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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of female pelvis froma lateral approach

General view of pelvic contents with right hip bone removed

Image #159-7

KEYWORDS: Muscles and tendons, Bones joints cartilage, Female, Overview.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of female pelvis froma lateral approach
General view of pelvic contents with right hip bone removed
The entire right hip bone has been removed from the specimen. The pelvic diaphragm has been split and reflected downward. The pelvic peritoneum (17, 19) remains intact on the right side and is seen from its external aspect.
1 . Upper pointer: Iliacus muscle Lower pointer: Psoas major muscle (cut off)
2 . Impression remaining after removal of posterior part of ilium (pointer on periosteum)
3 . Femoral nerve (cut off)
4 . Articular surface of sacrum
5 . Upper pointer: Superior gluteal artery Lower pointer: Piriform muscle
6 . Sciatic nerve
7 . Inferior gluteal artery
8 . Sacrospinous ligament (reflected posteriorly)
9 . Superior vesical artery
10 . Rectouterine muscle (uterosacral and cardinal ligaments, consisting of smooth muscle intermingled with fibrous tissue and pelvic plexus of nerves)
11 . Levator ani muscle (reflected)
12 . Urinary bladder (redundant pocket which extended posterolaterally has been pulled downward and partly invaginated into bladder)
13 . External anal sphincter muscle
14 . Ileocolic artery (cut off in margin of mesentery)
15 . Root of mesentery (cut across)
16 . External iliac artery
17 . Parietal peritoneum (pointer on tela subserosa)
18 . Parietal peritoneum (interior of anterior abdominal wall, pointer on tunica serosa)
19 . Upper pointer: Ligamentum teres (of uterus) Lower pointer: Parietal peritoneum (external aspect)
20 . Lateral umbilical ligament
21 . Upper pointer: Obturator nerve Lower pointer: Obturator artery
22 . Pubic symphysis
23 . Body of clitoris
24 . Labium minus