Exam Prep Materials
- clinical editor, Jessica Shank Coviello, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, Associate Professor, Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, Yale University School of Nursing, West Haven, Connecticut.Contents:
Cardiac anatomy and physiology / Opal V. Wilson
Obtaining a rhythm strip / Jessica Shank Coviello
Interpreting a rhythm strip / Carolynn Spera Bruno
Sinus node arrhythmias / Leigh Ann Trujillo
Atrial arrhythmias / Nancy Bekken
Junctional arrhythmias / Karen Knight-Frank
Ventricular arrhythmias / Maurice H. Espinoza
Atrioventricular blocks / Leigh Ann Trujillo
Nonpharmacologic treatments / Karen Crisfulla
Pharmacologic treatments / Mary l. Johnston
Obtaining a 12-lead ECG / Marcella Ann Mikalaitis
Interpreting a 12-lead ECG / Carolynn Spera Bruno.Digital Access Ovid 2016 - clinical editor, Jessica Shank Coviello, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC.Summary: "Offering expert direction, this freshly updated, fully illustrated guide is packed with images and learning aids that support your understanding and retention in obtaining and interpreting rhythm strips. Recognize and treat a wide variety of arrhythmias with this vital text -- an ideal study aid and friendly on-the-unit support for both students and practicing nurses."--Publisher's description.
Part I. ECG fundamentals
Chapter 1. Cardiac anatomy and physiology / Opal V. Wilson
Chapter 2. Obtaining a rhythm strip / Jessica Shank Coviello
Chapter 3. Interpreting a rhythm strip / Carolynn Spera Bruno
Part II. Recognizing arrhythmias
Chapter 4. Sinus node arrhythmias / Leigh Ann Trujillo
Chapter 5. Atrial arrhythmias / Nancy Bekken
Chapter 6. Junctional arrhythmias / Karen Knight-Frank
Chapter 7. Ventricular arrhythmias / Maurice H. Espinoza
Chapter 8. Atrioventricular blocks / Leigh Ann Trujillo
Part III. Treating arrhythmias
Chapter 9. Nonpharmacologic treatments / Karen Crisfulla
Chapter 10. Pharmacologic treatments / Mary L. Johnston
Part IV. The 12-lead ECG
Chapter 11. Obtaining a 12-lead ECG / Marcella Ann Mikalaitis
Chapter 12. Interpreting a 12-lead ECG / Carolynn Spera Bruno
Appendices and index
Practice makes perfect / Kathleen M. Hill
ACLS algorithms
Brushing up on interpretation skills / Kathleen M. Hill
Look-alike ECG challenge
Quick guide to arrhythmias
Index.Digital Access Ovid 2020 - Shirley A. Jones.Contents:
Anatomy and physiologyof the heart
The electrocardiogram
Sinoatrial node arrhythmias
Atrial arrhythmias
Junctional arrhythmias
Ventricular arrhythmias
Atrioventricular and bundle branch blocks
Artificial cardiac pacemakers
The 12-lead ECG and acute myocardial infarction
ECG practice test one
ECG practice test two
ECG practice test three
ECG practice test four.Digital Access R2Library 2020Limited to 1 simultaneous user - Jane Huff, RN, CCRN, Education Coordinator, Critical Care Unit, Arrhythmia Instructor, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructor, Preceptor-Mentor, Critical Care Unit, Unity Health White County Medical Center, Searcy, Arkansas.Summary: "Grasp the electrocardiography basics and identify arrhythmias accurately, with the freshly updated ECG Workout, 7th Edition. Fully addressing the most common arrhythmias, this clearly worded text will take you step-by-step through expert ECG tracing interpretation methods, including differentiating among rhythm groups, equipment use, and management protocols. This is the go-to ECG guide for both student training and professional review--perfect for physicians, nurses, medical and nursing students, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, telemetry technicians, and related practitioners. Get a strong grounding in accurate ECG readings with: NEW pull-out arrhythmia summary cards help you interpret end-of-chapter practice strips, NEW and updated advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) guidelines incorporated in each arrhythmia chapter, NEW and updated figures, boxes, tables, and additional practice strips, Updated coverage of all ECG concepts and skills, including: Illustrated anatomy and physiology of the heart, Electrical basis of electrocardiology, Arrhythmia chapters: sinus, atrial, junctional and AV blocks, ventricular and bundle-branch block rhythms--examples, causes, clinical treatments, and practice strips, Step-by-step direction on interpreting rhythm strips, Components of the ECG tracing: waveforms, intervals, segments, complexes, and waveform identification, Discussion of cardiac monitors, lead systems, lead placement, ECG artifacts, and troubleshooting monitor problems, Methods for precise rate calculation, Discussion of cardiac pacemakers: types, indications, function, pacemaker terminology, malfunctions, and pacemaker analysis, with practice tracings. ECG conversion table ensures precise heart rate calculation with plastic pocket version inside back cover. Skillbuilder practice strips--more than 600 life-size ECG tracings: End-of-chapter strips from actual patients, with 3-second indicators for rapid-rate calculation, and answers at back of book. A mix of arrhythmias to help you distinguish among types. Posttest with mix of more than 100 waveform rhythm strips, for student testing or self-evaluation"--Provided by publisher.
Anatomy and physiology of the heart
Waveforms, intervals, segments, and complexes
Cardiac monitors
Analyzing a rhythm strip
Sinus arrhythmias
Atrial arrhythmias
Junctional arrhythmias and AV blocks
Ventricular arrhythmias and bundle-branch block
Posttest.Digital Access Ovid 2017 - Judith Babar, Oğuz Dicle, Hildo J. Lamb, Laura Oleaga, Fermín Sáez.Summary: This EDiR guide has a practical rather than a theoretical focus, and is intended as a reference tool for potential EDiR candidates who would like to gain a better understanding of the EDiR examination. A pool of experts has made every possible effort to create a single source that contains everything needed to successfully pass the EDiR examination. Times have changed, and there is certainly a new generation of radiologists who will find this cutting-edge tool a "must-have" to familiarize themselves with the examination quickly and easily. The book is divided into the following main sections: one chapter for each subspecialty; one chapter on Safety, Management and Imaging Procedures; another on Principles of Imaging Techniques and Processing; and lastly, one on Management. This structure follows the same pattern as the EDiR examination, which is based on the European Training Curriculum (ETC) for Radiology released by the European Society of Radiology (ESR). Each subspecialty is covered using the same basic structure: Multiple Response Questions (MRQs), Short Cases (SCs) and CORE Cases from one of the most recent EDiR examinations. Students will thus be able to see all the questions from a recent examination and learn from the answers and comments provided by our pool of experts. Clinical cases as electronic supplementary material complete the book, and links to EDiR preparation sessions are also included, allowing students to improve their knowledge of specific areas.Digital Access Springer 2019
- Adam J. Rosh, Ciara J. Barclay-Buchanan.Contents:
Chest pain and cardiac dysrhythmias
Shortness of breath
Abdominal and pelvic pain
Trauma, shock, and resuscitation
Poisoning and overdose
Altered mental status
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Musculoskeletal injuries
Headache, weakness, and dizziness
Vaginal bleeding
Ultrasound in the emergency department
Environmental exposures
Eye pain and visual change
Prehospital, disaster, and administration
Wound care
Endocrine emergencies
Psychosocial disorders
Emerging infections.Digital Access AccessEmergency Medicine 2016 - Adam J. Rosh, Ciara J. Barclay-Buchanan.Summary: "The trusted resource that asks the right questions so that you'll will be equipped with the answers. Emergency Medicine : PreTest® is the perfect way to ensure that you are prepared for the Emergency Medicine shelf exam. Written by clerkship faculty and reviewed by students who know what it takes to pass, Emergency Medicine : PreTest® is perfect for clerkship exam review and the USMLE Step 2CK. You'll find hundreds of high-yield questions, along with targeted answers explaining both correct and incorrect choices. This new edition has been heavily revised to reflect the latest information and practice, including a new chapter on professionalism, communication and ethics. 570 USMLE-style Q & A cover core topics on the clerkship exam. Complete explanations explain each answer option. Answer discussions highlight essential topics for high-yield review. Tested and reviewed by students who know what it takes to pass."--Taken from back cover
Chest pain and cardiac dysrhythmias. Questions ; Answers
Shortness of breath. Questions ; Answers
Abdominal and pelvic pain. Questions ; Answers
Trauma, shock, and resuscitation. Questions ; Answers
Fever. Questions ; Answers
Poisoning and overdose. Questions ; Answers
Altered mental status. Questions ; Answers
Gastrointestinal bleeding. Questions ; Answers
Musculoskeletal injuries. Questions ; Answers
Headache, weakness, and dizziness. Questions ; Answers
Pediatrics. Questions ; Answers
Vaginal bleeding. Questions ; Answers
Ultrasound in emergency medicine. Questions ; Answers
Environmental exposures. Questions ; Answers
Eye pain and visual change. Questions ; Answers
Prehospital, disaster, and administration. Questions ; Answers
Wound care. Questions ; Answers
Endocrine emergencies. Questions ; Answers
Psychosocial disorders. Questions ; Answers
Emerging infectious diseases. Questions ; Answers
Professionalism, ethics, and communication. Questions ; Answers
Index.Digital Access AccessEmergency Medicine 2021 - Joseph J. Violaris [and 6 others].Summary: This state-of-the-art book provides a concise and up-to-date review of key emergency medicine topics in a predominantly visual format along with extensive practice questions to assist in preparing for the emergency medicine board exams. It is comprised of numerous illustrations, created by Dr. Joseph Violaris, which are specifically tailored toward the visual learner studying and preparing for board exams in emergency medicine. The book is organized by organ system, with chapters on ophthalmology, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, orthopedics, immunology, and more. Special chapters that conclude the book are dedicated to trauma, pediatrics, toxicology, environmental disorders, and epidemiology. Each chapter contains a visual learning guide followed by board practice questions at the end to reinforce topics addressed in the illustrations. Emergency Medicine Board Review for the Visual Learner is an essential guide for medical students, residents, and fellows in emergency and internal medicine studying for board exams as well as EM physicians and related professionals preparing for recertification.
1.1 HENT Review Questions
1.2 HENT Review Answers
2: Ophthalmology
2.1 Ophthalmology Review Questions
2.2 Ophthalmology Review Answers
3: Cardiology
3.1 Cardiology Review Questions
3.2 Cardiology Review Answers
4: Pulmonology
4.1 Pulmonology Review Questions
4.2 Pulmonology Review Answers
5: Gastroenterology
5.1 Gastroenterology Review Questions
5.2 Gastroenterology Review Answers
6: Nephrology and Urology
6.1 Nephrology and Urology Review Questions
6.2 Nephrology and Urology Review Answers 7: Obstetrics and Gynecology
7.1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Review Questions
7.2 Obstetrics and Gynecology Review Answers
8: Orthopedics
8.1 Orthopedics Review Questions
8.2 Orthopedics Review Answers
9: Dermatology
9.1 Dermatology Review Questions
9.2 Dermatology Review Answers
10: Metabolic Disturbances and Endocrinology
10.1 Endocrinology Review Questions
10.2 Endocrinology Review Answers
11: Immunology
11.1 Immunology Review Questions
11.2 Immunology Review Answers
12: Infectious Disease
12.1 Infectious Disease Review Questions 12.2 Infectious Disease Review Answers
13: Neurology
13.1 Neurology Review Questions
13.2 Neurology Review Answers
14: Hematology and Oncology
14.1 Hematology and Oncology Review Questions
14.2 Hematology and Oncology Review Answers
15: Psychology
15.1 Psychiatry Review Questions
15.2 Psychiatry Review Answers
16: Trauma
16.1 Trauma Review Questions
16.2 Trauma Review Answers
17: Pediatrics
17.1 Pediatrics Review Questions
17.2 Pediatrics Review Answers
18: Toxicology
18.1 Toxicology Review Questions
18.2 Toxicology Review Answers 19: Environmental Disorders
19.1 Environmental Disorders Review Questions
19.2 Environmental Disorders Review Answers
20: Epidemiology
20.1 Epidemiology Review Questions
20.2 Epidemiology Review Answers
Index - editors and chief, William G. Gossman, MD, FAAEM, Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska, Scott H. Plantz, MD, FAAEM, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Louisville Emergency Medicine Residency, Louisville, Kentucky.Digital Access ProQuest Ebook Central 2016Limited to 3 simultaneous users
- editors, Katherine M. Bakes, Jennie A. Buchanan, Marie E. Moreira, Richard Byyny, and Peter T. PonsDigital Access ClinicalKey 2022
- edited by Vicki Sweet.Digital Access ClinicalKey Nursing 2018
- Michael T. McDermott, MD.Summary: "For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Endocrine Secrets, 7th Edition, features the Secrets' popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style - making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable"--Publisher's description.
Diabetes mellitus: etiology, classification, and diagnosis
Diabetes mellitus: acute and chronic complications
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Diabetes technology: pumps, sensors, and beyond
Carbohydrate counting-guided insulin dosing: practice exercises
Inpatient management of diabetes and hyperglycemia
Diabetes in pregnancy
Hypoglycemic disorders
Lipid disorders
Osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases: evaluation
Measurement of bone mass
Osteoporosis management
Osteomalacia, rickets, and vitamin D insufficiency
Paget's disease of bone
Hypercalcemia of malignancy
Pituitary insufficiency
Nonfunctioning pituitary tumors and pituitary incidentalomas
Pituitary stalk lesions
Prolactin-secreting pituitary tumors
Growth hormone-secreting pituitary tumors
Cushing's syndrome
Glycoprotein-secreting pituitary tumors
Water metabolism
Disorders of growth
Growth hormone use and abuse
Primary aldosteronism
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas
Adrenal incidentalomas
Adrenal malignancies
Adrenal insufficiency
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Thyroid testing
Thyroid nodules and goiter
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid emergencies
Euthyroid sick syndrome
Thyroid disease in pregnancy
Psychiatric disorders and thyroid disease
Differences (disorders) of sexual
Disorders of puberty
Male hypogonadism
Erectile dysfunction
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Hirsutism and virilization
Gender-affirming treatment for adults with gender incongruence and gender dysphoria
Use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids and androgen precursors
Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes
Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Carcinoid syndrome
Aging and endocrinology
Endocrinopathies caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors
Sleep and endocrinology
Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
Adrenal surgery
Pancreas and other endocrine tumor surgery
Bariatric surgery
Endocrinology in Africa
Famous people with endocrine disorders
Interesting endocrine facts and figures
Endocrine case studiesDigital Access ClinicalKey 2020 - Alexander L. Shifrin, Marco Raffaelli, Gregory W. Randolph, Oliver Gimm, editors.Summary: Every surgical subspecialty has been rapidly developing with establishment of the board certification. The Division of Endocrine Surgery (DES) of the European Board of Surgery has defined the curriculum for Endocrine Surgery to include thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and GEP-NET surgery, and handles accreditation in Endocrine Surgery. The first examinations in Endocrine Surgery in Europe have been introduced in 2003. The main goal of the exam is to maintain a uniform and high standard of endocrine surgical professionalism across the Europe. This book was completed with the expectation that it would benefit all European surgeons looking to be certified in Endocrine Surgery. Additionally, surgeons from the United States and other non-EU countries we hope will also benefit from this book. There is a need for a specialized book that reviews evidence based endocrine surgery that aligns itself with current curriculum standards in the field. The book contains knowledge that is expected to be known on the board examination of the DES. In general, chapters start with a patient's case followed by questions. The subsequent comprehensive yet concise main text provides all the information needed for a successful DES exam and cites important references. After the patient case and questions, the text goes on to define the condition, the standard of care approach to establish the diagnosis, perform diagnostic tests of choice, review evidence-based treatment options including medical therapy, preparation for surgery. The chapters conclude with follow up care and long term outcomes. The topics discussed within this book closely follow the curriculum of the European Board of Surgery Examination. Written by experts in the field, Endocrine Surgery Comprehensive Board Exam Guide is a valuable source of preparation for the Endocrine Surgery examination and brings Endocrine Surgery to a higher level of expertise by helping to raise the standard of training for future endocrine surgeons.
Part I: Thyroid
Thyroid Gland: Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology
Thyroid Nodules and Mutlinodular Goiter
Graves' Disease and Toxic Nodular Goiter
Thyroiditis (Hashimoto, De Quervain, Riedel)
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Follicular Thyroid Carincoma
Hurthle Cell Carcinoma
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Thyroid Lymphoma
Radioactive Iodine, Thyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
Surgical Procedure/Thyroidectomy: Indications, Operative Techniques, Management of Complications, RLN Monitoring, Flexible Laryngoscopy
Part II: Parathyroid
Parathyroid Glands: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid Carcinoma
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia (FHH)
Surgical Procedure: Parathyroidectomy: Indications, Operative Techniques, Management of Complications, Intraoperative PTH Monitoring
Part III: Adrenals
Adrenal Glands: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology
Cushing's Syndrome Disease
Primary Hyperaldosteronism
Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease)
Surgical Procedure/Adrenalectomy: Indications, Operative Techniques, Management of Complications
Part IV: Familial Endocrine Surgery
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
Familial Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Other Familial Endocrine Syndromes (Recklinghausen Disease, von Hippel Lindau Syndrome, Cowden's Disease, FAP, Carney Complex)
Jaw-Tumor Syndrome
Part V: Endocrine Pancreas
Anatomy, Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology
Other Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors
Surgical Procedure Steps and Key Points: Whipple Procedure/Enucleation
Part VI: Neuroendocrine Tumors
Foregut/Midgut/Hindgut Carcinoids
Part VII: Endocrine Emergencies
Thyroid Storm
Hypercalcemic Crisis
Endocrine Hypertensive Emergencies. - Petros Koltsidopoulos, Charalampos Skoulakis, Stilianos Kountakis.Digital Access Springer 2017
- Melissa A. Scholes and Vijay R. Ramakrishnan.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2023
- Anwar Qais Saadoon.Summary: This book is a concise learning guide dedicated to the full scope of pediatric history-taking and clinical examination for use in OSCEs as well as clinical life.
History-taking skills and symptomatology
Basics of history taking
History taking of common pediatric cases
Examination of the newborn and older child
Examination of the newborn
Examination of the older child.Digital Access Springer 2018 - Rajat Chand, Adam E.M. Eltorai, Terrance Healey, Sun Ahn, editors.Summary: The book is a question-and-answer guide to interventional radiology. This pocket resource addresses both general IR and subspecialty topics, providing accurate, on-the-spot answers. Students can read the text from cover to cover to gain a general foundation of knowledge that can be built upon when they begin their rotation or use specific chapters to review a subspecialty before starting a new rotation or joining a new service. The book begins with a general introduction to IR and its common procedures and tools, and is then organized by subspecialties (like vascular disease, oncology, and genitourinary), focusing on common conditions. The books two-column format provides questions on the left and answers on the right to facilitate rapid-fire review that includes many classic images to facilitate pattern recognition skills. This book is an ideal, on-the-spot reference for medical students, residents, and practicing interventional radiologists seeking fast facts on diagnosis and treatment with interventional radiology.
SECTION I: Introduction
Using this book
What is Interventional Radiology?
Core principles
SECTION II: Daily Workflow
Role of a sub-intern
Presenting patients
Morning rounds
Afternoon rounds
Taking call
SECTION III: The Vascular Suite
Running the table
Choice of Access
Seldinger technique
SECTION V: Vascular Disease
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Thoracic aortic aneurysms
Angioplasty and stenting
Deep vein thrombosis
Mesenteric ischemia
Arteriovenous Malformations
Central Venous Access
Carotid Artery Stenosis
Renovascular Hypertension
Varicose Vein
Vena Cava Filter
Peripheral Artery Aneurysm
Dialysis grafts
SECTION VI: Oncology
SECTION VII: Hepatobiliary
Transjugular intrahepatic porotosystemic shunts
Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration
SECTION VIII: Genitourinary
Percutaneous nephrostomy
Ureteral Stenting
Uterine fibroid embolization
Prostatic artery embolization
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
Pain management
SECTION X: Vascular Emergencies
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Uterine artery embolization
Contrast reactions
New procedures. - Allan Siegel, PhD, Professor Emeritus Department of Neurology and Neurosciences Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey, Hreday N. Sapru, PhD, Professor Department of Neurological Surgery Department of Neurology and Neurosciences, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey ; case histories written by Heidi E. Siegel, MD.Summary: "There has been a dramatic explosion of information in the field of neuroscience over the last few decades. This explosion of information has presented a great challenge to those of us who teach neuroscience in terms of synthesizing a coherent approach in which the diverse topics encompassed by neuroscience can be taught in a lucid and effective manner. We met this challenge by designing Essential Neuroscience, a book that considers all of the basic neuroscience topics to allow the students to focus on the essential concepts and facts intrinsic to any given topic without overwhelming them with distracting or confusing extraneous information"-- Provided by publisher.
Machine generated contents note: SECTION I Gross Anatomy of the Brain
1. Overview of the Central Nervous System
2. Development of the Nervous System
3. Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
4. Histology of the Nervous System
5. Electrophysiology of Neurons
6. Synaptic Transmission
7. Neurotransmitters
SECTION III Organization of the Central Nervous System
8. The Spinal Cord
9. Brainstem I: The Medulla
10. Brainstem II: Pons and Cerebellum
11. Brainstem III: The Midbrain
12. The Forebrain
13. The Cranial Nerves
SECTION IV Sensory Systems
14. Somatosensory System
15. Visual System
16. Auditory and Vestibular Systems
17. Olfaction and Taste
SECTION V Motor Systems
18. The Upper Motor Neurons
19. The Basal Ganglia
20. The Cerebellum
SECTION VI Integrative Systems
21. The Autonomic Nervous System
22. The Reticular Formation
23. The Hypothalamus
24. The Limbic System. Contents note continued: 25. The Thalamus and Cerebral Cortex
26. Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System
27. Vascular Syndromes
28. Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders.Digital Access LWW Health Library (Medical Education) 2015 - Allan Siegel, Hreday N. Sapru ; case histories written by Heidi E. Siegel.Contents:
I: Gross anatomy of the brainp
Overview of the central nervous systemp
Development of the nervous systemp
Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid
II: The neuronp
Histology of the nervous system
Electrophysiology of neurons
Synaptic transmission
III: Organization of the central nervous system
The spinal cord
Brainstem I: the medulla
Brainstem II: pons and cerebellum
Brainstem III: the midbrain
The forebrain
The cranial nerves
IV: Sensory systems
Somatosensory system
Visual system
Auditory and vestibular systems
Olfaction and taste
V: Motor systems
The upper motor neurons
The basal ganglia
The cerebellum
VI: Integrative systems
The autonomic nervous system
The reticular formation
The hypothalamus
The limbic system
The thalamus and cerebral cortex
Blood supply of the central nervous system
Vascular syndromes
Behavioral and psychiatric disorders.Digital Access LWW Health Library (Medical Education) 2019 - edited by Enrique Collantes Celador, Jan Rudiger, Alifia TameemSummary: This is the ideal companion for postgraduate pain medicine exams and a comprehensive guide to acute, chronic, and cancer pain management for practising doctors, pain nurses, and allied health professionalsDigital Access Oxford 2022
- Adam E.M. Eltorai, Craig P. Eberson, Alan H. Daniels, editors.Summary: Utilizing a rapid-fire, two-column question and answer format, this is an ideal on-the-spot resource for senior medical students covering a wide range of both general and subspecialty orthopedic topics: anatomy, physiology, presentation and history, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, physical examination, radiological evaluation, operative and non-operative treatment techniques, surgical complications, rehabilitation and more. With hundreds of high-yield questions and answer items, this quick reference covers orthopedic basics before moving on to detailed sections on the upper and lower extremity, axial skeleton, pediatric orthopedics, and systemic conditions. The straightforward Q & A format allows for either self-testing or quizzing with partners, whether practicing for a board review or studying up in one's spare time. While it can be read cover to cover for a general foundation of knowledge, it can also be referred to selectively before starting a new rotation or seeing a patient with a subspecialty attending. Useful as a companion text to Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship and Orthopedic Surgery Rotation, Essential Orthopedic Review is a handy, pocket-sized resource and review guide that can be used by senior medical students, nursing and PT students, primary care providers, and junior residents in orthopedics and sports medicine.
- Benjamin A. Abramoff, Jing Wang, Christine Krull, editors.Summary: This text serves as a high-yield review of spinal cord injury medicine in a multiple choice question-based format. The content covered reflects key topics relevant to clinical practice and subspecialty certification through the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Medicine examination. The 22 chapters are arranged topically to address the full scope of information relevant to the field of spinal cord injury medicine. Included with each question is a corresponding in-depth explanation, as well as pertinent references to supporting literature. The questions and educational explanations are written by leading experts in the field of spinal cord injury medicine and are designed to be board-relevant in both content and style. This question bank should be of use to anyone wishing to test and expand their knowledge of spinal cord injury medicine, including therapists, medical students, residents, fellows, and attending physicians of any specialty.
Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Prevention of Spinal Cord Injury
Anatomy, Physiology and Imaging of the Spinal Cord
Assessment, Classification and Prognosis in Spinal Cord Injuries
Acute Evaluation and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries
Cardiovascular Issues in Spinal Cord Injury
Pulmonary changes After Spinal Cord Injury
Gastrointestinal Disorders in Spinal Cord Injury
Genitourinary Issues in Spinal Cord Injury
Sexuality and Reproductive Health after Spinal Cord Injury
Musculoskeletal Issues in Spinal Cord Injury
Neurological Complications of Spinal Cord Injury
Pressure Injuries
Pain and Spinal Cord Injury
Nutrition, Endocrine, and Immune Function
Psychological Disorders for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries
Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injuries
Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury
System Based Practice and Ethical Considerations Related to Spinal Cord Injuries
Community Living with Spinal Cord Injuries. - Fredric E. Wondisford.Summary: Developed from time-tested material utilized in endocrinology courses for medical students, this comprehensive and practical guide draws together a number of related disciplines to create a straightforward and accessible approach to the study of endocrine and metabolic diseases. Designed with the student in mind, each of the main endocrine organs and disorders are covered in thematic sections on diabetes, thyroid disorders, calcium disorders, adrenal disorders, and hypothalamus and pituitary disorders. Opening with clear learning objectives, chapters within each section discuss core concepts, anatomy, embryology, histology, testing, diagnosis and pharmacology, and include clinical case scenarios and multiple choice review questions. Full-color figures and diagrams enhance and extend the content. Perfect for in-class reference or board licensing review, Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism is an indispensable resource for medical and nursing students alike.
Introduction to Endocrinology Concepts
Part I: Diabetes
GPS for Diabetes
Diabetes Types and Diagnosis
Diabetes Complications
Diabetes Pharmacology
Diabetes Cases
Part II: Thyroid
GPS for Thyroid
Abnormal Thyroid Function
Thyroid Testing
Thyroid Pharmacology
Thyroid Nodules and Cancer
Thyroid Cases
Part III: Calcium
GPS for Calcium
Calcium Pharmacology
Calcium Cases
Part IV: Adrenal
GPS for Adrenal
Adrenal Cortex
Adrenal Testing
Adrenal Pharmacology
Secondary Hypertension
Adrenal Cases
Part V: Hypothalamus and Pituitary
GPS for Pituitary
Growth Hormone
Reproductive Function
Posterior Pituitary
Pituitary Cases
Puberty Cases. - [edited by] Mindy A Smith, Sarina Schrager, Vince WinklerPrins.Contents:
Primary care and the evolving US health care system
Population health
Information mastery
Working in an ambulatory care office
Behavior change
Patient safety in primary care
Overview of prevention and screening
Prenatal care
The pediatric well-child check
Care for the aging parent
Acute problems: approach and treatment
Approach to common chronic problems
Weight management and nutrition
Women's health care
Men's health care
Musculoskeletal problems
Sexuality and relationship issues
Skin problems
Chronic pain
Family violence
Common psychosocial problems
Substance use disorders
Community engagement, health equity, and advocacy.Digital Access LWW Health Library (PA Rotations) 2019 - senior editor, Peter F. Lawrence ; editors, Jessica Beth O'Connell, Matthew R. Smeds.Summary: "Focused on the information all medical students need to know to pass the NBME surgery shelf or other rotation examinations, this Sixth Edition of Lawrence's popular Essentials of General Surgery offers concise, high-yield content and a smaller format ideal for study on the go. Updated to reflect the latest advances in the field, this edition provides the authoritative, up-to-date content today's busy medical students need for exam success. Includes general surgery and surgical specialties all in one volume Offers authoritative information by leading surgery educators Provides five in-book practice questions per chapter, with additional questions online Focuses on high-yield information for quick reference Offers an enhanced array of online resources, including a question bank, case studies, and outlines for students and oral exam questions and an image bank for instructors Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech Adapt for unique reading needs, supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more"--Provided by publisher
Perioperative evaluation and management of surgical patients
Fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base balance
Surgical nutrition
Surgical bleeding: bleeding disorders, hypercoagulable states, and replacement therapy in the surgical patient
Surgical shock
Surgical critical care
Wounds and wound healing
Surgical infection
Abdominal wall, including hernia
Stomach and duodenum
Small intestine and appendix
Colon, rectum, and anus
Biliary tract
Surgical endocrinology
Liver and spleen
Surgical oncology: malignant diseases of the skin and soft tissue
Pediatric surgery: surgical diseases of children
Plastic surgery: diseases of the skin and soft tissue, face, and hand
Cardiothoracic surgery: diseases of the heart, great vessels, and thoracic cavity
Diseases of the vascular system
Otolaryngology: diseases of the head and neck
Orthopedic surgery: diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Urology: diseases of the genitourinary system
Neurosurgery: diseases of the nervous system.Digital Access LWW Health Library (PA Rotations) 2019 - Franklin Amthor, W. Anne Burton Theibert, David Standaert, Erik Roberson.Digital Access
- Jones, Alex P., Janis, Jeffrey E.Digital Access
- Summary: Examination preparation and subject review for USMLE Step 1 (9000+ questions), USMLE Step 2 (5000+ questions), USMLE Step 3 (3000+ questions), and PANCE (1200+ questions) among others. Certification Review aids cover Family Practice, General Pediatrics, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and SPEX. Students can create self-study exams in a variety of subjects.Digital Access DatabaseUsers must register with their Stanford.edu email at https://stanford.myexammaster.com and login via this link. Access is not IP restricted.
- Martin Caon.Summary: This second edition provides 2400 multiple choice questions on human anatomy and physiology, and some physical science, separated into 40 categories. The answer to each question is accompanied by an explanation. Each category has an introduction to set the scene for the questions to come. However, not all possible information is provided within these Introductions, so an Anatomy and Physiology textbook is an indispensable aid to understanding the answers. The questions have been used in end-of-semester examinations for undergraduate anatomy and physiology courses and as such reflect the focus of these particular courses and are pitched at this level to challenge students that are beginning their training in anatomy and physiology. The question and answer combinations are intended for use by teachers, to select questions for their next examinations, and by students, when studying for an upcoming test. Students enrolled in the courses for which these questions were written include nursing, midwifery, paramedic, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nutrition and dietetics, health sciences, exercise science, and students taking an anatomy and physiology course as an elective.
Intro; Preface to the Second Edition; Advice to the Exam Candidate; Some Thoughts on Writing Good MCQs and on Answering Poorly Prepared MCQ Quizzes; Ten Pieces of Advice for Writing Good Multiple Choice Questions; Five Ways to Score More Highly on a Poorly Prepared Multiple Choice Question Test; Some Thoughts on the Marking of MCQ Tests (Where There Are 4 Choices of Answer, One of Which Is the Best Correct); Bibliography; Contents;
Chapter 1: Organisation of the Body;
Chapter 2: Cells and Tissues; 2.1 Cells and Tissues; 2.2 Cell Cycle (Mitosis and Protein Synthesis). 12.5 Pressure Applied to the Cardiovascular System12.6 Blood Pressure and Its Control;
Chapter 13: Respiratory System; 13.1 Anatomy and Physiology; 13.2 Pressure Applied to the Respiratory System;
Chapter 14: Nervous System; 14.1 Cells and Action Potential; 14.2 Brain and Spinal Cord Anatomy; 14.3 Autonomic Nervous System, Neurotransmitters, and Reflexes; 14.4 Special Senses (Eye and Ear); 14.4.1 Eye; 14.4.2 Ear;
Chapter 15: Reproductive System;
Chapter 16: Waves, Light Waves, Sound Waves and Ultrasound (The Physics of); 16.1 Waves; 16.2 Light Waves; 16.3 Sound; 16.4 Ultrasound.
Chapter 17: Ionising Radiation17.1 Medical Imaging with X-Radiation; 17.2 Radioactivity, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Safety;
Chapter 18: Electricity;
Chapter 19: Biomechanics;
Chapter 20: Body Temperature, Energy and Heat Loss;
Chapter 21: Essay Topics for a Written Assignment Assessment in Anatomy and Physiology.
Chapter 3: Measurement, Errors, Data and Unit Conversion
Chapter 4: Chemistry for Physiology; 4.1 Atoms and Molecules; 4.2 Solutions; 4.3 Diffusion and Osmosis; 4.4 Tonicity, Moles and Osmoles; 4.5 Acids, Bases and Buffers; 4.6 Organic Chemistry and Macromolecules;
Chapter 5: Integument;
Chapter 6: Homeostasis;
Chapter 7: Skeleton and Joints;
Chapter 8: Muscles;
Chapter 9: Gastrointestinal System;
Chapter 10: Endocrine System;
Chapter 11: Renal System;
Chapter 12: Cardiovascular System; 12.1 Blood; 12.2 Heart; 12.3 Blood Vessels; 12.4 Pressure: The Physics of Pressure. - Michael F. Klaassen, Earle Brown.Summary: This book serves as a guide for senior trainees preparing for their final professional exams at the end of at least 4 - 5 years of advanced training in an approved plastic and reconstructive surgery training programme. These exams are extremely challenging and difficult to pass, and a knowledge of plastic surgery alone is not enough. Judgement, discipline and the ability to handle the pressure of the exam interactions are key. The book dissects each segment of the exam and presents the common clinical, anatomical and pathological cases that candidates are likely to encounter.
The psychology of exam performance
Caught in the spotlight
Knowledge is power, experinece is key
General principles
The art of writing exam answers
Long clinical cases
Shrot clinical cases
Scenarios : surgical pathology + operative surgery
Applied anatomy
Anaesthesia for plastic surgeons
Aesthetic surgery principles
Science principels for plastic surgery
The successful candidate
The failed candidate
For your support team/family/friends
Summary and general advice. - Saif Aldeen Saleh AlRyalat.Summary: The book provides high yield information in basic ophthalmology including anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, and embryology that are required for preparation of ophthalmology exams. The book focusses on all parts of the eye, with special focus on basic science including appropriate amount of information on clinical science for students and trainees. It is written in a lucid manner with textual notes and illustrations for quick learning and better understanding. Each section contains high yield information in separate points, with commonly asked information in Eye Yield Note boxes. It also includes estimated study time for each section to better plan the study. It also includes a pre-exam night study section at the end of the book that provides the information to be reviewed just before the exam. The book will be very helpful in passing almost all basic ophthalmology exams in a relatively short study time, by skipping the filling text available in most of the textbooks. It will be an excellent read for post graduate students looking for concise revision material. It will be relevant for medical students, ophthalmology residents, and medical doctors applying for ophthalmology residency and also for FRCS Part 1 exam.
How to use the book
Structural anatomy, physiology, and pathology of eye
Essential pathology and immunology for ophthalmologists
Genetics and embryology for ophthalmologists
Pharmacology for ophthalmologists
Microbiology for ophthalmologists
Neurology for ophthalmologists
Pre-exam eye yields.
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