Book[edited by] Frank W. Ling, Russell R. Snyder, Sandra Ann Carson, Wesley C. Fowler.
Summary: "Step-Up to Ob/Gyn is a primary review tool to prepare students for both the Ob/Gyn clerkship and the end-rotation NBME shelf examination. Texts in this series blend a bullet-outline format with comprehensive paragraphs, as needed, for optimal study and rotation preparation. Illustrations, charts, tables, graphs, mnemonics, and "Quick Hit" pearls for the clerkship all speed and supplement learning. Ample content without superfluous detail is the hallmark of this growing series. 100 USMLE-style clinical vignette-based questions with answers are provided in the print text, along with a companion Website on thePoint, which will offer an additional 100 USMLE-style questions in a quiz bank, an image bank, as well as an online ebook"--Provided by publisher.
Section 1. Overview of women's health. The woman's health examination
The obstetrician/gynecologist's role in screening and preventive care
Ethics in obstetrics and gynecology
Embryology and anatomy
Reproductive physiology
Section 2. Obstetrics. Endocrinology of pregnancy
Maternal-fetal physiology
Preconception and antepartum care
Prenatal diagnosis, genetic disorder assessment, and teratology
Normal labor and delivery
Intrapartum fetal surveillance
Immediate care of newborn
Abnormal labor and malpresentation
Postpartum care/complications
Ectopic pregnancy
Common medical and surgical problems in pregnancy
Infectious diseases in pregnancy
Hypertension in pregnancy
Multifetal gestation
Fetal growth abnormalities: fetal growth restriction and macrosomia
Preterm labor
Third-trimester bleeding
Premature rupture of membranes
Postterm pregnancy and intrauterine fetal demise
Obstetric procedures
Section 3. Gynecology. Contraception
Reproductive tract congenital anomalies
Reproductive tract benign conditions
Vulvovaginitis and sexually transmitted diseases
Pelvic support defects, urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infection
Dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain
Breast disorders
Gynecologic procedures
Sexual function and dysfunction
Sexual assault and domestic violence
Section 4. Reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Puberty
Amenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding
Hirsutism and virilization
Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Section 5. Gynecologic oncology. Cell biology and principles of cancer therapy
Getational trophoblastic neoplasia
Benign vulvar disease
Cervical dysplasia and carcinoma
Cancer of the uterine corpus
Ovarian and adnexal disease.