Image Materials
- Leslie P. Gartner, Lisa M.J. Lee.Summary: "This histology atlas and text provides medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with an outstanding collection of histology images for all of the major tissue classes and body systems. This is a concise approach with relevant text and consistent format presentation of photomicrograph plates. It features a full-color art program comprising high-quality photomicrographs, scanning electron micrographs, and supporting illustrations. Didactic features in each chapter includes: Chapter Outline, Histophysiology, Clinical Considerations, Overview Diagrams, Atlas Plates, Review Plates, and Summary of Histologic Organization. Clinical-vignette style board-review questions have been added to the new edition as well as standard review questions."-- Provided by publisher
Introduction to Histologic Techniques
Cell Biology
Epithelium and Glands
Connective Tissue
Cartilage and Bone
Blood and Hemopoiesis
Nervous Tissue
Circulatory System
Lymphoid (Immune) System
Endocrine System
Respiratory System
Digestive System I
Digestive System II
Digestive System III
Urinary System
Female Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Special Sense - Appendix A: Tissues that Resemble Each Other - Appendix B: Answers to Chapter Review Questions.Digital Access LWW Health Library (Medical Education) 2023 - Libby Edwards, Peter J. Lynch.Contents:
Genital anatomy / Libby Edwards
Terminology and classification of genital disorders / Peter J Lynch
General principles of diagnosis and therapy / Peter J Lynch
Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures / Libby Edwards
Skin colored lesions / Peter J. Lynch
Red lesions: patches and plaques / Peter J Lynch, Libby Edwards
Red papules and nodules / Peter J. Lynch
White lesions / Libby Edwards
Dark colored lesions : brown, blue, gray or black disorders / Peter J. Lynch
Blistering and pustular diseases / Libby Edwards
Erosions and ulcers / Libby Edwards, Peter J. Lynch
Edema / Peter J. Lynch
Pruritus / Peter J. Lynch
Pediatric genital disease / Libby Edwards
Vaginitis and balanitis / Libby Edwards
Special issues in genital dermatology, psychosexual aspects, immunosuppression, and aging / Peter J. Lynch, Libby Edwards.Digital Access Ovid 2018 - Summary: Data repository for the GENSAT project, which aims to map the expression of genes in the central nervous system of the mouse, using both in situ hybridization and transgenic mouse techniques.Digital Access NLM Database
- editor, Douglas J. Rhee.Contents:
I: Glaucoma diagnosis
Introduction to glaucoma diagnosis
Basics of aqueous flow and the optic nerve
Anterior segment imaging
Optic nerve imaging
Glaucoma imaging: optic nerve head, peripapillary, and macular regions
Psychophysical testing
Blood flow in glaucoma
II: Clinical syndromes
Introduction to clinical syndromes
Childhood glaucomas (Congenital glaucomas)
Primary open-angle glaucoma
Secondary open-angle glaucoma
Uveitic glaucomas
Lens-associated open-angle glaucomas
Traumatic glaucoma
Primary acute angle-closure and chronic angle-closure glaucoma
Secondary angle-closure glaucoma
Glaucoma secondary to elevated venous pressure
III: Glaucoma management
Introduction to glaucoma management
Medical management
Laser trabeculoplasty
Deep sclerectomy surgery for glaucoma
Trabeculectomy, the Ex-PRESS mini glaucoma shunt, and the xen gel
Glaucoma drainage devices
Schlemm canal-based surgery
Cyclodestructive procedures for glaucoma
Late complications of glaucoma surgery
Supraciliary microstent surgeryDigital Access - Herbert P. Goodheart, Mercedes E. Gonzalez.Summary: Dr. Goodheart's award-winning and highly regarded guide to skin disorders has been fully updated in its 4th Edition, and now includes a separate section on common pediatric complaints. More than 900 high-quality illustrations provide a comprehensive visual guide to the vast majority of skin conditions you're likely to see.
Machine generated contents note: Illustrated Glossary of Basic Skin Lesions
Topical Therapy
pt. ONE Common Pediatric Skin Conditions: Diagnosis and Management
2.Neonatal and Infantile Eruptions
4.Eczema in Infants and Children
5.Superficial Bacterial Infections
6.Superficial Viral Infections
7.Viral and Bacterial Exanthems
8.Lumps, Bumps, and Linear Eruptions
9.Hair and Nail Disorders
10.Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease
11.Neurocutaneous Syndromes
pt. TWO Common Adult/Elderly Skin Conditions: Diagnosis and Management
12.Acne and Related Disorders
13.Eczema and Related Disorders
15.Inflammatory Eruptions of Unknown Cause
16.Superficial Bacterial Infections, Folliculitis, and Hidradenitis Suppurativa
17.Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Viral Infections
18.Superficial Fungal Infections
19.Hair and Scalp Disorders Resulting in Hair Loss
20.Hirsutism Note continued: 21.Disorders of the Oral Cavity, Lips, and Tongue
22.Diseases and Abnormalities of Nails
23.Pigmentary Disorders
24.Pruritus: The "Itchy" Patient
25.Xerosis: The "Dry" Patient
26.Adverse Cutaneous Drug Eruptions
27.Diseases of Cutaneous Vasculature
28.Sexually Transmitted Diseases
29.Bites, Stings, and Infestations
30.Benign Cutaneous Neoplasms
31.Premalignant and Malignant Cutaneous Neoplasms
pt. THREE Systemic Conditions and the Skin
32.Cutaneous Manifestations of Pregnancy
33.Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV Infection
34.Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease
pt. FOUR Dermatologic Procedures
35.Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques.Digital Access - Anne M.R. Agur, B Sc(OT), MSc, PhD, Professor, Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Division of Biomedical Communications, Institute of Medical Science, Rehabilitation Sciences institute, Graduate Department of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Arthur F. Dalley II, PhD, FAAA, Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Anatomy, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy.Summary: "Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set Grant's Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representation provide students with the ultimate lab resource."--Back cover.
Upper limb
Pelvis and perineum
Lower limb
Cranial nerves.Digital Access LWW Health Library (Medical Education) 2017 - Anne M.R. Agur, Arthur F. Dalley II.Summary: "This edition of Grant's Atlas has, like its predecessors, required intense research, market input, and creativity. It is not enough to rely on a solid reputation; with each new edition, we have adapted and changed many aspects of the Atlas while maintaining the commitment to pedagogical excellence and anatomical realism that has enriched its long history. Medical and health sciences education, and the role of anatomy instruction and application within it, continually evolve to reflect new teaching approaches and educational models. The health care system itself is changing, and the skills and knowledge that future health care practitioners must master are changing along with it. Finally, technologic advances in publishing, particularly in online resources and electronic media, have transformed the way students access content and the methods by which educators teach content. All of these developments have shaped the vision and directed the execution of this fifteenth edition of Grant's Atlas, as evidenced by the key features"-- Provided by publisher.
Upper limb
Pelvis and perineum
Lower limb
Cranial nerves.Digital Access LWW Health Library (Medical Education) 2021 - Sanjana Vijay Nemade, Kiran Jaywant Shinde.Summary: This book provides the description of the granulomatous diseases of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck with their characteristic features, investigations and management. It includes wide variety of infective, idiopathic, neoplastic, hereditary, reactive and various other types of chronic granulomatous reaction in the ear, nose, throat and head neck region. Further, the description is supported with various illustrations including clinical photographs, radiological pictures of CT scan, MRI scan etc. Histopathological and microbiological images which show characteristics and differentiating features are also included to aid in the diagnosis of the diseases. Histopathological colored images with high magnification and immunohistochemistry images are provided for better illustrations. This book also elaborates the important medical and surgical management of the granulomatous diseases. Every chapter ends with the essential features of that particular granulomatous disease, and this will certainly help the post-grad students and clinicians to differentiate the diseases, early diagnosis and management of the patients with chronic granulomatous diseases.
1. Introduction
2. Autoimmune Granulomatous diseases
A. GPA- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
a. Churg-Strauss syndrome
b. Behcet's disease
3. Infective Granulomatous diseases
A. Bacterial infection
B. Fungal infection
C. Protozoal infection
4. Idiopathic Granulomatous diseases
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Crohn's disease
C. Orofacial granulomatosis
5. Hereditary Granulomatous diseases
A. CGD- Chronic granulomatous disease
6. Neoplastic Granulomatous diseases
A. T cell lymphoma (Midline lethal granuloma)
7. Reactive Granulomatous diseases
A. Reparative giant cell granuloma
B. Cholesterol granuloma
C. Chemical granuloma (Cocaine, talc, beryllium)
D. Foreign body granuloma
8. Diseases with secondary granulomatous manifestations
A. Relapsing polychondritis
B. Langerhan cell histiocytosis (LCH)
C. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
D. Rheumatoid arthritis. - editor-in-chief, Susan Standring ; section editors, Neel Anand [and 12 others] ; special editors, Richard Tunstall [and two others].Contents:
Historical introduction
Anatomical nomenclature
Basic structure and function of cells
Integrating cells into tissues
Nervous system
Blood, lymphoid tissues and haemopoiesis
Functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Smooth muscle and the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
Skin and its appendages
Fluorescence microscopy today: A perspective
Electron microscopy in the twenty-first century
Merkel cells
The reaction of peripheral nerves to injury
A critical evaluation of the current status of myofascial chains
Preimplantation development
Implantation and placentation
Cell populations at gastrulation
Overarching concepts in development
Cell populations at the start of organogenesis
Development of the heart and circulation
Development of the nervous system
Development of the eye
Development of the ear
Development of the head and neck
Development of the back
Development of the limbs
Development of the lungs, thorax and respiratory diaphragm
Development of the peritoneal cavity, gastrointestinal tract and its adnexae
Development of the urogenital system
Pre- and postnatal growth and the neonate
Head-trunk interface in the vertebrate embryo
Overview of the nervous system
Meninges and ventricular system
Vascular supply and drainage of the brain
Spinal cord
Basal ganglia
Cerebral hemispheres
Comparative anatomy of the corticospinal system
Head and neck:: Overview and surface anatomy
The skull
Face and scalp
Infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae and temporomandibular joint
Nose, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
External and middle ear
Inner ear
Orbit and accessory visual apparatus
Spinal cord and spinal nerves: Gross anatomy
Pectoral girdle and upper limb: overview and surface anatomy
Shoulder girdle and arm
Elbow and forearm
Wrist and hand
Nerve biomechanics
The anatomy and variation of the coracoid attachment of the subclavius muscle and its relation to the clavi-coraco-axillary aponeurosis
Instability of the shoulder - a neurological disease
Thorax: Overview and surface anatomy
Chest wall and breast
Pleura, lungs, trachea and bronchi
Respiratory diaphragm and phrenic nerves
Great vessels
Breast cancer
Computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) of anomalous coronary vasculature
Abdomen and pelvis: Overview and surface anatomy
Anterior abdominal wall
Posterior abdominal wall and retroperitoneum
Peritoneum, mesentery and peritoneal cavity
Abdominal oesophagus and stomach
Small intestine
Large intestine
Gallbladder and biliary tree
Suprarenal gland
Lesser pelvis and perineum
Kidney and ureter
Bladder, prostate and urethra
Male reproductive system
Female reproductive system
The mesentery and the mesenteric model of abdominal compartmentalization
Pelvic girdle and lower limb: Overview and surface anatomy
Pelvic girdle, hip, gluteal region and thigh
Knee and leg
Ankle and foot
Functional anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis
A proposed novel action of psoas minor
Anterolateral ligament of the knee
The anatomy of the peripheral nervous system
The anatomy of the vascular and lymphatic systems
A note on anatomy from an imaging perspective
Technical aspects and applications of diagnostic radiology
Imaging the ageing musculoskeletal system
Cinematic rendering offers entirely new possibilities for studying human anatomy
Eponyms.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2021 - Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W.M. Mitchell ; illustrations by Richard Tibbetts and Paul Richardson ; photographs by Ansell Horn.Summary: "Easy to read, superbly illustrated, and clinically relevant, Gray's Anatomy for Students, 4th Edition, is medical students' go-to text for essential information in human anatomy. This fully revised volume focuses on the core information students need to know, in an easy-access format and with additional multimedia tools that facilitate effective study and mastery of the material. A team of expert authors and global advisors share their extensive teaching and clinical experience, highlighted by more than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations throughout the text"--Publisher's description.
The body
Lower limb
Upper limb
Head and neck
Neuroanatomy essentials
Gray's systemic anatomy. Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Gastrointestinal system
Urogenital system
Lymphatic system
Nervous system.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2020 - Richard L. Drake [and 2 others].Digital Access ClinicalKey 2021
- Marios Loukas, R. Shane Tubbs, Brion Benninger.Summary: "Perfect for hands-on reference, Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 2nd Edition is a practical resource in the anatomy lab, on surgical rotations, during clerkship and residency, and beyond! The fully revised second edition of this unique dissection guide uses superb full-color photographs to orient you more quickly in the anatomy lab, and points out the clinical relevance of each structure and every dissection"--Publisher's description.
Section I: Introduction. Dissection laboratory materials, tools and techniques
Section II: Back. Muscles of the back and scapula
Suboccipital triangle and spinal cord
Section III: Thorax. Pectoral region and breast
lungs, removal of heart, and posterior mediastinum
Section IV: Upper limb. Axilla and arm
Forearm (antebrachium)
Section V: Abdomen. Anterior abdominal wall and inguinal region
Peritoneal cavity
Gastrointestinal tract
Posterior abdominal wall
Section VI: Pelvis and perineum. Pelvis
Section VII: Lower limb. Gluteal region
Thigh and leg
Leg and ankle
Section VIII: Head and neck. Neck
Infratemporal fossa
Calvaria, dural venous sinuses, brain, and cranial nerves
Nasal cavity
Pharynx and oral cavity
Retropharyngeal region and pharynx
Clinical applicationsDigital Access ClinicalKey 2019
Popular Image Sources
- Complete Anatomy
- Bassett Anatomy
- ClinicalKey
- e-Anatomy
- eNeurosurgery
- NetAnatomy
- Thieme Teaching Assistant Anatomy 2.0
- RadCases
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Over 10,000 notes outline the status of specific infections within each country.
Limited to 19 simultaneous users. Designed to teach or review human anatomy; turn labels on/off, some quizzing. 6th edition of An Atlas of illustrations and radiologic images provides views and perspectives that elucidate complex anatomic relationships.
Incorporates muscle tables as quick look-up appendices. Database of must-know cases covering every radiology subspecialty; clearly annotated images to identify key findings at-a-glance. Select “Images” tab; search over 2 million images covering these subject areas: Biochemistry, Dentistry, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Medicine, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nursing & Health Professions, Veterinary Science & Medicine A presentation tool with thousands of stunning illustrations and clinical images from Gilroy et al.'s Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd Edition, and other Thieme titles. Archive of medical images of cancer for free public download. Images are organized as “Collections”, e.g., disease (lung cancer, etc.), image modality (MRI, CT, etc.) or research focus. DICOM file format.