of pancreatis.
            Journal of the Americal Medical Association, Chicago
            v.39, p.809-810 (1902)

Operative treatment of exophthalmic goitre.
            Annals of Surgery
            v.36, p.397-410 (1902)

Fractures of the pelvis, with report of three cases.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.16, p.303-308 (1902)

Final result of a Lorenz operation for congenital luxation of the hip.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.1, p.134; 147 (1902-03)

Removal of parotid gland for epithelioma.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.1, p.135 (1902-03)

Note on the operative treatment of old unreduced dislocations of the elbow.
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.21, p.425-432, 3 plates (1903)

Exsection of large part of femur; exhibiting patient.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.7, p.32 (1903)

Bloody reposition of an old dislocation of the elbow in an adult.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.17, p.32 (1903)

Supracondyloid fracture at elbow.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.17, p.33 (1903)

Final results in secondary sutures of nerves.
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.22, p.186-195 (1904)

Epithelioma of the lip.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.18, p.27-29 (1904)

Marjolin's ulcer.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.18, p.94 (1904)

Carcinoma favorably induced by erysipelas.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.18, p.95 (1904)

Spasmodic torticollis.
            Occidental Medical Times, San Francisco
            v.18, p.93 (1904)

Inflammation of appendices epiploicae and intestinal diverticula.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.2, p.296 (1904)

Early operation of gall stone disease.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.3, p.307-311 (1905)

Excision of portions of the chest wall for malignant tumors.
            Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia
            v.43, p.35-47 (1906)

            In:  American Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck]

            iv, 3-104 (1908)

Flexion of the pelvis in the Trendelenburg position.
            Surgical Gynecology and Obstetrics, Chicago
            v.10, p.185-187 (1910)

A Brief account of the history of the Lane Medical Library and of the Cooper Medical College.
            Read in the opening exercises of the Lane Medical Library, November 3, 1912.

Contribution to the etiology of congenital dislocation of the hip.
            Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia
            v.56, p.854-866 (1912)
also in:
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.30, p.329-349 (1912)

Early medical schools of the Pacific Coast; a brief account of the history of the Lane Medical
Library, the Cooper Medical College, Medical Department of the University of California,
Medical Department of Leland Stanford, jr. University.
            Pacific Medical Journal, San Francisco
            v.56, p.154-165 (1913)

Sarcoma of the uterus.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.11, p.118-122 (1913)

List of diseases and pathological conditions. Stanford University Medical Department including
            Lane Hospital. San Francisco. 1913.

On the mechanics of production of certain fractures; green stick, buckling fractures, flexion and
torsion fractures.
            Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago
            v.61, p.916-920 (1913)

Surgical aspects of industrial accident insurance.
            Jounal of the American Medical Association, Chicago
            v.67, p.1004-1011 (Sept. 30, 1916)

Acute suppurative cellulitis of the stomach; with report of three cases.
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.35, p.472-485 (1917)
also in:
                Annals of Surgery
                66:325-333 (1917)

Concerning osteopathy.
            California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco
            v.18, p.214 (1920)

Failure of primary rotation of the intestine (left-sided colon) in relation to intestinal obstruction.
            Annals of surgery, Philadelphia
            v.72, p.114-120 (1920)
also in:
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association, Philadelphia
            v.38, p.368-376 (1920)

On the mechanics of production and the treatment of spiral fractures.
            Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia
            v.74, p.490-497 (Oct. 1921)
also in:
            Transactions of the American Surgical Asssociation, Philadelphia
            v.39, p.589-800 (1921)

Carcinoma at the ileocecal valve; capture of a loop of small intestine with obstruction;
a problem of intestinal anastomosis
            Surgical Clinics of North America
            v.3, p.589-593 (June 1923)

The Optimum temperature of operating-rooms.
            California and Western Medicine, San Francisco
            v.22, p.599-601 (Dec. 1924)

Early Californian medical journals.
            California and Western Medicine, San Francisco
            v.23, p.604-607 (May 1925)

Theory and treatment of spiral fractures.
            Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia
            v.81, p.368-373 (Jan. 1925)

Fracture of patella.
            Surgical Clinics of North America
            v.6, p.327-332 (Apr. 1926)

Dislocation of the peroneal tendons: retention by plastic operation on the external lateral ligament.
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.44, p.347-351 (1926)

Development and changes, physiological and pathological in temporormandibular articulation.
            Pacific Dental Gazette
            v.35, p.488-500 (Aug. 1927)

On the temporomandibular articulation.
            International Journal of Orthodontia
            v.13, p.399-410 (May 1927)

Early history of medical education in California (Address of the President).
            Annals of Surgery
            v.88, p.321-332 (Sept. 1928)
also in:
            Transactions of the Americal Surgical Association
            v.46, p.1-12 (1928)

Lesions produced by forced abduction of shoulder.
            Surgical Clinics of North America
            v.8, p.1299-1305 (Dec. 1928)

Elias Samuel Cooper.
            Surgical Gynecology and Obstetrics
            v.49, p.862-865 (Dec. 1929)

Thomas W. Huntington, 1849-1929.
            Annals of Surgery
            v.90, p.794-795 (Oct. 1929)

Dislocation of shoulder.
            American Journal of Surgery
            v.8, p.268-272 (Feb. 1930)

            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.48, p.481-488 (1930)
also in:
            Annals of surgery
            v.92, p.673-680 (Oct. 1930)

Bacteriophage in surgery of colon and rectum.
            Annals of Surgery
            v.94, p.640-647 (Oct. 1931)
also in:
            Transactions of the American Surgical Association
            v.49, p.226-233 (1931)
Early history of coccidioidal granuloma in California.
            In:  California State Board of Health. Special Bulletin no. 57, pp. 5-8)

Coccidioidal granuloma.
            Proceedings of the Staff Meeting Mayo Clinic
            v.7, p.352-355 (June 15, 1932)

Cytologic respose to vaccine administered intraperitoneally to man.
            Proceedings on the Staff Meeting, Mayo Clinic
            v.8, p.586-591 (Sept.27, 1933)

The Lure of medical history: Levi Cooper Lane, M.D. (The Lane popular lectures)
            California and Western Medicine
            v.37, p.382-384 (Dec. 1933)
            v.38, p.37-39 (Jan. 1934)

Master surgeons of America: Levi Cooper Lane.
            Surgical Gynecolgy and Obstetrics
            v.56, p.246-250 (Feb. 1933)

Then and now : personal recollections
            Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology
            v.41, p.369-76 (July 1933)
            v.41, p.469-77 (Aug. 1933)

Stanley Stillman.
            San Francisco County Medical Society
            v.7: 10 (Nov. 1934)

with Dixon, C.F.
            Cytological response to peritoneal irritation in man; protective mechanism.
            American Journal of Surgery
            v.24, p.504-511 (Sept. 1934)

Harry Mitchell Sherman.
            Surgical Gynecology and Obstetrics
            v.60, p.117-119 (Jan. 1935)

Thrombosis by effort.
            Western Journal of Surgery
            v.43, p.233-242 (May 1935)

Traumatic carcinoma of the breast.
            Annals of surgery
            v.102, p.814-818 (Nov. 1935)

Traumatic rupture of right auricle with patient surviving 9 weeks.
            American Heart Journal
            v.11, p.111-116 (Jan. 1936)

John Fairbairn Binnie, 1863-1936.
            Annals of Surgery
            v.106, p.157-160 (July 1937)

with Gray, H.
            Diabetes insipidus with big bladder (capacity 2 liters).
            American Journal of Medical Science
            v.196, p.540-542 (Oct. 1938)



Last updated:

August 31, 2000