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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Exploration of lymphatic structures of gastrointestinal tract

Lymph nodes and vessels related to stomach, general view

Image #140-4

KEYWORDS: Lymphatics, Stomach, Vasculature.

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Exploration of lymphatic structures of gastrointestinal tract
Lymph nodes and vessels related to stomach, general view
Peritoneum has been removed from the anterior surfaces of the greater and lesser omenta and these structures have been dissected. Lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels have been preserved insofar as possible in this preparation. These nodes are related to the lesser curvature of the stomach (2,4) as well as to the greater curvature (9,19). In a later view (141-7), the lymphatic structures have been removed so that blood vessels and nerves are more clearly visible.
  1. Liver (left lobe dissected)
  2. Left gastric lymph nodes (superior gastric nodes; upper pointer indicates one of several paracardial nodes)
  3. Lesser omentum (hepatogastric ligament)
  4. Hepatic lymph nodes
  5. Cystic duct
  6. Gallbladder
  7. Pylorus
  8. Pyloric antrum
  9. Pyloric lymph node
  10. Right gastroepiploic artery (note right gastroepiploic lymph nodes along course of artery)
  11. Margin of dissected area of greater omentum
  12. Transverse colon
  13. Esophagus
  14. Diaphragm
  15. Fundus of stomach
  16. Spleen
  17. Left gastroepiploic artery
  18. Body of stomach
  19. Pancreaticosplenic lymph nodes (left gastroepiploic nodes)
  20. Left colic flexure
  21. Greater omentum
  22. Epiploic branches right epiploic artery