Register of the Aldolph Barkan Papers
Lane Medical Archives
Stanford University Medical
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Processed by: Claire Still
completed: 10/8/80
Table of contents for
Barkan (Aldolph) Papers
Aldolph Barkan
Accession Number: MSS 9
Linear feet occupied: 1.25
3 document cases, organized by genre, arranged chronologically thereunder
Provenance: Transferred from Lane Medical Library collection, February 1990
Barkan, 1845-1935
Biographic chronology
Jan 1845 Born, Eperjes,
1 year study, University of Zurich
1866 M.D., Medizinische
Fakultat der Universitat Wien, Austria.
Clinical study under Prof. von Arlt
1867 Assistant to the chair of
physiology at the University of Graz
1868 "youngest
assistant" to the Ophthalmic Clinic of Prof. von Jaeger
1868 Resident physician to the
Maryland Eye and Ear Infirmary in Baltimore, Maryland
1869 arrives in San Francisco
to practice medicine
Nov 1876 License no. 433 to
practice medicine granted per new state law
1872 joins faculty of
Medical College of the Pacific as Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology
1881 married Louise Desepte of
Carlsruhe, Baden, Germany; father of Hans, Fritz, Otto and Fanny. Hans and Otto
later professors of ophthalmology at Stanford
Teacher's Fund to defray educational travel expenses of faculty members.
1900 Ll.D. University of
Glasgow (honorary)
(honored citizen), University of Munich
1912 Professor of structure and
diseases of the eye, ear, and larynx, Stanford University School of Medicine
Teacher's Fund
transferred to the endowment fund of the Library of Ophthalmology of the Lane
Medical Library. Founding donor of funds to create the history of medicine
collection, and instrumental in purchasing the Seidel collection.
Aug 1935 died, Zurich,
Switzerland, age 90
(Rixford: Buhlerhohe, Germany, in 91st year)
Barkan (Adolph) 1863-1940
Aldolph Barkan papers, 1866-1923
Note: numbers
after the decimal point refer to folder numbers, for example:
refers to box 1, folder 2.
Box Contents
1.1 Our noses
1887 Lane Popular Lecture
1.2 Emotions: their physiology and
1892 Lane Popular Lecture
1.3 Hygiene of the voice
1893 Lane Popular Lecture
1.4 Medical students and study in
ancient times
1894 Lane Popular Lecture
1.5 Use & abuse of our eyes
1895 Lane Popular lecture
1.6 Music as medicine
1898 Lane Popular lecture
1.7 Old age and its hygiene
1900 Lane Popular lecture
1.8 A Summer vacation
1902 Lane Popular lecture
1.9 A Summer vacation, typescript
1902 Lane Popular Lecture
1.10 Eyes and eye glasses
1904 Lane Popular lecture
1.11 Life and work of Hermann von
1906 Lane Popular Lecture
Box Contents
2.1 The Blind
2.2 Colour sense and colour blindness
2.3 [The Ear]
2.4 The face, its beauty and
2.5 The Prevention of blindness
2.6 Robert Koch, his life & work
2.7 Singing voice (corrected pages
for lecture)
Box Contents
3.1 Reprints (incomplete)
3.2 Record of diseases of the eye
3.3 Miscellaneous ms. Leaves
3.4 About A. Barkan (obits.,
bibliography, biography)
Citations taken from the
Stanford authors catalog, the Catalog of the Library of the Surgeon-General,
Index Medicus and reprint title pages.
Adolph Barkan
J.A.M.A., 105:1538, Nov 9 1935.
Adolph Barkan, obituary.
[Emmet Rixford] California
West. M., 43:307, 1935, port.
Adolph Barkan, 1844-1935.
[L.T. Post] Am J Ophth.
18:1156, Dec 1935.
Adolph Barken, 1844-1935, pioneer ophthalmologist.
[E. Jackson] Am J Ophth,
19:260-262, Mar 1936.
Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschicte des Auges der Batrachier.
Sitzb. d. Akad. d. Wissensch.,
Bd. liv, June 1866.
Embolism of a branch of the central retinal artery.
In: Contributions to ophthalmology.
New York: W. Wood & Co., 1873.
23 p., 1 pl., 8o.
Foerster. On the relations of diseases of the eye to general diseases.
Trans. from the German by A.
Pacific Medical & Surgical
Journal, xxii, 303-409, 345-361, and 441-462.
A Chip of iron successfully removed for the interior of the eye by the aid
of the magnet.
Pacific Medical & Surgical
Journal, xxv, 412.
Report on otology to the State Medical Society of California.
Expert medical report on one hundred and fifty-eight inmates of the Institution
for the Deaf, the Dumb
and the Blind at Berkeley, Cal.
Transactions of the Medical
Society of California, 1887 : 229-272, 2 tab.
36 cases of double blindness examined at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb,
and the Blind at
Berkeley, Cal, 1884.
Transactions of the Medical
Society of California, 1887: 267-272.
Does cocain improve the chances of success in operations for cataract?
Pacific Medical & Surgical
Journal, xxx, 13-17.
The Enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil, and the necessity of early
recognition by the general practitioner.
Transactions of the Medical
Society of California, xxiii: 211-222.
Report of a case of fatal secondary hemorrhage after removal of faucial and
pharyngeal tonsils.
Occidental Medical Times, viii:
Six successive cases where the electromagnet was used for the removal of
fragments of iron from the
interior of the eye.
Transactions of the Medical
Society of California, xxv: 386-399.
Abscess of the brain following suppurative otitis media.
Occidental Medical Times, ix:
Presidential address, delivered at the second annual meeting of the San
Francisco Society of eye, ear,
nose, and throat surgeons.
Occidental Medical Times,
March, 1895.
Chronic otitis media purulenta; abscess in the temporo-sphenoidal lobe,
followed by purulent
leptomeningitis; operation; death.
Archives of Otology, xxvi:
The Sideroscope and the large electromagnet in ophthalmic surgery.
Occidental Medical Times,
Sacramento, xi: 113-120.
Radical operation of the mastoid.
Pacific Rec. M. & S., xii,
Successful removal of a large piece of steel with Haab's electro-magnet.
Delirium tremens. Death.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxvii, 1898.
Four cases of iron foreign bodies removed from interior of the eye with Haab's
large electro-magnet.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxvii, 1898.
Chronische Mittelohr-Eiterung; Abscess im Lobus temporo-sphenoidalis mit
nachfolgender eitriger
Lepromeningitis; Operation; Tod.
Zeitschrift fur Ohrenh.,
Wiesb., xxxiii, 41-43.
Serpiginous ulcer.
Pacific Rec. M. & S., xiii,
A Further contribution to the extraction of particles of steel or iron with
Haab's large electro-magnet.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxviii, 1899.
Gummatous invasion of the bone, skin, conjunctiva, retina and uveal tract -
complete and rapid recovery.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxxi, 1902.
Further clinical experiences with Haab's giant magnet, with some experimental
statements regarding
Hirschberg's new hand-magnet.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxxi, 1902.
Case of embolism (thrombosis) of a branch of the central retinal artery treated
with forcible massage. Recovery.
Archives of Ophthalmology,
xxxi, 1902.
Report of a case of tuberculosis of the cornea, iris, and ciliary body.
Occidental Medical Times, xvii,
Killian's radical operation for chronic frontal sinusitis with demonstration of
California State Journal of
Medicine, 11, 154-156.
Professor Killian's method of direct bronchoscopy.
Occidental Medical Times, 1904.
Shot in the eye.
Occidental M. J. Times, San
Francisoc, xviii: 30, 1904
Some notes on recent progress in the sugery of the ear and brain.
California State Journal of
Medicine, iii, 140-142.
Chronic otorrhea as viewed by the life insurance companies and the medical
recruiting officer.
California State Journal of
Medicine, iii, 19-21.
The use of the burr in the mastoid operation.
Am. Otol., Rhinol., &
Laryngol., xv, 89-93.
Ruckblicke und Ausblicke.
Wiener klin. Wchnschr, 1912:
Nr. 27.
Prospect and Retrospect. Translation of his own Development of things medical
in the West.
California State Journal of
Medicine, Apr 1913 p. 159.
How ophthalmologists have prepared themselves for practise.
Paper given before June 15th
meeting of the American Medical Association.
A Contribution to the question: "Does the German government take good care
of its prisoners of war"?
Library of the history of medicine is notable addition to Stanford Medical
Stanford Illustrated Review,
Mar 1923, p. 294.
Origin and essence of the "Lane Medical Lectures."
California and Western
Medicine, 23:601-604, May 1925.
K. Lindner & A. Barkan
More about Ernst Fuchs.
Am. J. Ophth. 14:335-338, Apr.
Two cases of complete blindness, caused by male hysteria. Cure.
(Reprint from a series of scientific papers, published by the Society of German
Physicians in San Francisco,
in honor of the 25th anniversary of its foundation.)
Modern methods of recognizing the presence of foreign bodies in and around the
eye, with demonstration of
apparatus and specimens. (Reprint)
A Small piece of steel, penetrating through the cornea and pupil into the lens,
successfully removed by the
extraction of the cataractous lens five months later. (Reprint)
updated: |
27, 2000 |