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  • Book
    Michael F. Klaassen, Earle Brown.
    Summary: This book serves as a guide for senior trainees preparing for their final professional exams at the end of at least 4 - 5 years of advanced training in an approved plastic and reconstructive surgery training programme. These exams are extremely challenging and difficult to pass, and a knowledge of plastic surgery alone is not enough. Judgement, discipline and the ability to handle the pressure of the exam interactions are key. The book dissects each segment of the exam and presents the common clinical, anatomical and pathological cases that candidates are likely to encounter.

    The psychology of exam performance
    Caught in the spotlight
    Knowledge is power, experinece is key
    General principles
    The art of writing exam answers
    Long clinical cases
    Shrot clinical cases
    Scenarios : surgical pathology + operative surgery
    Applied anatomy
    Anaesthesia for plastic surgeons
    Aesthetic surgery principles
    Science principels for plastic surgery
    The successful candidate
    The failed candidate
    For your support team/family/friends
    Summary and general advice.
    Digital Access Springer 2018