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Designed specifically for the clinician, it finds clinical evidence fast with Lane's relevance ranked article results. Our clinical query assistant gives you MeSH suggestions as you type to quickly help you write good clinical questions.

EBP experts use PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) to develop answerable patient-centered questions.

Most people search by using very simple queries. By importing terms from your PICO question to your literature search, you can more effectively hone in on clinical research pertinent to your patient's problem.

Sources Searched:

  • PubMed
  • UpToDate
  • Cochrane Library
  • BMJ Clinical Evidence
  • ACP Journal Club
  • AAFP Family Doctor
  • Medline Plus

Using Clinical Search

Clinical Search features

Relevance Ranking of Results

Article Ranking

  1. Evidence-based resources (Cochrane Reviews, DARE, ACP Journal Club & BMJ Best Practice)
  2. PubMed Clinical Trials, Recent Reviews, Treatment, Diagnosis, Prognosis, HARM, Etiology & Epidemiology
  3. AAFP Patient Handouts & Medline Plus
  4. Exact article title matches
  5. Terms matching the beginning of a title
  6. Terms found anywhere in the title
  7. Terms found in the title & abstract
  8. Publication year
  9. Alphabetically by title