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  • Article
    Shepherd MH, Atchison BA, Nagley P.
    Mol Biol Rep. 1978 Jun 16;4(2):101-4.
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from petite strain K45 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains about 7% circular DNA molecules which comprise a simple oligomeric series based on a monomeric size of 1.7 kilobase pairs. Electrophoresis of K45 mtDNA on a polyacrylamide-agarose slab gel fractionates the mtDNA into a major band (containing linear DNA) and several faster running minor bands each containing particular size class of circular DNA molecules. From study of mtDNA from K45 and two other simple petites it was found that the mobility of circles is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the circle size. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis thus permits the separation of circular mtDNA from the linear mtDNA of simple petites, and physically resolves circles of different size from one another.
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