ArticleGupta S, Kanaujia R, Angrup A, Agrahari A, Chhabra R, Manoj RK.
Anaerobe. 2020 Feb;61:102084.
Brain abscess remains a life-threatening condition. Here, we are reporting a case of brain abscess due to Fusobacterium nucleatum in a previously known case of Ebstein anomaly. A 44-year-old male presented with the complaints of headache, and fever. Cerebral imaging revealed parieto-occipital (PO) abscess. The abscess was drained and culture showed growth of Fusobacterium nucleatum. This report illustrates the importance of considering anaerobes as the cause of brain abscess, underscores the usefulness of MALDI, which facilitated the selection of appropriate and prompt adjuvant antibiotic therapy and a favourable outcome.