Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect

Hippocampus, fimbria, crus of fornix, inferior and posterior horns of lateral ventricle

Image #18-7

KEYWORDS: Brain, Telencephalon, Ventricules.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Exploration of the brain from the medial aspect
Hippocampus, fimbria, crus of fornix, inferior and posterior horns of lateral ventricle
The inferior horn of the lateral ventricle was widely opened by cutting away the sublenticular and retrolenticular parts of the internal capsule and much of the amygdaloid nucleus. The specimen is viewed somewhat from in front so that the posterior horn of the ventricle is visible. The tapetum and occipital radiation of the corpus callosum are seen in relation to this horn.
  1. Radiation corpus callosum
  2. Internal capsule
  3. Claustrum
  4. External capsule
  5. Posterior part of anterior commissure
  6. Middle cerebral artery and lateral striate arteries
  7. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
  8. Corona radiata
  9. Tapetum (cut across)
  10. Posterior horn lateral ventricle
  11. Bulbus posterior horn
  12. Fornix (crus) (cut across)
  13. Corpus callosum (splenium)
  14. Posterior cerebral artery (passing into calcarine fissure)
  15. Hippocampal fissure
  16. Fimbria of hippocampus
  17. Hippocampal gyrus
  18. Hippocampal digitations
  19. Uncus (hippocampal gyrus)