Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of mediastinum and paravertebral structures

Contents of thoracic inlet viewed from below

Image #126-7

KEYWORDS: Mediastinum, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of mediastinum and paravertebral structures
Contents of thoracic inlet viewed from below
The thoracic cavity has been opened from behind. The thoracic viscera have been excised with the exception of the structures which pass through the superior thoracic aperture (thoracic inlet). Lymphatic structures and connective tissue have been removed from the area.
1 . Transverse process vertebrae Th. II
2 . Rib II
3 . Stellate ganglion
4 . Thoracic nerve I
5 . Costocervical trunk
6 . Left vertebral artery
7 . Ansa subclavia
8 . Left subclavian artery
9 . Rib I
10 . Intercostal nerve I
11 . Upper pointer: Esophagus Lower pointer: Trachea
12 . Upper pointer: Left phrenic nerve Lower pointer: Left subclavian vein
13 . Left common carotid artery
14 . Aortic arch
15 . Costal cartilage I
16 . Upper pointer: Recurrent laryngeal nerve Lower pointer: Ligamentum arteriosum
17 . Costal pleura
18 . Ascending aorta
19 . Sternothyroid muscle (origin from sternum)
20 . Internal thoracic artery and vein
21 . Spinal ganglion nerve Th. II
22 . Posterior longitudinal ligament (crossing vertebra Th. II)
23 . Intervertebral disc Th. II-III
24 . Costotransverse ligament
25 . Inferior costal facet
26 . Thoracic nerve I
27 . Cervical nerve VIII
28 . Left pointer: Costocervical trunk Right pointer: Inferior trunk brachial plexus
29 . Right vertebral artery and vein
30 . Right subclavian artery
31 . Anterior scalene muscle
32 . Right phrenic nerve
33 . Right subclavian vein
34 . Upper pointer: Right vagus nerve Lower pointer: Right brachiocephalic vein
35 . Left pointer: Brachiocephalic trunk Right pointer: Inferior thyroid vein
36 . Upper pointer: Left brachiocephalic vein Lower pointer: Azygos vein
37 . Superior vena cava
38 . Manubrium of sternum (covered by sternal membrane)