Today's Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Exploration of the meninges and brain in situ

Pericallosal arteries (both arising from right anterior cerebral artery)

Image #2-2

KEYWORDS: Brain, Meninges, Telencephalon, Vasculature.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Exploration of the meninges and brain in situ
Pericallosal arteries (both arising from right anterior cerebral artery)
The left anterior cerebral artery has been removed. The pericallosal arteries, normally terminal branches of the anterior cerebral arteries of their respective sides, both arise from the right side in this specimen.
1 . Falx cerebri
2 . Cingulate sulcus
3 . Cingulate gyrus
4 . Corpus callosum (trunk)
5 . Callosomarginal branch of right anterior cerebral artery
6 . Corona radiata and medullaiy substance of hemisphere (cut across)
7 . Sulcus circularis at margin of insula
8 . Arachnoid lifted up to display the digital impressions of the orbital roof (dura intact)
9 . Position of crista galli to which falx cerebri attaches
10 . Short insular gyrus
11 . Branches of middle cerebral artery
12 . Digital impressions in floor of anterior cranial fossa
13 . Lateral fissure (Sylvian)
14 . Right and left pericallosal arteries both arising from right anterior cerebral artery
15 . Corpus callosum (splenium)
16 . Posterior parietal branch of middle cerebral artery
17 . Transverse temporal gyrus