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    editors, Wilson Z. Shou, Naidong Weng.
    Eliminating bottlenecks for efficient bioanalysis : practices and applications in drug discovery and development / Wilson Z. Shou & Naidong Weng
    Automated method development of sample preparation / Chris Singleton & Ming Li
    Strategies for high-throughput sample analysis / Maria A.M. Fitzgerald
    Enabling software for high-throughput bioanalysis / John Janiszewski & Nick Levitt
    Sample pooling approaches in discovery bioanalysis / Rongda Xu
    Quantitative bioanalysis by microflow LC-MS to support discovery-based pharmacokinetic studies / Heather Skor & Ravi Visswanathan
    The current status and future perspective on high-resolution MS in regulated bioanalysis / Eliza N. Fung
    Bottlenecks in bioanalysis : where do they come from and how to remove them? / Philip Timmerman
    Discovery to development : bioanalytical considerations that can facilitate the transition / Graeme T. Clark
    Use of fit-for-purpose quality requirements in bioanalysis / Wenying Jian, Richard W. Edom & Naidong Weng
    Incurred sample reanalysis evaluation and impact on drug preclinical and clinical development / Stephanie Pasas-Farmer & Zhongping (John) Lin
    Tissue analysis and tissue imaging / Stacy Ho
    Bioanalysis supporting disease biomarker discovery and validation / Ian A. Blair
    Bioanalysis of biomarkers in support of drug discovery and development / Dieter M. Drexler, Timothy V. Olah, Michael D. Reily, Petia A. Shipkova, Holly D. Soares & Adrienne A. Tymiak
    MS-based protein quantification in a discovery setting / John T. Mehl, Joanna J. Zheng & Timothy V. Olah
    MS-based protein quantitation in regulated drug development / Diego F. Cortes, William Mylott & Rand Jenkins.
    Digital Access TandFonline [2014]