BookAlexander V. Khoroshev, Kirill N. Dyakonov, editors.
Summary: This book presents the polycentric and multiscale view of landscape which has been developed in Russia within a framework of physical geography since the early twentieth century. The authors develop the ideas of hierarchical organization of a landscape and strong relationships between abiotic and biotic components with equal attention to both vertical fluxes and lateral transfer. Three-dimensional representation of landscape involves strong emphasis on abiotic drivers of pattern development including relief, geological structures and runoff. The objective of this book is to demonstrate the multiplicity of models and multiscale approach to description and explanation of landscape pattern, functioning, dynamics, and evolution. The contributions deal with various hierarchical levels ranging from within-unit interior variability to between-units interaction at landscape level, as well as regional and supra-regional zonal patterns. Divided into 8 clear parts, the 28 chapters treat spatial pattern in one of the following aspects: indicator of actual matter and energy flows control over actual processes including disturbance expansion as well as determinant of future development indicator of genesis and prerequisite for future trends driver for short-term dynamics of processes response to climatic and anthropogenic influences factor of settlement network and land use adaptation at various historical epochs framework for actual land use spatial arrangement. This contributed volume is written for researchers and students in the field of landscape ecology, physical geography, environmental impact assessment, and ecological planning.
Foreword: Landscape Science
A Multidisciplinary and Border-Crossing Scientific Approach
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I: Theory of Landscape Pattern and Hierarchy
Chapter 1: Concepts of Landscape Pattern
1.1 What Is Landscape?
1.2 Notion of Landscape Structure
1.3 Radial Relations Between Geocomponents
1.4 Causes of Spatial Heterogeneity
1.5 Multiplicity of Landscape Structures
Chapter 2: Polygeosystem Fundamentals of Landscape Science
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Models and Methods 2.3 Facial Analysis of Landscapes
2.4 Polysystem and Polystructural Interpretation of Knowledge
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Multipattern (Polystructural) Organization of a Landscape: Geophysical Approach
3.1 Common Principles of the Landscape Structure Models
3.2 Typological Model of the Landscape Structure
3.3 Functional Model of the Geosystem Structure
3.4 Ecological Zoning of Geosystems Based on Information on Hydrological Functioning
3.5 Conclusion
Part II: How Patterns Indicate Actual Processes 5.5 Simulation of the Spatial Structure of 137Cs and Transformation at the Microlandscape Level
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6: Determination of the Order Parameters of the Landscape at the Regional Level
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General Methodology of Analysis: Definition of the System as an Object of Research
6.3 Methodology and Methods for Determination of the Hierarchy and the Order Parameters of the Relief
6.4 Methods of Multidimensional Spatial Analysis and Order Parameters Calculation
6.5 Study Area and Materials 6.6 Analysis of the Hierarchical Organization, Order Parameters of Relief, and the Allocation of Its Characteristics
6.7 Analysis of the Properties of Vegetation
6.8 Analysis of Soil Properties, Soil-Forming Depositions, and Their Genesis
6.9 Integration of Component Order Parameters
6.10 Conclusion
Chapter 7: Land Cover Thermodynamic Characteristics Defined by Remote Multispectral Data Based on Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Materials and Methods
7.3 Results
7.4 Discussion
References Chapter 4: Representation of Process Development Laws in Morphological Pattern Laws: Approach of the Mathematical Morphology of Landscape
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methods
4.3 Results
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5: Transformation of the Chernobyl 137Cs Contamination Patterns at the Microlandscape Level as an Indicator of Stochastic Landscape Organization
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Self-Organization of Nonlinear Hierarchical Landscape Structures
5.3 Landscape as a Stochastic System
5.4 Study Area