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  • Book
    Jen Alexander, M.A., NCC, SB-RPT.
    Summary: When schools reopen after COVID-19 closures, both students and staff will have experienced months of unprecedented challenges, from social isolation and family illness to stretches of prolonged stress and anxiety. Your elementary school will need a compassionate, intentional, trauma-sensitive plan for easing the back-to-school transition--and acclaimed trauma expert Jen Alexander is here to help. Author of the bestselling guidebook Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools, "Ms. Jen" has developed a concise, reader-friendly blueprint for making the return to school as smooth as possible for everyone involved. In this ebook, you'll get timely, adaptable guidance on designing and implementing a trauma-sensitive transition plan that puts relationships first, prioritizes emotional and social supports, breaks down barriers to learning, and empowers everyone in your learning community. You'll also find simple, specific activities and strategies for helping every student and staff member feel safe, be connected, get regulated, and get ready to learn. Packed with the practical, immediately useful information every educator will be looking for, this must-have guide is your key to making a thoughtful, trauma-sensitive transition plan--and creating a learning environment that meets everyone's needs better than ever before. DISCOVER HOW TO: Apply the four essentials of trauma-sensitive schools to your transition planning; Facilitate team discussions and professional development sessions to prepare for the "new normal"; Gather critical input from families about their concerns, experiences, and needs; Address the specific challenges of school reopenings, including separation anxiety, elevated stress, safety fears, the need to feel in control, and sensory overload after months of isolation and remote learning; Notice and meet needs: both your own and those of students and their families; Help students develop social-emotional skills to navigate the transition back to school (four lessons and extension activities included!); Commit to examining and disrupting systemic inequities that affect children and families who have often been marginalized; Make a plan for self-care and maintain a healthier work-life balance. PRACTICAL MATERIALS: In addition to the activities, games, and social-emotional lessons in the book, you'll get more than 50 downloadable resources, including journal pages, handouts, activities, planning forms, posters, and professional development PowerPoint slides

    Section 1. Preparing for Back to School: Focus on Staff and Families. Why understand trauma? COVID-19 and its effects on students
    Who do we choose to be? Educators rising up and reaching out
    What do we include in our schoolwide transition plan? Getting ready
    How will we create our new normal? Team reflection
    How can we tend to staff needs? Professional development
    What will families need? Gathering input
    What will students feel and need? Anticipating and planning
    Section 2. Making the Transiton: Set Up Your School for Success. How do we design the components of our trauma-sensitive plan? Getting started
    How do we meet families' needs? Establishing a caregiver lounge
    How do we help students find their way? Community building
    How do we help our team be well? Fostering educator resilience.