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  • Book
    Jun Teruya, editor.
    Summary: This latest edition provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to managing bleeding patients. Like the previous edition, the sections of this new edition have been structured to review the overall scope of issues, among them bleeding associated with disease condition, bleeding from specific organs, bleeding associated with medication, and bleeding associated with procedures. In addition to thoroughly revised and updated chapters from the previous edition, the latest edition features new chapters on such topics as the basics of hemostasis, bleeding due to rare coagulation factor deficiencies, bleeding associated with connective tissue disorders, massive transfusion protocol, bleeding associated with ventricular assist device, and evaluation of bleeding risk prior to invasive procedures. The volume also includes brief etiology and a practical reference guide regarding type of blood components, medication, dose, and duration. Written by authors from a variety of integrated disciplines, Management of Bleeding Patients, Second Edition is a valuable resource for clinicians working in the area of bleeding management.

    Hemostasis Basics: Figures and Facts
    Screening Coagulation Assays, FXIII and D-dimer
    Von Willebrand Disease Laboratory Workup
    Whole Blood Assay: Thromboelastometry
    Whole Blood Assay: Thromboelastometry
    Bleeding Management Algorithms
    Known Bleeding Disorders for Surgery
    Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, Congenital von Willebrand Disease, and Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome
    Bleeding Associated with Coagulation Factor Inhibitors
    Bleeding Due to Rare Coagulation Factor Deficiencies
    Pregnancy-Associated Bleeding
    Bleeding Associated with Thrombocytopenia
    Bleeding in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease
    Bleeding and Hyperfibrinolysis
    Bleeding of Unknown Etiology
    Bleeding Associated with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
    Bleeding and Vitamin K Deficiency
    Bleeding in Uremia
    Bleeding Associated with Connective Tissue Disorder
    Bleeding Associated with Trauma
    Massive Transfusion Protocol
    Lupus Anticoagulant Hypoprothrombinemia Syndrome (LAHPS)
    Intracerebral Hemorrhage: An Overview of Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation, and Advanced Treatment Strategies
    Bleeding Disorders Related to Lung Disease
    Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
    Gross Hematuria
    Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
    Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Agents
    Thrombolytic Therapy: tPA-Induced Bleeding
    Bleeding Associated with ECMO
    Management of Bleeding Associated with Durable Mechanical Circulatory Support
    Bleeding Related to Cardiac Surgery
    Bleeding Related to Liver Transplant
    Percutaneous Image-Guided Interventions Including Solid Organ Biopsies
    Dental Extractions in Patients with Congenital and Acquired Bleeding Disorders
    Neonatal Thrombocytopenia
    Bleeding in the Neonate
    Evaluation of Bleeding Risk Prior to Pediatric Invasive Procedures
    Evaluation of Bleeding Risk Prior to Invasive Procedures
    Hemostatic Agents and Blood Components Used to Stop Bleeding
    Blood Components.
    Digital Access Springer 2021
  • Article
    Shepherd MH, Atchison BA, Nagley P.
    Mol Biol Rep. 1978 Jun 16;4(2):101-4.
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from petite strain K45 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains about 7% circular DNA molecules which comprise a simple oligomeric series based on a monomeric size of 1.7 kilobase pairs. Electrophoresis of K45 mtDNA on a polyacrylamide-agarose slab gel fractionates the mtDNA into a major band (containing linear DNA) and several faster running minor bands each containing particular size class of circular DNA molecules. From study of mtDNA from K45 and two other simple petites it was found that the mobility of circles is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the circle size. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis thus permits the separation of circular mtDNA from the linear mtDNA of simple petites, and physically resolves circles of different size from one another.
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