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  • Book
    Claudio Cepeda, Lucille Gotanco.
    Summary: "The psychiatric interview is the foundation of the psychotherapeutic process and is critically important to establish trust, elicit useful responses, assess patient behavior and psychopathology, and establish treatment goals and plans."--Publisher's website.

    The diagnostic and therapeutic engagement
    General principles of interviewing
    Special interviewing techniques
    Family assessment
    Providing post-evaluation feedback to families
    Evaluation of special populations
    Psychiatric evaluation of preschoolers and very young children
    Documenting the examination
    Evaluation of internalizing symptoms
    Evaluation of externalizing symptoms
    Evaluation of abuse and other symptoms
    Neuropsychiatric interview and examination
    Comprehensive psychiatric formulation
    Symptom formation and comorbidity
    Diagnostic obstacles (resistances)
    Digital Access PsychiatryOnline 2017