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  • Book
    editor, Jamshid Tehranzadeh.
    Summary: Addresses the fundamental principles and techniques of general diagnostic and advanced musculoskeletal imaging. This book focuses on the conditions and procedures most often encountered in real-world practice, such as: Upper and lower extremity trauma; axial skeletal trauma; arthritis and infection; tumors; and metabolic bone diseases.

    Imaging modalities used in musculoskeletal radiology / Joseph E. Burns
    Skeletal trauma : upper extremity / Cornelia Wenokor, Marcia F. Blacksin
    Skeletal trauma : lower extremity / Cornelia Wenokor, Marcia F. Blacksin
    Axial skeletal trauma / Marcia F. Blacksin, Cornelia Wenokor
    Pediatric skeletal trauma / Marcia F. Blacksin, Cornelia Wenokor
    Arthritis and infection / Michael E. Cody, Jamshid Tehranzadeh
    Tumors / Aydin Soheili, Maryam Golshan Momeni, Jamshid Tehranzadeh
    Metabolic bone diseases / Quazi Al-Tariq [and others]
    Bone infarct and osteochondrosis / David T. Nakamura, Jamshid Tehranzadeh
    Orthopedic hardware and complications / Reza Dehdari, Minal Tapadia
    Signs in musculoskeletal radiology / Amilcare Gentili, Shazia Ashfaq
    Shoulder MRI / Farzad Rezai
    Knee MRI / Arash David Tehranzadeh
    Spine MRI / Samuel Song, Jason Handwerker
    Elbow MRI / Rajeev K. Varma, Alya Sheikh
    Wrist MRI / Maryam Golshan Momeni, Hiroshi Yoshioka
    Hip MRI / Rajeev K. Varma, Ben Plotkin
    Ankle MRI / Shahla Modarresi, Daria Motamedi, Cecilia M. Jude
    Musculoskeletal ultrasound / Sabrina Véras Britto [and others]
    Musculoskeletal scintigraphy / Mark Chambers.
    Digital Access AccessPhysiotherapy 2014