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  • Book
    Brittney Cooper.
    Summary: Far too often, Black women's anger has been caricatured into an ugly and destructive force that threatens the civility and social fabric of American democracy. But Cooper shows us that there is more to the story than that. Black women's eloquent rage is what makes Serena Williams such a powerful tennis player. It's what makes Beyoncé's girl power anthems resonate so hard. It's what makes Michelle Obama an icon. Eloquent rage keeps us all honest and accountable. It reminds women that they don't have to settle for less. In the Black feminist tradition of Audre Lorde, Brittney Cooper reminds us that anger is a powerful source of energy that can give us the strength to keep on fighting. -- Back cover.

    The Problem With Sass
    Capital B, Capital F
    Strong Female Leads
    The Smartest Man I Never Knew
    Bag Lady
    Grown-Woman Theology
    Orchestrated Fury
    White-Girl Tears
    Never Scared
    Love in a Hopeless Place
    Favor Ain't Fair
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    HQ1413.C67 C67 2019