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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of anterior aspect of left leg

Nerves and blood vessels to upper part of tibialis anterior muscle

Image #192-4

KEYWORDS: Leg, Muscles and tendons, Peripheral nervous system, Vasculature.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of anterior aspect of left leg
Nerves and blood vessels to upper part of tibialis anterior muscle
The tibialis anterior has been detached from its origins on the tibia and interosseous membrane. The muscle has been retracted laterally. Branches of the deep peroneal nerve (10, 12) enter the anterior muscular compartment by passing through the anterior intermuscular septum (8). The upper one of these branches supplies periosteum as well as muscle, whereas the lower branch passes directly into the muscle. The recurrent branch of the anterior tibial artery (11), with its accompanying veins, sends branches into the muscle.
  1. Medial condyle of tibia
  2. Infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve
  3. Tibial tuberosity
  4. Interosseous membrane of leg
  5. Greater saphenous vein (note several perforating branches entering posterior muscular compartment of leg)
  6. Medial surface of tibia
  7. Anterior border of tibia
  8. Anterior intermuscular septum
  9. Head of fibula
  10. Periosteal branch of deep peroneal nerve
  11. Anterior tibial recurrent artery
  12. Muscular branch of deep peroneal nerve (to tibialis anterior muscle)
  13. Anterior tibial vein
  14. Tibialis anterior muscle (reflected)
  15. Extensor digitorum longus muscle (reflected)