Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Research Services

Research librarian providing instruction to a student with a laptop between then in the library consultation space

Literature Search Services

Get expert help developing literature searches for evidence synthesis projects, grant applications, book chapters, research projects and more.

Literature Search Services
charts and tables of data

Data Services

Request help with data management plans and learn more about best practices for data management and sharing.

Data Services
bookshelf with bound periodicals

Research Impact Services

We offer guidance with tracking and understanding the impact of your research. We also offer help identifying where to publish, understanding open access, and using unique identifiers.

Research Impact Services
two people viewing a large screen in a classroom setting

Classes & Events

We offers a wide variety of classes on research related topics including literature searching, reference management, data management, research impact, and more. Registration is free of charge to the Stanford Medicine community.

Classes & Events
view of bookshelf in the library

DocXpress Document Delivery Service

Request access to articles, book chapters, and physical books not available in our collection. We also offer scanning services for print-only articles and book chapters.

computer screen with code

BioInformatics Office Hours

This service is for Stanford medical students and researchers to get help using bash, R, Python, Git, or Sherlock (Stanford’s research computing cluster) for academic purposes.

BioInformatics Office Hours

Research & Instruction Team

Who We Are

Research and Instruction is the team within Lane Library responsible for actively providing education and research-related support to the Stanford Medicine community, including Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

What We Do

The focus of the R&I team is education. Through collaboration, consultation, and training, the team provides expert assistance on topics related to medical education, evidence-based medicine, scholarly communications, research impact, and the management and sharing of research data.

Lane Liaisons Program Us

The core Research and Instruction team is also integral to Lane Library’s liaison program, which pairs each department within the School of Medicine to an individual librarian. Reach out to your liaison librarian with any questions about library resources or services.

Find Your Liaison
Staircase in Lane Library with a blurred person walking up the stairs towards the information desk

Copyright Guidance

Copyright logo and an image of a scale to refer to fair use

Copyright and intellectual property issues are a part of the fabric of research and scholarly communications, and thus all Stanford faculty, students and staff need a working understanding of copyright law as it impacts their daily lives. 

Stanford Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communtions

Stanford University faculty, staff, and students request guidance navigation copyright issues relevant to research, publishing, and teaching.

Office of Scholarly Communications

Stanford Libraries’ Copyright Guidance

This guide highlights common campus copyright concerns in order to help the Stanford community navigate these important issues.

Copyright Guidance Guide