We will be closed on Saturday September 14 due to facilities work.

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach

Muscles originating from styloid process

Image #82-5


Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

Creative Commons License logo

For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach
Muscles originating from styloid process
The stylopharyngeus (6) and stylohyoid (7) muscles have been retracted slightly to expose the styloid process (8), the stylomandibular ligament (11) and the styloglossus muscle (9).
1 . Mastoid part of temporal bone (dissected)
2 . Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) (note branch to stylopharyngeus muscle (6))
3 . Facial nerve (VII) (note branch to stylohyoid muscle (7))
4 . Parotid gland
5 . External pterygoid muscle
6 . Stylopharyngeus muscle
7 . Upper pointer: Lymph node parotid Lower pointer: Stylohyoid muscle
8 . Styloid process temporal bone
9 . Styloglossus muscle
10 . Digastric muscle (cut across)
11 . Stylohyoid ligament
12 . External carotid artery
13 . External maxillary artery (lingual artery lies inferiorly but is obscured)
14 . Internal carotid artery
15 . Upper pointer: Pharyngobasilar fascia Lower pointer: Pharyngeal tonsil
16 . Occipital condyle
17 . Ascending pharyngeal artery (cut off)
18 . Pterygoid venous plexus (near junction with pharyngeal venous plexus)
19 . Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
20 . Pharyngeal raphe
21 . Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
22 . Prevertebral fascia
23 . Superior horn thyroid cartilage
24 . Superior laryngeal nerve