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  • Book
    Chittaranjan Kole, editor.
    Summary: This book represents the first comprehensive compilation of deliberations on botany; genetic resources; genetic diversity analysis; classical genetics & traditional breeding; in vitro culture & genetic transformation; detailed information on molecular maps & mapping of economic genes and QTLs; whole genome sequencing of the nuclear genome and sequencing of chloroplast genome; and elucidation of functional genomics. It also addresses alternate flowering, a unique problem in mango, and discusses currently available genomic resources and databases. Gathering contributions by globally reputed experts, the book will benefit the students, teachers, and scientists in academia and at private companies interested in horticulture, genetics, breeding, pathology, entomology, physiology, molecular genetics and breeding, in vitro culture & genetic engineering, and structural and functional genomics.

    Mango: The King of Fruits
    Botany of Mango
    Mango Propagation
    Genetic Resources in Mango
    Genetic diversity analysis of mango
    Alternate flowering in mango
    Classical genetics and breeding
    In Vitro Culture and genetic transformation in mango
    Molecular mapping and breeding in mango
    The genome sequence and transcription studies in mango (Mangifera indica L.)
    The mango chloroplast genome
    Mango functional genomics
    Mango genomic resources and databases.
    Digital Access Springer 2020