Today's Hours: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Gifts & Donations

We Appreciate Your Support

We are grateful for your gifts and donations. We accept monetary donations in addition to print and historical materials that meet our requirements.

Monetary Donations

Handing holding a gift box with a red ribbon

Over the years, Lane Medical Library has been deeply grateful for the generosity of individuals and departments who have enriched our collection through monetary donations. Your donation has a direct impact on our collections, programs, and facilities.

Financial contributions can be made in memory of family members, colleagues, and friends or to recognize special individuals. If you donate online, please direct your gift to "Other Stanford Designation" and include Lane Library in the comments field.

Donate Online


Reach out to us if you have any questions about making a monetary donation.

Email Library Administration

Print Materials

Over the years, Lane Medical Library has been deeply grateful for the generosity of individuals and departments who have enriched our collection through material donations. Today as we work to stretch our acquisitions budget, we continue to welcome contributions to support our overall library mission.

What We Accept

We accept books published in the last two years, within the scope of our collection. We are especially interested in publications from Stanford authors and alumni. If requested, we can highlight books donated by Stanford-affiliated authors on our library blog and the TV screens in our library spaces.

Due to staffing and space limitations. Lane Library no longer accepts donations of periodicals or journals. For donations outside of our accepted current materials, please check our Gift Referral list or visit the Stanford University Libraries gift opportunities page.

How to Donate Materials

Before bringing donations to the library, please contact the Acquisitions Department to discuss your donation. As the donor, It is your responsibility to arrange for the delivery of gifted items. On request, we can provide a letter of acknowledgment.

Email Us About Your Donation

Condition of Acceptance

Donated materials become the property of the library and can be used as our librarians and archivists deem fit. We accept only donations that will enhance the collection either by adding to the collection or by providing funds through their sale. Lane Library may offer donated materials to other libraries on campus or elsewhere. If an item is not needed and is not salable, an attempt will be made to give it away or recycle it. Lane Medical Library reserves the right to dispose of donated materials as it sees fit, unless a prior arrangement has been reached.

Appraisals for Tax Purposes

The library is legally prohibited from providing tax appraisals for gifts. Donors wishing to take a deduction from their annual income tax may want to consult IRS Regulations or a tax expert for specific questions.

Charitable Contributions: IRS Publication 526

Value of Donated Property: IRS Publication 561

Gift Referral List

This is a list of people and organizations we know of who may be interested in receiving donations of medical materials. If you come across any others that we should add to our list, please let us know.

Historical Materials

How to Donate

If you would like to donate historical materials such as personal papers, historical medical artifacts or pre-1900 publications, please contact the Stanford Medical History Center.

Contact the Medical History Center
Historical medical artifacts