Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Posterior cervical region and suboccipital muscles dissected from behind

Left splenius muscles; right trapezius muscle

Image #216-2

KEYWORDS: Cervical region, Muscles and tendons, Vertebral column.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Posterior cervical region and suboccipital muscles dissected from behind
Left splenius muscles; right trapezius muscle
The trapezius and rhomboid muscles have been removed from the left side of the body. The left scapula has been pulled laterally. The serratus posterior superior (5) has been reflected to expose underlying parts of the erector spinae and splenius muscles.
  1. Upper pointer: Fascia covering semispinalis capitis muscle Lower pointer: Greater occipital nerve
  2. Third occipital nerve
  3. Splenius capitis muscle
  4. Levator scapulae muscle
  5. Serratus posterior superior muscle (reflected laterally)
  6. Nerve supply to serratus posterior superior muscle
  7. Rib II
  8. Area of insertion of levator scapulae muscle
  9. Splenius cervicis muscle
  10. Rhomboid minor muscle (cut across)
  11. Iliocostalis cervicis muscle
  12. Longissimus thoracis muscle
  13. Spinalis thoracis muscle
  14. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
  15. Trapezius muscle
  16. Nuchal ligament
  17. Band of thoracolumbar fascia (removed elsewhere)
  18. Spinous process vertebra Th. II
  19. Upper pointer: Spine of scapula Lower pointer: Deltoid muscle
  20. Trapezius muscle