BookWerner Kempf, Markus Hantschke, Heinz Kutzner.
Summary: This updated second edition provides a structured and highly illustrated guide to dermatopathology. It focuses on the most common dermatopathological diagnoses and presents their clinical, histological, and differential diagnostic features of the diseases. New chapters cover various inflammatory diseases such as interstitial granulomatous dermatitis and filler reactions as well as cutaneous neoplasms such as digital papillary adenocarcinoma. Dermatopathology aims to help readers to rapidly identify patterns and specific diagnostic features. The book is relevant to both practicing and trainee dermatologists and pathologists.
Principles of diagnosis
The skin biopsy
Histopathological techniques
Dermatopathologic glossary
Epidermis spongiosis: acanthosis and hyperparakeratosis
Epidermis acantholysis
Bullous diseases
Interface dermatoses
Dermis vascular disorders
Dermis granulomatous inflammation
Dermis interstitial inflammation
Dermis diffuse mixed inflammatory infiltrates
Dermis-degenerative and metabolic disorders
Dermis inflammation of adnexal structures
Subcutaneous fat-panniculitis
Drug reactions
Artifactual damage
Epithelial cysts
Epidermal hamartomas and neoplasms
Melanocytic lesions
Adnexal tumors
Soft tissue proliferations and neoplasms
Vascular tumors
Lymphomas and pseudolymphomas
Histiocytoses and mastocytoses
Cutaneous metastases
Direct immunofluorescence.