Today's Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy


Articulated bones of left foot, superior aspect

Image #177-4

KEYWORDS: Bones joints cartilage, Foot and toes.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at

Articulated bones of left foot, superior aspect
  1. Middle 2nd phalanx
  2. Head of 5th phalanx
  3. Body of 5th phalanx
  4. Base of 5th phalanx
  5. Head of 5th metatarsal bone
  6. Body of 5th metatarsal bone
  7. Base of 5th metatarsal bone
  8. Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone
  9. Cuboid bone
  10. Tarsal sinus
  11. Lateral process of talus bone
  12. Lateral tubercle process of calcaneus bone
  13. Calcaneus
  14. Distal 1st phalanx
  15. Proximal 1st phalanx
  16. 1st metatarsal bone
  17. Medial cuneiform bone
  18. Intermediate cuneiform bone
  19. Lateral cuneiform bone
  20. Navicular bone
  21. Tuberosity of navicular bone
  22. Head of talus
  23. Neck of talus
  24. Surface of medial malleolar trochlea of talus
  25. Trochlea of talus (pointer on facies superior)
  26. Posterior process of talus (pointer on lateral tubercle)