ArticleSantini R, Brard E.
C R Seances Soc Biol Fil. 1976;170(6):1239-42.
Simulated gastric cancers have been realised in rats with injection of 0,1 ml of tumour cells suspension in the antral wall. A macroscopic and a microscopic study have been done. The antral tumour showed a constant growth pattern and rats died between 12th to 16th days after tumour implantation. During the first days (1 to 9) the tumour growth is relatively slow, the tumour does not extend out of the antral wall and remains in the submucous part of the gastric wall. After this time, the tumour growth is faster and the anatomicals structures of the wall are destroyed. It is possible with our method, to induce gastric cancer in large series of rats, which can be examined at different stage of Walker tumour growth.