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  • Book
    Pascal Laugier, Quentin Grimal, editors.
    Summary: Many significant achievements in new ultrasound technologies to measure bone and models to elucidate the interaction and the propagation of ultrasonic waves in complex bone structures have been reported over the past ten years. Impaired bone remodeling affects not only the trabecular compartment but also the cortical one. Despite the crucial contribution of the cortical structure to the whole bone mechanical competence, cortical bone was understudied for a long time. A paradigm shift occurred around 2010, with a special focus placed on the importance of cortical bone. This has sparkled a great deal of interest in new ultrasound techniques to assess cortical bone. While our book 'Bone Quantitative Ultrasound' published in 2011 emphasized techniques to measure trabecular bone, this new book is devoted for a large part to the technologies introduced recently to measure cortical bone. These include resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, guided waves, scattering, and pulse-echo and tomography imaging techniques. Instrumentation, signal processing techniques and models used are detailed. Importantly, the data accumulated in recent years such as anisotropic stiffness, elastic engineering moduli, compression and shear wave speeds of cortical bones from various skeletal sites are presented comprehensively. A few chapters deal with the recent developments achieved in quantitative ultrasound of trabecular bone. These include (i) scattering-based approaches and their application to measure skeletal sites such as the spine and proximal femur and (ii) approaches exploiting the poro-elastic nature of bone. While bone fragility and osteoporosis are still the main motivation for developing bone QUS, this Book also includes chapters reporting ultrasound techniques developed for other applications of high interest such as 3-D imaging of the spine, assessment of implant stability and transcranial brain imaging. This book, together with the book 'Bone Quantitative Ultrasound' published in 2011 will provide a comprehensive overview of the methods and principles used in bone quantitative ultrasound and will be a benchmark for all novice or experienced researchers in the field. The book will offer recent experimental results and theoretical concepts developed so far and would be intended for researchers, graduate or undergraduate students, engineers, and clinicians who are involved in the field. The book should be considered as a complement to the first book publisher in 2011, rather than a second edition, in the sense that basic notions already presented in the first book are not repeated.

    Preface (Claus Glüer)
    Chapter 1. Introduction (Quentin Grimal and Pascal Laugier)
    Part I: Ultrasound Methods for Skeletal Status Clinical Assessment
    Chapter 2. Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) in the Management of Osteoporosis and Assessment of Fracture Risk: An Update (Didier Hans, Antoine Metrailler, Elena Gonzalez Rodriguez, Olivier Lamy, Enisa Shevroja)
    Chapter 3. Clinical devices for bone assessment (Kay Raum and Pascal Laugier)
    Chapter 4. Axial transmission – Techniques, devices and clinical results (Nicolas Bochud and Pascal Laugier)
    Chapter 5. Signal processing techniques applied to axial transmission ultrasound (Tho N.H.T. Tran, Kailiang Xu, Lawrence H. Le, and Dean Ta)
    Chapter 6. Ultrasonic Assessment of Cancellous Bone Based on the Two-Wave Phenomenon (Katsunori Mizuno, Yoshiki Nagatani, Isao Mano)
    Chapter 7. Pulse-echo Measurements of Bone Tissues. Techniques and Clinical Results at the Spine and Femur (Delia Ciardo, Paola Pisani, Francesco Conversano, Sergio Casciaro)
    Chapter 8. Scattering in Cancellous Bone (Keith Wear)
    Chapter 9. Ultrasound Scattering in Cortical Bone (Yasamin Karbalaeisadegh and Marie Muller)
    Chapter 10. Single-sided ultrasound imaging of the bone cortex: anatomy, tissue characterization and blood flow (Guillaume Renaud and Sébastien Salles)
    Chapter 11. Ultrasound Computed Tomography (Philippe Lasaygues, Luis Espinosa, Simon Bernard, Philippe Petit, Régine Guillermin)
    Part II: Ex vivo Measurement of Bone Material Properties: New Methods and Data
    Chapter 12. Measurement of Cortical Bone Elasticity Tensor with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (Simon Bernard, Xiran Cai and Quentin Grimal)
    Chapter 13. Documenting the anisotropic stiffness of hard tissues with resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (Xiran Cai, Simon Bernard, Quentin Grimal)
    Chapter 14. Assessing the elasticity of child cortical bone (Cécile Baron, Hélène Follet, Martine Pihioux, Cédric Payan, and Philippe Lasaygues)
    Chapter 15. Piezoelectric and Opto-Acoustic Material Properties of Bone (Atsushi Hosokawa and Mami Matsukawa)
    Part III: Emerging applications of Bone Quantitative Ultrasound
    Chapter 16. 3D Ultrasound Imaging of the Spine (Yong Ping Zheng and Timothy Tin Yan Lee)
    Chapter 17. Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Bone-Implant Interface (Yoann Hériveaux, Vu-Hieu Nguyen, Guillaume Haïat)
    Chapter 18. Adaptive ultrasound focusing through the cranial bone for non-invasive treatment of brain disorders (Thomas Bancel, Thomas Tiennot, Jean-François Aubry)
    Chapter 19. GuidedWaves in the Skull (Héctor Estrada and Daniel Razansky)
    Digital Access Springer 2022