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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures

Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.

Image #58A-6

KEYWORDS: Brain, Diencephalon, Exocrine and endocrine, Eye, Face, Midbrain, Peripheral nervous system.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures
Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.
The vessels shown in the preceding view have been trimmed away and the left half of the optic chiasm has been removed to reveal the infundibulum of the hypophysis (15) extending downward through the opening in the diaphragm of the sella turcica (3). The recesses of the third ventricle that are closely related to the optic chiasm are indicated at 14 and 16. The tentorium has been cut and reflected to reveal the course of the trochlear nerve as it passes anteriorly around the mesencephalon.
1 . Upper pointer: Optic nerve (II) Lower pointer: Anterior clinoid process (covered by dura)
2 . Internal carotid artery
3 . Diaphragma sellae
4 . Posterior communicating artery
5 . Oculomotor nerve (III)
6 . Location of sinus cavernosus (covered by dura)
7 . Cerebral tentorium (reflected)
8 . Trochlear nerve (IV)
9 . Trigeminal nerve (V) (beneath arachnoid membrane)
10 . Superior cerebellar vein
11 . Branch of superior cerebellar artery
12 . Right anterior cerebral artery
13 . Anterior commissure
14 . Upper pointer: Optic chiasm (cut across in midline) Lower pointer: Optic recess
15 . Left pointer: Infundibulum Right pointer: Triangular recess
16 . Infundibular recess
17 . Mamillary body (cut across)
18 . Cerebral peduncle
19 . Third ventricle
20 . Nucleus ruber
21 . Arterial branch which entered brain stem through posterior perforated substance in interpeduncular fossa
22 . Position of medial lemniscus
23 . Brachium quadrigeminum inferius (cut across)
24 . Superior colliculus
25 . Left internal cerebral vein
* . [Legend above restored translation from Latin]