Search Help
The Lane Catalog search narrows your results to resources cataloged by Lane Library. You can use this search to explore our collections of print and digital resources including books, journals, databases, and more. Lane Catalog searches exclude results from PubMed, other Stanford campus libraries (via SearchWorks), and Lane Library’s website.
Using Lane Catalog
You can use filter options to further narrow search results by resource type, journal title, date, and more.
Access Print Materials
Lane Catalog results include location information to help you access print items. Version information, call number and item numbers are also displayed. Use the "Request Print" button to sign-in to Lane Catalog and request an item for pick up at the Lane Library Information Desk.

Access Article or Book Chapters
Some articles and book chapters in Lane Catalog are part of larger volumes (like a book or journal). For these items, Lane Catalog includes a "Access via" link to the item that contains the article or book chapter. Use this link to find location and request information for the article or book chapter.

Search By Call Number
You can also search by call number. This is useful if you have a specifc call number for an item, or if you would like to browse all the items that have similar call numbers. For example, if you search RB145, the search results will include all the items with a call number beginning with RB145.