Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Pectoral region and axilla

Left axilla (continued); relations of arteries, veins and nerves, close-up view

Image #91-3

KEYWORDS: Axilla, Neuralnetwork, Peripheral nervous system.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Pectoral region and axilla
Left axilla (continued); relations of arteries, veins and nerves, close-up view
The trunks (5,6,7), cords (24) and various branches of the brachial plexus are shown in relation to the subclavian (9,10) and axillary (14) vessels.
1 . Upper pointer: levator muscle of scapula Lower pointer: Dorsal nerve of scapula
2 . Branch of long thoracic nerve
3 . Serratus anterior muscle
4 . Superficial transverse artery
5 . Upper trunk
6 . Middle trunk
7 . Lower trunk (91-4 pertain to the supraclavicular part of brachial plexus)
8 . Phrenic nerve (lying upon anterior scalene muscle)
9 . Subclavian artery
10 . Subclavian vein
11 . Subclavian trunk
12 . Rib I
13 . Tendon of origin of subclavius muscle
14 . Axillary artery and vein
15 . External intercostal muscle
16 . Supraspinatus muscle
17 . Clavicle
18 . Acromioclavicular ligament
19 . Coracoclavicular ligament
20 . Coracoacromial ligament
21 . Upper pointer: Suprascapular nerve Lower pointer: Transverse scapular artery
22 . Subscapular nerve
23 . Coracoid process of scapula
24 . Upper pointer: Posterior cord Middle pointer: Lateral cord Lower pointer: Middle cord (together these are infraclavicular parts of the brachial plexus)
25 . Axillary nerve
26 . Musculocutaneous nerve
27 . Radial nerve
28 . Coracobrachialis muscle
29 . Median nerve