We will be closed on Saturday September 14 due to facilities work.

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of pericardium and heart in situ

Latex cast of cavity of left ventricle and origin of aorta

Image #117-7

KEYWORDS: Heart, Left heart, Pericardial sac, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Dissection of pericardium and heart in situ
Latex cast of cavity of left ventricle and origin of aorta
The opening into the left ventricle, which was shown in the previous view, has been extended to include the root of the ascending aorta and to expose the aortic semilunar valves.
1 . Reflection of pericardium onto aorta
2 . Filaments of cardiac plexus
3 . Trachea
4 . Superior vena cava
5 . Ascending aorta
6 . Right coronary artery
7 . Upper pointer: Aortic valve (right semilunar cusp) Lower pointer: Aortic sinus (filled with latex cast)
8 . Right crus atrioventricular bundle
9 . Right atrium
10 . Crista terminalis
11 . Valve of inferior vena cava
12 . Right ventricle
13 . Left phrenic nerve
14 . Pulmonary trunk
15 . Left coronary artery
16 . Aortic valve (left semilunar cusp)
17 . Interventricular septum (cut away)
18 . Myocardium of left ventricle (cut across)
19 . Latex cast of cavity of left ventricle