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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Male external genitalia and perineum

Membranous layer of superficial fascia in urogenital triangle

Image #166-2


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Male external genitalia and perineum
Membranous layer of superficial fascia in urogenital triangle
The specimen shown in view 165-2 is further explored in this preparation and in subsequent dissections of this series. The subcutaneous fat has been removed from the ischiorectal fossa. On the right side of the specimen an opening (6) has been made in the membranous layer of superficial fascia to expose some of the branches of the posterior scrotal artery and nerve. The scrotum has been retracted upward.
  1. Body of penis
  2. Dartos fascia (covering right testis)
  3. Femoral artery and vein
  4. Posterior scrotal nerves
  5. Posterior scrotal branch internal pudendal artery
  6. Margin of window cut through membranous layer of superficial fascia
  7. Perineal branch posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  8. Perineal branch posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  9. Upper pointer: Gracilis muscle Lower pointer: Adductor longus muscle
  10. Central tendon of perineum
  11. External anal sphincter muscle
  12. Anus
  13. Dartos fascia covering scrotal septum (spread out in retracting testicles)
  14. Terminal filament of posterior scrotal nerve
  15. Position of left testis (retracted with scrotum)
  16. Great saphenous vein
  17. Fascia lata
  18. Superficial perineal fascia (membranous layer)
  19. Perineal branch posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  20. Gluteus maximus muscle
  21. Inferior rectal nerve
  22. Ischiorectal fossa