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  • Book
    editors, Leon Shargel, Andrew B.C. Yu.
    Summary: The landmark textbook on the theoretical and practical applications of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics-now fully updated.

    Introduction to biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
    Mathematical fundamentals in pharmacokinetics
    One-compartment open model : intravenous bolus administration
    Multicompartment models : intravenous bolus administration
    Intravenous infusion
    Drug elimination, clearance, and renal clearance
    Pharmacokinetics of oral absorption
    Multiple-dosage regimens
    Nonlinear pharmacokinetics
    Physiologic drug distribution and protein binding
    Drug elimination and hepatic clearance
    Pharmacogenetics and drug metabolism
    Physiologic factors related to drug absorption
    Biopharmaceutic considerations in drug product design and in vitro drug product performance
    Drug product performance, in vivo : bioavailability and bioequivalence
    Biopharmaceutical aspects of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and pharmaceutical equivalence
    Impact of biopharmaceutics on drug product quality and clinical efficacy
    Modified-release drug products and drug devices
    Targeted drug delivery systems and biotechnological products
    Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
    Application of pharmacokinetics to clinical situations
    Application of pharmacokinetics to specific populations : geriatric, obese, and pediatric patients
    Dose adjustment in renal and hepatic disease
    Empirical models, mechanistic models, statistical moments, and noncompartmental analysis.
    Digital Access AccessPharmacy 2016