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  • Book
    edited by Robert Geffner, Jacquelyn W. White, L. Kevin Hamberger, Alan Rosenbaum, Viola Vaughan-Eden, Victor Vieth.
    Summary: Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan is a comprehensive state-of-the-science reference work for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. It is written from a trauma-informed perspective, and utilizes adverse childhood experiences research as its basic developmental framework along with the traumatic effects all forms of interpersonal violence tend to produce. With public health and social justice in mind, this human-rights based handbook also focuses on the overlap and continuum of the various types of interpersonal violence. It integrates all forms of interpersonal violence while dealing with key issues of intersectionality and systems responses. This two-volume handbook is published in collaboration with the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan, which aims to: Acknowledge and understand the impact interpersonal violence has on individuals and society Recognize the mental, physical, legal, social, and economic burden of interpersonal violence Respect an individual's basic right to live without violence; value human dignity Promote consensus-based practices while maintaining cultural sensitivity Consider and address the unique needs of vulnerable populations.

    Fundamentals of Understanding Interpersonal Violence
    Human Rights Framework
    Adverse Childhood Experience
    Trauma-informed Issues
    Systems Responses to Interpersonal Violence
    and Abuse
    National Plan
    Integration of the Types of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan
    Vulnerable Populations, Multicultural Issues, Immigration
    Historical Trauma
    Intergenerational Transmission of Abuse and Trauma
    Polyvictimization and Intersectionality
    Risk Assessment, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse
    Connections to Other Types of Maltreatment
    Child Maltreatment: Victimization and Perpetration
    Physical Abuse
    Abusive Head Trauma
    Neglect and Failure to Thrive
    Corporal Punishment
    Sexual Abuse in Childhood
    Missing and Exploited Children
    Emotional Abuse
    Sibling Abuse in Early Childhood
    Exposure to Violence in the Family during Childhood
    Neuropsychological Effects
    Policies & Laws
    Child Protective Services, Child Welfare, and Foster Care
    System Responses to Child Maltreatment
    Abuse in Institutional Settings
    Child Abuse Offenders
    Youth/Adolescent Maltreatment: Victimization and Perpetration
    Technology Facilitated
    Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
    Sexual Abuse in Adolescence (familial, stranger, etc.)
    Compliant Victims (legal issues associated with consent/statutory rape)
    Missing and Exploited Youth
    Emotional Abuse During Adolescence
    Corporal Punishment in Youth & Adolescence
    Youth & Adolescent Sibling Abuse
    Exposure to Family Violence During Adolescence
    Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, and Cultural Violence
    Date/Acquaintance Sexual Assault
    Youth with Sexual Behavioral Problems
    Abuse in Institutional Settings
    Substance Abuse/Addictions
    System Responses to Maltreatment of Adolescents
    Community Violence and Abuse
    Organized Crime
    Schoo l Violence
    Mass Violence
    Homicide and Home Invasions
    Sex and Labor Trafficking
    Long-term Missing Youth
    Hate Crimes
    System Response to Community Violence
    Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Abuse
    Overview of Types of Abuse
    Theories of IPV Causation
    System Responses
    IPV Offenders
    Dynamics of Victimization
    IPV Victim Interventions
    Adult Sexual Harassment and Assault
    Identification and Continuum
    Betrayal Trauma
    Institutional Betrayal Trauma
    Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault
    Technology Facilitated
    Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
    Sex Offenders
    Institutional Settings
    Outcomes/Long-term Effects
    System Responses to Sexual Assault
    Older Adult/Elder Abuse
    IPV of Older Adults
    Sexual Assault of Older Adults
    Parent Abuse
    Financial Abuse
    Abandonment & Neglect
    Older Adult/elder Abuse in Institutional and Care Settings
    Mandated Reporting
    Polyvictimization in Later Life
    Outcomes and Long-term Effects
    Perpetrators of Older Adults
    System Responses to Older Adults
    International Perspectives
    Adult Survivors of Abuse.-Introduction
    Betrayal trauma
    Institutional betrayal trauma
    Legal issues and statute of limitations
    Repressed/Recovered Memories
    Neuropsychological/Neurobiological Effects
    Head Traumas
    Treatment of Adult Survivors
    System Responses of Adult Survivors of Abuse
    Next Steps: Summary and Interconnections
    National Plan
    Future Directions in Research
    Future Directions in Interventions
    Future Directions in Policies
    Future Directions in Advocacy
    Future Directions in Prevention.
    Digital Access Springer 2020