ArticleKanbour AI, Stock RJ.
Cancer. 1978 Aug;42(2):570-80.
Five cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix associated with widespread squamous cell carcinoma in situ of the endometrial surface are reported. In one case, carcinoma in situ was also found in one fallopian tube in continuity with the cervicoendometrial lesion. A survey of the literature reveals only 20 cases with similar surface endometrial involvement by cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Of these, the fallopian tubes were involved by an identical lesion in six cases only. Pyometra and cervical stenosis were reported in about 66% of the cases. This rare form of upward cervical cancer extension was present in five of 680 cases (0.7%) of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in the file of the Tumor Registry of Magee-Womens Hospital.