Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect

Longitudinal fibers within septum pellucidum

Image #7-6

KEYWORDS: Brain, Telencephalon, Ventricules.

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Exploration of the brain from its basal aspect
Longitudinal fibers within septum pellucidum
The body and crus of the fornix have been removed from the specimen and the column of the fornix (12) turned out from its normal position. A system of fibers is exposed which courses longitudinally above the fornix in the septum pellucidum. By dissecting the septum pellucidum (8) anteriorly these can be traced into the region of the lamina terminalis. Posteriorly the fibers appear to blend with the occipital radiation of the corpus callosum. No connection with the hippocampal structures could be found.
1 . Corpus callosum
2 . Corona radiata
3 . Septum pellucidum (ependymal membrane removed)
4 . Dentate fascia
5 . "Alveus"
6 . Tapetum viewed through posterior horn of lateral ventricle
7 . Collateral fissure
8 . Septum pellucidum (thick portion in paraterminal area dissected free and lifted up)
9 . Radiation of rostral lamina of corpus callosum
10 . Anterior commissure (cut across)
11 . Anterior perforated substance
12 . Fornix (column) (cut across and turned laterally)
13 . Mamillary body
14 . Thalamus
15 . Fibers within septum pellucidum (described above)
16 . Stria medullaris thalami
17 . Cerebral peduncle
18 . Corpus callosum (splenium)
19 . Arachnoid (within transverse fissure which is now opened widely)