Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of jejunum, ileum and colon

Superior and inferior mesenteric vessels, general view with intestine removed

Image #144-3

KEYWORDS: Large intestine, Small intestine, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of jejunum, ileum and colon
Superior and inferior mesenteric vessels, general view with intestine removed
The intestine from the jejunum to the lower part of the sigmoid colon has been excised. The principal arteries which supplied this part of the intestinal tract have been preserved in situ. The lines of reflection of the peritoneum (11, 16, 21, 30) from the posterior wall to various parts of the intestine may be discerned in the view.
1 . Pancreas
2 . Stomach
3 . Middle colic artery
4 . Right pointer: Right branch of middle colic artery Left pointer: Right gastroepiploic artery
5 . Epiploic branch of right gastroepiploic artery
6 . Liver
7 . Superior mesenteric artery and vein
8 . Head of pancreas
9 . Duodenum (covered by fascia)
10 . Ileocolic artery
11 . Line of peritoneal reflection to ascending colon
12 . Inferior vena cava (covered by fascia)
13 . Left pointer: Posterior cecal artery Right pointer: Anterior cecal artery
14 . Appendicular artery
15 . Ileal branch of ileocolic artery
16 . Line of peritoneal reflection to cecum (this cut edge can be traced upward toward the midline along the root of the mesentery, parallel to ileal artery (23))
17 . Spleen
18 . Communication between middle colic artery and left colic artery
19 . Jejunum (cut off at duodenojejunal junction)
20 . Jejunal arteries
21 . Line of peritoneal reflection onto descending colon
22 . Superior mesenteric lymph node
23 . Superior mesenteric artery (stem which gives rise to ileal branches)
24 . Inferior mesenteric artery
25 . Upper pointer: Left colic artery Lower pointer: Inferior mesenteric vein
26 . Abdominal aorta (pointer at bifurcation into iliac arteries)
27 . Arch between branches of left colic and sigmoid arteries
28 . Sigmoid artery
29 . Inferior mesenteric lymph node
30 . Line of peritoneal reflection onto sigmoid mesocolon
31 . Mesosigmoid colon (dissected and cut across)
32 . Sigmoid colon (cut across)