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- Morton A. Diamond, MD, FACP, FAHA, FACC (E), 2012 Distinguished Professor, College of Health Care Sciences, Dr. Pallavi Patel, Medical Director, Physician Assistant Program, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale Florida.Digital Access ProQuest Ebook Central 2019
- editors: David R. Crowe, Michael B. Morgan, Stephen C. Somach, Kara M. Trapp.Digital Access Springer 2016
- Marcos Cesar Florian, Jane Tomimori, Sofia Beatriz Machado de Mendonça, Douglas Antonio Rodrigues.Digital Access Springer 2017
- edited by Dirk M. Elston, Tammie Ferringer ; with Christine J. Ko [and four others].Summary: "Offering a unique combination of expert online lectures, vast image collections both in print and online, and an easy-to-use print atlas, Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, helps you master the complexities of this challenging and fast-changing subspecialty. Dr. Elston and his colleagues make dermatopathology easier to understand, leading you to efficient, accurate diagnoses of the most important common dermatologic findings seen in practice"--Publisher's description.
The basics: diagnostic terms, skin anatomy, and stains
Benign tumors and cysts of the epidermis
Malignant tumors of the epidermis
Pilar and sebaceous neoplasms
Sweat gland neoplasms
Melanocytic neoplasms
Interface dermatitis
Psoriasiform and spongiotic dermatitis
Blistering diseases
Granulomatous and histiocytic diseases
Inflammatory vascular diseases
Alterations in collagen and elastin
Metabolic disorders
Disorders of skin appendages
Bacterial, spirochete, and protozoan infections
Fungal infections
Viral infections, helminths, and arthropods
Fibrous tumors
Tumors of fat, muscle, cartilage, and bone
Neural tumors
Vascular tumors
Cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, NK-cell lymphoma, and myeloid leukemia
B-cell lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemia
Metastatic tumors and simulators
Appendices. Dermatopathology mnemonics
Skin ultrastructure
External agents and artifactsDigital Access ClinicalKey 2019 - Christine J. Ko, Ronald J. Barr.Contents:
Shape on low power
Gestalt : rash/inflammatory
Cell type
Color : blue
Color : pink.Digital Access Wiley 2017 - Cara East.Summary: This unique book is designed to help a medical team become a clinical research team. It includes practical information and tips for the initial stages of clinical research: building a team, negotiating a contract, developing a budget, and writing and improving a patient consent. Chapters describing the nuts and bolts of how to actually perform the study follow, including patient recruiting and retention, screening, follow-ups and handling monitor visits. Finally, there is discussion of the yearly reviews and disclosures and not just surviving, but acing, the all-important Food and Drug Administration audit. Clinical research moves medicine forward and is a necessary part of bringing any new therapy, device, or procedure into routine medical care. However, it can be costly and convoluted, and the methodologies of clinical research are not widely standardized. Decreasing some of the chaos present in American clinical research is the primary goal of this book. The second goal is to improve the understanding and education of those who enter clinical research, whether in the frontline work of the clinical research site, in the middleman companies who have a high turnover rate, at a research hospital or institution, or at medical corporations that depend on good clinical research to bring their products to market. The third reason is to standardize American clinical research and to remove some of the vagaries and inconsistencies in the field. Practical and user-friendly, Developing a Successful Clinical Research Program fills a need for a clear guide to developing and improving a first-class research program in any clinical setting.
Why do clinical research?
How clinical research should never have been done: ethical measures for protection and respect
Choosing a study
Starting a clinical research team
Developing a budget
Negotiating a contract
Writing a great consent
Starting the study
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Getting subjects through the door
The screening visit
Follow-up subject visits
Maintaining subject retention and avoiding study fatigue
Adverse events and protocol deviations
Contract research organizations and monitors
Annual reviews and financial disclosures
Finishing the study
Staff training and incentives
Study closeout
Acing an audit
Expanding the team
Epilogue: Watching medicine evolve
Appendices. - Eduardo Calonje, Alexander J. Lazar, Bostjan Luzar.Contents:
Adipocytic tumors
Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors of the skin
Fibrohistiocytic tumors
Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors
Pericytic (perivascular) tumors
Skeletal muscle tumors
Tumors of vascular origin
Bone- and cartilage-forming tumors and tumors of joints
Tumors of neuroectodermal origin
Miscellaneous tumors of uncertain differentiation.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2020 - Bernadette L. Koch, MD, Associate Director of Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Professor of Clinical Radiology and Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, Bronwyn E. Hamilton, MD, Professor of Radiology, Director of Head & Neck Radiology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, Patricia A. Hudgins, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology and Otolaryngology, Director of Head & Neck Radiology, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University School of Medicien, Atlanta, Georgia, H. Ric Harnsberger, MD, R.C. Willey Chair in Neuroradiology, Professor of Radiology and Otolaryngology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.Digital Access Ovid 2017
- G. Petur Nielsen, Andrew E. Rosenberg, Vikram Deshpande, Francis J. Hornicek, Susan V. Kattapuram, Daniel I. Rosenthal.Summary: "Diagnostic Pathology: Bone, second edition is designed for practicing pathologists who need access to up-to-date, comprehensive, and concise bone pathology knowledge in one convenient place. It includes the latest diagnostic information in this challenging subspecialty, while its unique image collection serves as an exceptional aid." -- Back cover
Benign bone-forming tumors
Malignant bone-forming tumors
Benign cartilage tumors
Malignant cartilage tumors
Fibrous and fibrohistiocytic tumors
Fibroosseous tumors
Malignant small round cell tumors
Notochordal tumors
Giant cell-rich tumors
Cystic lesions of bone
Vascular tumors
Hematopoietic tumors
Miscellaneous mesenchymal tumors
Metastatic tumor of skeleton
Bone tumor mimics.Digital Access Ovid 2017 - [edited by] Joel K. Greenson.Summary: "DP: Gastrointestinal, Second Edition provides quick, up-to-date information on gastrointestinal pathology, both visual and factual, to either help the pathologist arrive at the correct diagnosis or refresh his or her memory about the diagnosis itself. Instead of full prose text, we have provided a stripped-down outline format. The key facts regarding each diagnosis are then highlighted in a box for ease of use. Tables highlighting the salient immunostains &/or molecular tests useful in the differential diagnosis of lesions are provided when appropriate, and all diagnoses are illustrated with high-quality color images taken with the intent of mimicking real practice. We hope that this book is useful as a quick reference at the microscope during sign-out, whether to look up something as esoteric as microsporidia or something as common as serrated colorectal polyps. While the images in this book will never be outdated, the same cannot be said for the text (how many new antibodies have come out in the time it took you to read this page?). To help alleviate this problem, the purchaser has a license to ExpertConsult, the eBook version of Diagnostic Pathology: Gastrointestinal, Second Edition, which will undergo regular updates."--Provided by publisher.Digital Access Ovid 2016
- Robert B. Colvin [and 11 others].Summary: "Welcome to the world of renal pathology! The team of renal pathologists who developed this book has over 250 years of combined experience in renal pathology. We are motivated by the desire to create a comprehensive, succinct, and diagnostically useful resource for practicing pathologists, nephrologists and all students of kidney diseases. Here you will find the most complete survey available of non-neoplastic diseases of native and transplant kidneys amply illustrated by over 3500 pathology images of classic and variant features. The information and images are web-accessible to all owners of the book and to subscribers of ExpertPath© by Elsevier. Renal pathologists typically consider pathogenesis and etiology, in addition to the diagnosis. This approach requires knowledge of the clinical presentation, relevant laboratory and molecular data and evidence from mechanistic research studies. We provide all of these elements in a highly structured format for each disease entity. The authors are particularly delighted to present the second edition of this text. The excellent reception to the first edition has encouraged us to update and expand the contents. We have added 40 chapters and 5 new authors, reorganized some of the sections, updated and polished text in all of the chapters and added current references and innumerable new images. Overall we are pleased that the book reflects significant progress on our quest to provide a useful, accurate and accessible compendium of all non-neoplastic renal diseases for clinicians, pathologists and investigators. One may ask why so many chapters? The answer is that medical research has led to an increasing number of distinct diseases, once categorized by clinical and pathologic characteristics, and now increasingly further defined and separated by etiologic and genetic criteria. The structured format of the book is conducive to presenting this expanding list that will continue to grow in the era of personalized medicine. We hope this text will help improve the diagnosis of renal disease and stimulate advances in the field."--Provided by publisher.
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Glomerular diseases
Section 3. Vascular diseases
Section 4. Tubulointerstitial diseases
Section 5. Infections of the kidney
Section 6. Developmental diseases
Section 7. Cystic diseases
Section 8. Diseases of the collecting system
Section 9. Diseases of the renal allograft
Section 10. ProtocolsDigital Access Ovid 2016 - [edited by] L. Jeffrey Medeiros, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Hematopathology, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.Digital Access Ovid 2018
- [edited by] Aya Kamaya and Jade Wong-You-Cheong [and eight others].Summary: "Ultrasound is often the first imaging study for evaluation of patients presenting with abdominal or pelvic pain, abnormal biochemical tests, suspected mass, or gynecologic symptoms. Depending on the ultrasound findings, patients may go on to further imaging or, in many cases, the clinical decision is based on ultrasound findings alone. It is therefore imperative for the radiologist to confidently recognize the sonographic appearance of specific diagnoses. The more the radiologist knows about the sonographic appearance of specific entities, the less likely a patient will be referred for potentially unnecessary imaging. We hope this book highlights this information in an easily digestible and image-focused format. We have tailored this book for the well-rounded abdominal radiologist who uses all imaging modalities in evaluation of the abdomen and pelvis but with a focus on ultrasound. You will find numerous examples of grayscale, color, power, and spectral (pulsed) Doppler imaging in each chapter and, when applicable, contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Correlation with CT and MR is provided in many chapters. Detailed artistic renderings of each disease entity further complement the visual splendor of the book. In this era, when conservative use of radiation exposure from CT as well as minimization of iodinated- or gadolinium-based contrast are increasingly important, ultrasound is re-emerging as an extremely attractive and optimal imaging modality. Moreover, ultrasound technology continues to improve, resulting in dramatic changes in image quality in the last decade. New transducer materials, improved image quality with higher resolution, noise-reduction techniques, increased Doppler sensitivity, together with widespread use of 3D transducers have significantly impacted our daily ultrasound practice. It is thus time for a second edition of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis in the highly acclaimed Amirsys series. This edition presents dedicated sections on ultrasound anatomy, diagnoses, and differential diagnoses, organized by organ. Ultrasound images, text and references have been extensively updated and new chapters have been added to reflect current ultrasound practice."--Provided by publisher.
- A. Bernard Ackerman ... [et al.].
- Gary M. Hollenberg, Eric P. Weinberg, Steven P. Meyers.Contents:
Introduction to magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of musculoskeletal abnormalities / Steven P. Meyers
The shoulder / Gary M. Hollenberg
The elbow / Gary M. Hollenberg
The wrist / Eric P. Weinberg
The hand / Eric P. Weinberg
The hip / Eric P. Weinberg
The knee / Eric P. Weinberg
The ankle and foot / Gary M. Hollenberg
Magnetic resonance imaging of bone and soft-tissue tumors and tumor-like lesions : an overview / Steven P. Meyers
Lesions involving bones / Steven P. Meyers
Lesions within joints / Steven P. Meyers
Lesions involving the soft tissues / Steven P. Meyers.Digital Access Thieme MedOne Radiology 2015 - [edited by] Guenter Schmidt, Lucas Greiner, Dieter Nuernberg.Digital Access Thieme MedOne Radiology 2015
- Homero Rivas, Katarzyna Wac, editors.Summary: "This book presents a comprehensive state-of the-art approach to digital health technologies and practices within the broad confines of healthcare practices. It provides a canvas to discuss emerging digital health solutions, propelled by the ubiquitous availability of miniaturized, personalized devices and affordable, easy to use wearable sensors, and innovative technologies like 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality and driverless robots and vehicles including drones. One of the most significant promises the digital health solutions hold is to keep us healthier for longer, even with limited resources, while truly scaling the delivery of healthcare. Digital Health: Scaling Healthcare to the World addresses the emerging trends and enabling technologies contributing to technological advances in healthcare practice in the 21st Century. These areas include generic topics such as mobile health and telemedicine, as well as specific concepts such as social media for health, wearables and quantified-self trends. Also covered are the psychological models leveraged in design of solutions to persuade us to follow some recommended actions, then the design and educational facets of the proposed innovations, as well as ethics, privacy, security, and liability aspects influencing its acceptance. Furthermore, sections on economic aspects of the proposed innovations are included, analyzing the potential business models and entrepreneurship opportunities in the domain."-- Provided by publisher.
Introduction: Creating a case for Digital Health. Why this makes a lot of sense?
Mobile Health
Social Media and On-line Communities of Patients and Providers
Informatics and Mass Data Analysis in Digital Health
Wearable Technologies in healthcare
The Quantified Self
3D Printing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Drones in healthcare
Persuasion Technology and Behavioral Modification in Digital Health
BioDesign of Digital Health
Privacy and Security of Patient information in Digital Health
Law aspects of Digital Health
Entrepreneurship opportunities in Digital Health
Who will pay for Digital Health? The Investor Point of View
Education in Digital Health
Ethics and Digital Health
Future Directions of Digital Health and Final remarks. - Bogdan Czerniak.Contents:
General considerations
Clinical considerations and imaging of bone tumors / Colleen M. Costelloe and John E. Madewell
Molecular biology of bone tumors
Benign osteoblastic tumors
Benign cartilage lesions
Malignant cartilage tumors
Fibroosseous lesions
Fibrous and fibrohistiocytic lesions
Giant-cell lesions
Ewing's sarcoma and related entities
Hematopoietic tumors / April Ewton
Vascular lesions
Neurogenous tumors and neurofibromatosis affecting bone / Gregory N. Fuller
Cystic lesions
Miscellaneous mesenchymal tumors
Adamantinoma of long bone
Chordoma and related lesions
Metastic tumors in bone / John D. Reith
Synovial lesions
Sclerosing bone lesions
Tumor-induced osteomalacia and rickets
Reactive and metabolic conditions simulating neoplasms of bone
Precancerous conditions.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2016 - Hildegard Wittlinger, Dieter Wittlinger, Andreas Wittlinger, Maria Wittlinger.Contents:
Anatomy and physiology of the circulation of the blood
Anatomy of lymph vessels and lymph nodes
Physiology of the lymphatic system, lymph, and interstitium
Equilibrium and balance as the aim of the massage
Indications and contraindications for manual lymph drainage
Effect of manual lymph drainage on the smooth muscles of blood vessels and lymphangions
Diagnostic examination and edema measurement
Massage techniques
Treatments of the individual parts of the body
Special techniques
Treatment model for secondary lymphedema
Complementary treatments
Historical background.Digital Access Thieme MedOne Education 2019
Popular Image Sources
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Limited to 19 simultaneous users. Designed to teach or review human anatomy; turn labels on/off, some quizzing. 6th edition of An Atlas of illustrations and radiologic images provides views and perspectives that elucidate complex anatomic relationships.
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