Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy
Exploration of those parts of the brain supplied by the posterior cerebral artery
Longitudinal bundle of fibers within hippocampus continuous with medial longitudinal stria
Image #20-2
KEYWORDS: Brain, Telencephalon.
Creative Commons
Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.
For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.
Exploration of those parts of the brain supplied by the posterior cerebral artery
Longitudinal bundle of fibers within hippocampus continuous with medial longitudinal stria
Further dissection of the upper parts of the dentate fascia and hippocampus has revealed a discret system of fibers (15) which can be traced through the fasciola cinerea beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum and upward toward the induseum griseum (supracallosal gyrus) where it apparently is continued as the medial longitudinal stria. No evidence of a lateral longitudinal stria could be found in this specimen. Near the splenium some of the tissue of the induseum griseum is scraped away to reveal the fibers of the corpus callosum.
- Cingulum
- "Induseum griseum" (supracallosal gyrus) covering fibers of corpus callosum
- Pulvinar
- Substantia nigra
- Basilar artery (cut across)
- Surface of uncus facing hippocampal fissure
- Internal carotid artery right (cut across)
- Uncus (hippocampal gyrus)
- Posterior rhinal fissure
- Parieto-occipital fissure
- Parieto-occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery
- Occipital part radiations of corpus callosum
- Medullary substance of occipital lobe
- Posterior horn lateral ventricle
- Bundle of fibers lying within hippocampus and continuing into supracallosal gyrus
- Hippocampal fimbria
- Hippocampus (dissected from below)
- Dentate fascia exposed along hippocampal fissure
- Inferior temporal gyrus
- Inferior horn of lateral ventricle