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  • Article
    Mondal A, Roy B, Banerjee A.
    Opt Express. 2015 Mar 23;23(6):8021-8.
    We induce spontaneous motion that is both directed and complex in micron-sized asymmetric Brownian particles in a spherically aberrated optical trap to generate microswimmers. The aberrated optical trap is prepared in a slightly modified optical tweezers configuration where we use a refractive index mismatched cover slip leading to the formation of an annular intensity distribution near the trap focal plane. Asymmetric scattering from a micro-particle trapped in this annular trap gives rise to a net tangential force on the particle causing it to revolve spontaneously in the intensity ring. The rate of revolution can be controlled from sub-Hz to a few Hz by changing the intensity of the trapping light. Theoretical simulations performed using finite-difference time-domain method verify the experimental observations. We also experimentally demonstrate simultaneous spin and revolution of a micro-swimmer which shows that complex motion can be achieved by designing a suitable shape of a micro-swimmer in the optical potential.
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