Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy
Views of segmental bronchi, azygos system of veins, sympathetic trunks and costovertebral joints
Costovertebral articulation of left tenth rib opened from in front
Image #126A-7
KEYWORDS: Bones joints cartilage, Rib cage, Vertebral column.
Creative Commons
Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.
For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.
Views of segmental bronchi, azygos system of veins, sympathetic trunks and costovertebral joints
Costovertebral articulation of left tenth rib opened from in front
The left tenth rib has been removed from the specimen with care to preserve the ligaments, joint capsules and articular surfaces of the costovertebral articulations. The view is directed inward from in front and to the left.
- Upper pointer: Intercostal nerve IX Lower pointer: Spinal ganglion (lying within intervertebral foramen)
- Costotransverse ligament (attached posteriorly to transverse process of vertebra Th. X)
- Azygos vein
- Joint of head of rib (pointers indicate facets on adjacent vertebral bodies, the cleft between being occupied by the delicate intraarticular ligament)
- Radiating ligament of head of rib (cut through)
- Anterior longitudinal ligament (pointer also indicates vertebral body Th. X)
- Intervertebral disc Th. X-XI
- Hemiazygos vein (note small veins draining vertebral bodies at higher levels)
- Posterior intercostal vein VIII
- Posterior intercostal artery VIII
- Sympathetic trunk (cut off, also see 24)
- Joint of head of rib IX (intact)
- Intercostal nerve VIII
- Costal pleura
- Rib IX
- Superior costotransverse ligament (upper pointer, anterior division; lower pointer, posterior division)
- Branch of ninth intercostal nerve to elevator muscle of rib
- Lateral costotransverse ligament
- Elevator muscle of rib
- Borders of area occupied by tenth rib
- Transverse costal fovea (covered with articular cartilage)
- Innermost intercostal muscle
- Intercostal nerve X (cut off)
- Left pointer: Sympathetic trunk (cut off, also see 11) Right pointer: Ramus communicans
- Sympathetic trunk ganglion
- [Legend above restored translation from Latin]