Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect

Lentiform nucleus, internal capsule, subthalamic nucleus

Image #12-5

KEYWORDS: Brain, Diencephalon, Telencephalon.

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Exploration of the brain from its superior aspect
Lentiform nucleus, internal capsule, subthalamic nucleus
A horizontal cut has been made through the lentiform nucleus, internal capsule and thalamic area. The lamination within the lentiform nucleus is still demonstrable, although some of the nucleus was removed earlier. From the medial border of the globus pallidus fibers of the fasciculus lenticularis (13) pass through the internal capsule. The subthalamic nucleus (corpus Luysi) is cut through (14). The geniculate bodies are still present in this section which is cut lower than the previous view.
1 . Frontal part internal capsule
2 . Putamen
3 . Globus pallidus
4 . Anterior commissure (cut across)
5 . Amygdaloid nucleus (dissected)
6 . Internal capsule (cut horizontally)
7 . Lateral geniculate body
8 . Hippocampus
9 . Collateral eminence
10 . External sagittal stratum (cut across)
11 . Anterior horn lateral ventricle
12 . Head of caudate nucleus (dissected)
13 . Fasciculus lenticularis (fibers passing through internal capsule)
14 . Hypothalamic nucleus (corpus Luysi)
15 . Ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus
16 . Medial geniculate body
17 . Superior colliculus